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CARD RELEASE: Unlucky for Some 2013 Show III: Baton Rouge


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
Unlucky for Some 2013
Show III: Baton Rouge
Spinebuster Arena, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Leyenda de Ocho & Special Guests v. the Triangle of Tyranny
Magnus Destructo rained TERROR on the Main Event in Hot Springs, leaving bodies in his wake. A fireball blinded Sylo and blood blinded Ocho and the Intergalactic Champion’s era of darkness is upon us. As we move closed to Dallas, seeing Ocho versus Destructo, the commission has set-up a special trios match for the main event providing Ocho with some special guests to challenge the Triangle. Who is coming to Spinebsuter Arena to defend Ocho’s honour?

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Phil Atken (WWL) v. Raucous (-LL)
Coming off back-to-back losses, the noisiest man on the roster, Raucous, sets to face the returning former Intergalactic Champion. Phil Atken was last seen at the tour’s debut when Magnus Destructo took his Intergalactic Championship and the IGC Universe thought that Atken might have taken his ball and gone home to Scotland. But the Unfortunate One returns and without doubt an agenda to recapture his title.

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Skylar Montgomery (---) v. Xoesh the Zith (WLW)
Skylar Montgomery makes his IGC debut against Xoesh the Zith, who bays for the blood of the Intergalactic Champion, Magnus Destructo, should he overcome the debutante. Zith was afforded a DQ victory last week as Jesse Ramey gave him an Attitude Adjustment and it makes the mind wonder if Ramey will play in Zith missing another opportunity to challenge for the title.

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Ikan Jobtayoo v. BookFace
Jobtayoo dropped his WREX Hardcore Championship, the unsanctioned title belt that BookFace brought to the part at the tour’s debut. El Cabron has collected the belt from the Prince of Pinfall and BookFace is none to happy. Murphy has laid down the law stating that as long as they want to quarrel around this pretend wrestling belt in his promotion their matches will NOT count toward an Intergalactic Championship qualification.

Intergalactic Championship Qualifying Match
Todd Killings (--L) v. Jesse Ramey (---)
Todd Killings made his IGC debut last week, amidst fear the man would bring a handgun out to the ring. Luckily, there was no Pillman Incident for the Galaxy and despite the greatest DDT ever seen, Killings came up short. He debuts against the wily vet in Jesse Ramey who took down Xoesh the Zith, costing Max Pierce his debut victory. Ramey has decreed Zith will have a bad time in the IGC while he’s there, especially with everything Zith has done to Ocho’s fan, Kyle.

Intergalactic Team Championships of the Universe Qualifying Match
the Haughty Troupe (---) v. Marshall & the Mammoth (---)
Our night starts with two debuting teams in the IGC, though none of them strangers to in-ring action. What the Haughty Troupe are strangers to is just WHY El Harmattan is victimising the Bullseye Kid? Will his crazy antics have a say in the outcomes of our curtain jerking affair?


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008

I just realised I really only gave you five days to RP. So I'm extending the roleplay window out from the 27th of March, 2013, to April 4th, 2013, due to Easter and whatever other holidays are on.

Apologies for the oversight. RP deadlines extended... anyone who has posted their max already is allowed an extra RP post (looking at you [MENTION=4243]Todd Killings[/MENTION]).


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007

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