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CARD RELEASE: Unlucky for Some 2013 Show II: Hot Springs


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
Unlucky for Some 2013
Show II: Hot Springs
Summit Arena, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Sylo (-LL) v. Leyenda de Ocho (WLW)
Last week in Louisville, Kentucky, Sylo appeared and seemed to lay down the gauntlet for Leyenda de Ocho in a challenge with the 8-Bit Legend accepted. The pair have history where are Sorry You’re Not a Winner Ocho snatched the contract from Sylo’s grasp and went on to face Atken at V for Victoralicious. Can Ocho manage to tame the SuperBeast and secure a second straight victory to challenge Magnus Destructo for his THIRD Intergalactic Championship shot? Or will Sylo destroy Ocho centre-stage in Hot Springs?

Intergalactic Team Championships of the Universe Qualifying Match
Triangle of Tyranny(---) v. Point of View (---)
The dark age is upon us as the Intergalactic Champion, Magnus Destructo, defeated Phil Atken in Kentucky to become the champ. Magnus teams with his man-slave Gollomach to face Point of View, as they make their Interplanetary debut in Arkansas.

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Xoesh the Zith (LWL) v. Max Pierce (---)
Last week, Xoesh was denied his second straight DUBYA against Leyenda de Ocho and has to go back to scratch again to earn an Intergalactic Championship shot. Scratch means the enigmatic Max Pierce, who we’re sure to learn about over the coming weeks, but the REAL Space Invader is set to launch his rocket at the Intergalactic Championship and it’s only the debuting Pierce that stands in his way.

Intergalactic Team Championships of the Universe Qualifying Match
Monsters of the Pacific (--L) v. Los Planetarios (---)
Funicide was the first team in the history of the IGCC to secure a team victory and they did it sacrificing Monsters of the Pacific. Ultrajira and Captain Justice will have vengeance to serve when they come up against the five-man team of Los Planetarios, though seeing Ocho is busy with Big Blue Monsters two of the other four will have to step up and try and steal a second victory from the Monsters of the Pacific.

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Raucous (--L) v. Frank Hendrix (---) v. Todd Killings (---)
At V for Victoralicious, Raucous came up short in his debut. Speaking of debuts </segue>, he takes on two new IGC stars in Frank Hendrix and Todd Killings. Can Raucous’ MMA flair secure him his first win in the Intergalactic Championship rankings? Or will Hendrix and Killings stamp their debuts on the tour with a big, fat win?

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Hardcore Rules
Ikan Jobtayoo (--W) v. El Cabron (---)
In Kentucky, BookFace put his WREX Hardcore Championship on the line against Ikan and was defeated. Although the belt is non-sanctioned here in the IGCC, Jobtayoo’s elation was obvious and he looks to roll with the punches and secure a second straight win against El Cabron to move forward and win the REAL and SANTIONED title in the IGC. But El Cabron, Magnus Destructo’s stable-mate, will surely have something to say about that!


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
A little over two hours left for RPs to be posted then I'm locking up the threads.

Great work to those who got involved in this card!

16 out of a possible 22 RPs is a worthy accomplishment!

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