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Cecilworth J. Farthington


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007
Handler Name: Colin

Handler's e-mail address: raegjn@gmail.com

Character's in ring name: Cecilworth J. Farthington

Character's Real Name: Cecilworth Jamelia Farthington

Height: 5' 10”

Weight: 9 stone

Hometown: Buckingham, UK

Moveset(Please include at least 15 moves.):

Eye Rake
Punch Flurry
Headlock Takedown
Floatover Suplex
Stalling Verticle Suplex
Snap Mare/Neck Snap Combo
Camel Clutch
Wrist Lock Suplex
German Suplex
Spinning Toe Hold
Dragon Suplex
Stomping all over the joint
Back Drop
Back Drop Driver


Worthless (Fisherman's Suplex)


A messy blonde haired gentlemen was a killer smile that is slightly ruined by his suffering from British Aristocracy Teeth (tm). He looks Prince William-esque in build and stature.

Often found swaggering about backstage areas in a full three piece suit (although many people have noticed with closer observation that it is always the same three piece suit)

In the ring he is found wearing crimson red trunks, kneepads and elbow pads with plain black boots.

Theme Music/Entrance:

“When The Going Gets Tough” by Billy Ocean begins to play as out from the back swaggers Cecilworth J. Farthington, sunglasses on. As he bounds out from the back he is surrounded at either sides by taller, burlier gentlemen wearing short red shorts and white t-shirts exclaiming each of them to be a “TRAINER”.

As C-worth jumps up on the apron, his small army of trainers form a wall around the left side of the ring with their backs to the fans, arms folded and glaring into the ring as they do so. Cecilworth enters the ring and bounces up onto the middle turnbuckle, jawing at the fans as he does so. He hops back down as his army salute him in support.

Gimmick/Other notes about your character:

Currently the last in the line of a very powerful political family in the United Kingdom with a father who still sits in the House of Lords (Lord Farthington). C-worth suffers from being the black sheep of the family, ousted from the family estate after being caught by the local Buckingham Weekly in the crowd of a local wrestling show. His father felt that being seen at a wrestling event with the general riff-raff of the public was a shame that the Farthington name would never recover from. Especially as Cecilworth and one point decided to moon his fellow crowd members.

Once seen as his father's naturally successor the the House of Lords, Cecilworth was now a punchline across the UK.

Although ousted from his father's sight he was not ousted from his father's fortunes and decided to follow through on his mild interesting in the wrestling industry. C-Worth has spent the past year touring them United States of America, checking in at various training schools on a coast-to-coast tour. Ultimately C-worth has found himself in Washington is looking at IWF to prove his life isn't going to be entirely a waste.

He claims to be a wrestling perfectionist from his tour-de-America, using his family's wealth to give him access to the best trainers available. Whether practice makes perfect though, that remains to be seen.


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007
More realistic weight: 11 stone.

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