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Chain Reaction 9


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Chain Reaction 9: "From Which We Came" (Mystery Style)
via The IWF Rulebook :
The other type of show will be booked and lineup announced on the posting of the card. One thread will be assigned for everyone to role play in for this type of show. Booking and lineup will be determined by the way rp shapes up in that thread for the specified card.
Chain Reaction 9 will be in the Mystery Show Style. The rules are outlined above. Although, for this card alone, I'll toss in one exception and one deviation from the IWF norm'. Details below.

Chain Reaction 9: "From Which We Came"

1 .Extended RP Period
Handlers may trickle in slowly and I want to give everyone a chance to jump back in. Especially handlers who built some heat on Surge.

2. Role play Limit
No limit.
Reminder: Quality still trumps quantity.
Main reason for the limit lift; If handlers slowly trickle in, the rules of extending the rebuttal system are far too confusing. I tried, too much.

NOTE: Only post in this forum if you want your charecter to be booked in a match on CR9!
Otherwise, post in Airtime and/or submit a segment for the card.
All active IWF wrestlers who "appear" here will be booked.

Role play Deadline: August 10th, 2012 11:59 PM EST
Arena: Moss Bay Event Center, Seattle, WA

ALSO: Vizier ta Seti vs. Perfection will "air" on CR9, taped at Key Arena, after the Surge feed timed out.


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