"The one day the world chooses ham over anything else, and this guy comes in wanting chicken wings, a pitcher of beer and a philly-cheesesteak....I'd laugh in his face and turn him away if it was anyone else, but did you see that BELT?!?!! He's gotta be LOADED!!"
(CUTTO: Two waitresses, "Brenda" and "Carrie", are standing behind a counter/barrier, hidden from the one guy in the restaurant this afternoon, a day dedicated to a Resurrection. The man wears a plaid shirt, a black pair of wranglers, brown cowboy boots and a white stetson cowboy hat sits on the table next to him, as does the LVW World Heavyweight Championship. He stops eating the wings for a minute and notices the chalkboard with the one other possible reason not to come to that place, the Specials, written on the Chalkboard. He squints his eyes to focus on reading it. Brenda rushes over, appeasing his need for clarity, and looks over at the board as well.)
B: We have Cephalopodac Phalanges, on Special today sir. Would you like---
Dead ya'll jest tail meh whut Ah thank youse toweds meh?? Youse trun' tah gimmeh OAK-TAH-PUSSY FANGERS??
(Mateo's sudden outburst frightens the young lady and she starts to protest before Mateo sends her back into the kitchen for something different. Mateo leans his chair back to angle it so the waitresses can hear him from the dining room.)
(Mateo shakes his head and returns to his meal)
Seddi...eff youse cane un'erstain Jebberesh...thane youse ain EDYOT tah eben cahnsedder 'rasslin' ayt thais tahm....ah mane...ets sample...
(CUTTO: Mateo in front of a standard IWF backdrop, with standard block-logo and labels, dressed in the same outfit, with the LVW World Heavyweight Championship strapped over his right shoulder.)
Pay-pull bane trahn tah un'erstain thayt fer YAYERS...en fack....youse code eben owt-wretch OPRAH!!
An seance youse thank ahm towkin' awe jebberesh...ayn youse cane un'erstain me....
Thane youse hab nose ax-cuse NAHT tah gibb et a shout; leeb, Seddi.
R'alleh. Gimmeh tha wown tahtil ahs wont ayn thayt youse downt deserb, ayn jest leeb.
Ets naht lahk annie-wown lahks youse annie-why....thes ES 'Mer'ca.
Tha onleh raisin youse eben HAB thayt tahtil thayt es becaws Ah-Dubya-Eff canet 'ford tah beh SOOD.
Or doos youse hait moneh tow??
(Mateo shakes his head.)
Eff youse stainden thar sai'in thayt Ahs canet laid thais comp'nee becaws ahs lahk aladle bet mohr weskeh thane tha aberage gah...
Thane youse mohr foor-en thane ahs aintess'pated...tha fack es...youse down un'erstain 'mer'ca ayt AWL...
Say...youse maht'v wown thayt thar bailt en ah why thayt canet beh ahrgyood...bet the fack is thayt thayt tahtil BEH-LOWN'S tah meh.
Et cane beh hailed hoss'tage 'rown you'se whyst awe youse wownt...bet ets ah-bowt tahm thayt thayt tahtil payck ets shait ayn calm hoem an' beh weth hess alder brudder...
(Mateo slaps the LVW title afew times)
Thayt why, ahs cane gate stahrted own techin' thangs tah et ayn tah pay-pull thayt wownna TAY-KET frahm meh....jest whut bloo cahler libbin' es awl ah-bowt.
Ahs maht bee ahbet oba dranker, bet ayt leest ahs nose tah gibb credet were credet es doo; youse 'er tha mos' ign'rent, desre'pect-fool mane tah eber hoed ah tahtil.
Youse thanks thayt jes' behcoss youse tha Ah-Dubya-Eff Champ....youse can mack tha rools....tha onleh problay-moh...
(Mateo smirks)
Youse ain' so spay-shall. Youse t'ank thayt jest coss youse gaht tha tahtil, thayt ets s'ppote-tah mayk youse bater thane err'boody ails.
Bet ass youse cane seeh....
(Mateo slaps the LVW World Heavyweight Championship)
Et don' mane ah-lottah anehthang assept youse pole-sishon har.
Ahs carreh thes thar tahtil 'rown, coss ahs won et far' an' skare, bet ahs no thayt comp'nee ain' rown.
(Camera cuts in a short close up.)
D'ain't mane Ahs stale don' reap'er'zent thah pay-pull et behlown's tah.
Wetch es wown than' youse down' car tah doo.
Wennin' thayt thar' Em'rald Siddi Champ'shep....naht onleh es thayt fer mah owns bane-ah-fett, tah mayk mah tahneh nees smahil....
Bet Ah reap'er'zent theh fowks en Say-attil, Wowsh'tahn, tow....anh ahs nose youse down' nose nathen 'bowt thah stuggulls mean lahk us phase, naht own ah die-tow-die bi-sis.
Youse thank thayt beh-coss ahs chaim tah tha rang ah-ladle bet neeb-re...neeb-re...
(Mateo tries a third time before switching gears)
Youse thank coss ahs hade ah cup whore tow obb weskeh...thayt THAYT es meh bayin' ain ASS ah-tah mah-sef??
Ahs towedja, Vevian....thes es tha why ah LIAHB!! Ahs ben thias why ace loangas ah cane 'member, an' ahs ain' chanjin' fer salm gah en ah soot, so Ahs sher ain' gon' chanj fer YOUSE.
Youse onnanudder plain, thayts fer sher...coss wayne Ahm throo weth youse...tha onleh whys tah nose es thayt ets gonn' beh weth awe thaym buff'loe an' gotes an' midjets thayt youse abuse bake en ee'chip.
Thaym pay-pulls....thayms wownt a mane thayms pay-pulls cane loohk ahp tah an' re'peck....salmwan thays cane nose thayt nose loangers wail tayke tha crepe pay-pulls lahk youse gibb owt...
Salmwan thayt cane faht ANNNNNN....
(Mateo takes the LVW title off his shoulder and holds it up high for a show of dominance.)
Salmwan thayt cane WHIN.
Mouse obb tha tahm thou...Ahs down thank nuff 'bowt mah 'ponance...an' thays and-ahp owttah tha rang, were thay bay-loang...bet youse Vencini....
Ah'm naht gon' doos thayt toes-yas, nah-ahh, 'coss taykin' youse tahtil wail beh hoomoolee-aytin enuff...ayt laced onteal youse trah-tah doo salmthin' stoopid.
Thane et jest 'beh'calms ah-bowt tha PRANCEHBULL.
Thayt rang bay-loangsta meh, Seddi....et haze mah nyme awlober et, mech-lahk thayt thar Em'rald tahtil....ahs NOSE house em-portint et es.
Ace fer ass meh showen ahp HAMMAIRED??
Boy, youse luckeh eff ahs calm owt thar weth a BUSS gowen own, late ah-loan HAMMAIRED.
Thayt thar gah 'Polo Crade...youse nose, tha wan thayt thayt toll RUSHIN gah kailed en thayt BOXEN FLICK??
Ahs thank hay eben sade et baste, Seddi: Youse faht grate...bet Ahmsah GRATE FAHTER.
Bet youse gownah louse eff Ahs bane dranken...coss Ahs eben BATER wayne Ah'm DRONK!!
Bet youse awls'reddeh nose thayt wan, PARSON'LY.
Ahs sane thaym types...Ahs nose whut Ahm towken ah-bowt; 'member Chan' reckchun Fahve??
Neber EBER...stain 'twain ah mane an' hess licker, Seddi.
Youse wownt ah fishin' fer thais comp'nee??
Trah meh ain thayt tahtil wowken owdda Chan' Reckchun ATE.
Thayt bahr bake en Fayguss??
Thayts paid-fer an' yoosed bah MEH.
Tha onleh raisin ets styed lahk thayt es beh-coss ahs don' car' fer noo thangs....'sept thayt mayke mah ladle nees happeh, an' wan ob thaym...es thayt tahtil rown youse nasteh whyst.
Ahs towedja bee'fer, FOO'REN'ER....
Threh thangs en thas whirld mayke meh happeh, mayke meh SMAHIL; thayts' DRANKEN, FAHTEN, ayn mah ladle nees bane happeh.
Ayn Ahs aimsta calmplate AWL THREH THANGS, ayt Chan' Rech'chun Ate.
Downt wereh bowt Meester "Em-Pear-feck"....hay ain' tha wan 'cross tha rang fram youse.
Ovee-us-leh youse ain' sane awe....naht aftah 'Reckchun Fahve.
Youse wownah "raze tha bahr"??
Go 'hed....Ah's rep et fram youse an' bash youse en tha hed weth et.
Ahs hard thayt youse waynt to ahs 'nudder comp'nee ace ah rape obb THAIS wan....an' YOUSE LOUST!!!
Youse maid thes comp'nee loohk bade....an' eben WORSE...youse maid MEH LOOHK BADE....wayne youse toohk thayt tahtil weth youse.
Whuts mah-pint, Seddi??
Youse ain' sow parfeck youse 'own sef, CHUMP.
An' Ah's aims tah cape et thayt why wayne ah whin tha' Ah-Dubya-Eff Em'rald Siddeh Cham'shep.
Youse thank Ahm whoreble ace ah Cham'yon fram ELL-BEE-DUBYA??
Ahs canet WHITE entail Ah bate youse, HAIR.
Ah wownt habba ah prob-lem-oh four-gaten ah-bowt et, wayne youse wowken awhy weth yows tale beh-twain yer lags.
Yousah gownah say sown...bereh, bereh sown.
En tha mane tahm...Ah'm gowna staht gaten reddeh....oh bartenduh???