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CALLOUT for IWF's Season 2 Premiere Event - "King of the Mountain"


Jan 1, 2000
Well, I was hoping to have the IWF forums renamed and reorganized by now, but I seem to be unable to do that on a Moderator level. So until I find the person to bother about working around that, I'm just going to try and keep this ball a-rolling.

As was announced in this thread, we're going to try and recover from the layover by switching over to a seasonal format, with Season One's official (and abrupt) end happening with Chain Reaction 11. The next show will try and pick up from the events that we were left with on the last show, but I'm hoping that with the start of a new season, any newer handlers with an interest in jumping into the Immortal Wrestling Federation on a relatively clean slate. So, if you want to come in, and you don't have the time to follow up on the past year of events... this would be a good opportunity to make it happen.

So, here are the important details... the newly rechristened Immortal Wrestling Federation will be holding its Season 2 premiere event - "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" - at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington. The show will be the first in a series of eight taking the talented starts of IWF in a round trip across the great state of Washington, ending with "The Emerald City Experience 2013" at the end of the tour.

And while I realize the Tacoma Dome might be a bit much for an independent federation... has anybody actually SEEN the inside of the Moss Bay Events Center?

Anyway... the run-time of the live event will be one hour, but the televised show, which will be broadcast via the federation's YouTube channel and likely buried on ESEN's late-late night insomniac time slot, will only run at a half an hour. This means the big, important matches that draw a certain level of interest will be written in long-form, while undercard matches will be short-formed in a format that allows the commentary crew to recap them for those at home who miss out on the action earlier in the night.

For this event, I'm going to set an easy goal of two or three long-form matches, and a short-formed series of undercard matches that can be summarized in a matter of pages. Here are the matches that are planned thus far...

1. The Emerald City Championship Match, featuring the retaining champion PERFECTION defending his title against LEYENDA DE OCHO, who earned his title shot after a victory at Chain Reaction 11.

2. The King of the Mountain Main Event to declare the first IWF Mount Rainier Champion. Entrants to this match will be declared through qualifying rounds that will take place in the show's undercard, and it is open to anybody with an interest in holding championship gold in a regional federation.

3. An exhibition match... but not sure what I want to do with this, or if I'd end up using it at all. I'm thinking either a grudge match between IWF characters from Season 1 that may not be full-time roster members on Season 2, or maybe an established character or lower-tiered champion from another league in a one-shot appearance outside of the major federations... akin to the whole Rocko Daymon thing from earlier, but relegated to one show. I'm open to interests or suggestions for this, although if we don't get very many people signing up, I may just drop it for now.

A note of the KotM match, and the Mount Rainier Title. We discussed earlier on the possibilities of what the Mount Rainier Title's gimmick would be... although after much meditation (...or did I mean to type medication?), I figured it would probably be best if left as a standard title. To distinguish it from the Emerald City Championship, and also not to make the rewards within the federation seem too bloated, the Mount Rainier Title, owing to its image that its champion stands on the proverbial top of the state of Washington, is open to any and all challengers, and is expected to be defending on a regular basis. That way, the EC Title can be the primary belt driven by an overlying story arc, while the MR Title can be seen more as the competitor's belt, with the inherent challenge of seeing how far you can extend the championship reign.

As for the main event... my idea for a King of the Mountain match is a bit of a bastardized form of the battle royal type of match. Instead of ring-outs counting as eliminations, the terms of victory go to a single pinfall or submission. The catch is, however, that the pinfall or submission can only be made while only two men are in the ring. Which means, in order to win, you either have to clear the house before going for the finish, or sneak in at the last moment once the opportunity presents itself. I feel it provides a number of different scenarios that could work with any type of character. But honestly, if it sounds stupid, then say so now; I have a terrible problem in gauging what a good idea is compared to a bad one.

Once again, though, this event is open to ANYBODY who has an interest. A mere RP post for the KotM match will practically earn you a spot in a main event Straw epic. So, you know... chew on that.

If you want to be a part of this card, reply to this thread with the name of the character(s) you'd like to use, along with your choice of match.

I'll probably keep this call-out post open until Friday or at the end of a seven day period... whatever seems convenient.

I'll also be open to seg ideas through the RP period, when we get to that... so send them my way if you have them. And if I don't get enough, I may just come to you. Whatever works.


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
I can change the forums however you'd like them. Just hit me up by PM or on AIM at CSEnf99. I'll be on again in 30-45 mins or so.


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007
Wish I could keep C-Worth active here but I just don't think I can manage it at the moment. I hope this is finally the smooth ride for IWF though and would love to try and participate down the line.
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Jan 1, 2000
Ditto on that... and Colin, I'd be more than willing to accommodate one-time appearances. C-Worth would be expected as a major draw by this point. But yeah, hopefully things will get rolling again. At this point, persistance is the plan.

Johnny Niles

League Member
Mar 5, 2012
The Best In The World is in. Sorry that you might not continue Colin, cause Cecil'd be the logical opponent for Niles to fued with now. I guess Niles can participate in the KOTM match, although it won't bother me if he's put in another match. Either way, I hope the others come back for this. Speaking of which, if not enough people do come back for this, what are you gonna do Straws?


Jan 1, 2000
Excellent question! And one that I don't exactly have an answer for, at this point.

My hope is that through patience, persistence, and practice, we can put out good, quality cards at a fairly consistent rate... and when people see that IWF is in fact NOT going under, and provides many unique opportunities for different handlers, we can attract new handlers or bring back a few old ones.

Or I could go on forum to forum running a suicide campaign and telling everybody, "JOIN MY FED OR I'LL KILL MYSELF LIVE ON FWC!!"

...or, you know, something less drastic.

I've also been in talks with other handlers and fed owners, and should things not work out, we can probably come up with something. In the meantime, with at least four handlers, I'm confident in my ability to be able to build a card. Hopefully we can get a few more. I'm planning on putting up the line-up sometime early on Saturday, so tell your friends!


Jan 1, 2000
Going to post a line-up tomorrow so we can at least get started with the roleplaying. I'll probably leave entry for the KotM match open over the RP period in case anybody feels compelled to hop into the thick of things.

Also... Wade, when you see this, please empty your PM box when you get the opportunity. Thanks a bunch, broseph.

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