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Challenge Match: Nakita Dahaka vs Karla Starr


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Who challenged who? Who knows? Who cares?!?!

RP Deadline: 11:59 on December 17, 2006
RP Limit: None

Stacking Rule is in effect! Please give 48 hours for your opponent to RP!

One Fall to a Finish!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"Waking up The Demon in Me"

(The scene opens inside a hotel room penthouse suite as we see "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka sitting out on a lounge chair on the balcony looking out watching the sunset on the city below. Right next to her, sitting on a table is a glass and a bottle of Vodka. She pours herself another glass and slams it down and then pours herself another glass. Nakita pulls out her cellphone from her pocket and dials it to talk into.)

Nakita Dahaka: Franklin...This is Nakita again. I was just going over the match against Blitz in my head. What the hell happened? We were doing so good, and then something brokedown? Where were you when Jeckt and Max overpowered me and nailed me with their finisher move? I swear, and I say unto you, if you left me hanging intentionally I will make you suffer a far worst fate than that which was inflicted upon me this week in the first round of the invitational. Call me back Rob when you get this message.

(Nakita hangs closes and puts her cellphone back in her pocket. Back in the hotel room, the door opens as Nakita's manager, Delilah Demonik enters and approaches Nakita on the balcony. Delilah sees the bottle of the more than half empty bottle of vodka on the table right next to her.)

Delilah Demonik: Drinking? Honestly Nakita, don't be so overdramatic, its just one little match.

Nakita: But its good vodka.

Delilah: I'm sure it is, but the mortal world is always full of surprises isn't it? It took two near 400 pound behemoth men to unite and defeat 'The Dark Phenom' Nakita Dahaka. So they escaped their fates this week. I'm certain that we will meet them again in due time, and when they do F.A.T.E. will be victorious and they will lie at your feet.

Nakita: You better do something about your boytoy Rob Franklin because if I do find out that he left me hanging on purposed and/or threw the match in order to sabotage either me or us he will regret it.

Delilah: Let me handle Rob Franklin, you just get sobered up and make sure that you are ready for your singles match this week. In the meantime, I'll take this. I think that I have a use for it.

(Delilah smiles mischeiviously as she picks up the bottle of Vodka and the glass out of Nakita's reach.)

Nakita: Hey give that back? At least let me finish it so it doesn't go to waste.

Delilah: I think that your done. Shouldn't give your challenger any unwarrented advantages. Besides I'll make sure that it won't go to waste.

Nakita: Very well, who is the fool that has answered my open challenge?

Delilah: A woman named Karla Starr.

Nakita: Karla Starr? Who in the bowels of hell is Karla Starr?

Delilah: Obviously she's your oponant who was foolish enough to answer your challenge. She is an ignorant one and totally oblivious of the fate that is fast approaching her.

(Nakita begins to stand but then stumbles a little bit but regains her equilibrium as she fully stands to her feet.)

Nakita: Just the way that I like them. Clueless but ripe and ready for the unveiling of their impending doom and gloom, and my continual rise. So what do I know about her?

Delilah: Nothing really as you have never faught her before, but I do believe that she was trained by a previous oponant that you have wrestled in the past. I believe that she was brought in and trained by a one Cameron Cruise and his wife Mercedes Devon. Now I could be mistake and which I can follow up and varify this.

Nakita: Please do. I need to know everything that I possibly can on all of my oponants.

Delilah: But since then she has went off on her own and does her own thing, but she is accomplished, she is a former womens champion so that does say that she isn't totally incompetent and I figure with her training at the hands of Cruise, she knows what she's doing.

Nakita: But she's never faught me. She has never been in the ring with one like me or what I am.

Delilah: No she hasn't, and in the end she will embrace her fate just like all the rest.

Nakita: Do me a favor, make sure that that Rob Franklin are in the building when I face Karla Starr.

Delilah: Why? Your are more than capiable of handling Starr by yourself. You don't need Franklin or Pieske.

Nakita: I know that but I want them to see The Harbenger of Fate at work as I systematically dismantle and destroy Karla Starr. I want them to bare witness to my wrath and the swiftness of my vengence. However, I view them as tools that I want to utilize as I see fit, and should the need arrise. I want to be prepared. I want Rob Franklin and Pieske to vendicate themselves for what they did to me last week against Blitz when they left me hanging at their hands. Like I said, I just want to make sure that all my bases are covered and I have every possible scenario taken care of. See to it that they do infact show up.

Delilah: Of course, and in the meantime I will help further persuade Rob to see things your way and not be so divided. I'll take care of him.

Nakita: See to it that you do. Now leave me, and Delilah. Give me back that bottle of Vodka. That one's mine. Get your own. I'm going to finish it.

Delilah: If you insist.

(Delilah hands Nakita the bottle of vodka. Nakita takes the remaining contents and turns it drinking it by the head of the bottle inhaling it down like it was breath. She finishes it down drinking it to the very last drop, then hurls the bottle off of the building falling landing on a nearby building rooftop below smashing the bottle into peices.)

Nakita: Don't worry, people of Russian decent...and demons too can hold their liquir a lot better than you realize. Now go.

(Delilah leaves the hotel room. Nakita looks back at the camera.)

Nakita: So it is said...

Let it be known...

So it shall and WILL come to pass...

Let it be written in Karla Starr's blood...

Another chapter according to MY GOSPEL...

(The scene slowly fades out on Nakita Dahaka's face with her peircing green eyes starring back into the camera. Her long firey-red hair falls down slightly over her face but enough to where her eyes show through the strands of hair.)


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of an MCW backdrop, dressed in blue jeans and a black-belly-button shirt that reads "One Bad-Ass B*TCH!!", with her hair pulled back and a look of dissappointment on her face. Shaking her head, she takes the NEW ERA Women's Championship belt and shoulders it over her right shoulder, as a shine flashes across the title strap.)

STARR: Ya know....I really wonder sometimes why the nasty-dirty-little-cockteases-I-beat-into-submission-on-an-every-day-basis really do what they do....why it's I that has be the one to shut 'em up.

And then YOU opened your mouth, Nakita--no...I like how Cameron put it...CHA-QUITA...and suddenly the clarity of it just never really the problem to begin with.

I mean....I've been the NEW ERA's Women's Champion for over TWO YEARS now, I'm the longest reigning CHAMPION on this side of the circuit, if not the WORLD.

Where the **** have you been hiding the rock you've been living under??

I mean, you stupid hooker...you're calling ME ignorant and oblivious??

What the **** does that make you, irritant??

To say the least, I would think that it makes you just like the rest of 'em that said I didn't have it.

Whether you're a Genius like me or you've got no braincells clinging to that stupid, slut-like skull of yours or you're able to pick the answer out of a hat on a consistent basis...you know...like you, the fact still remains that little heiffer's like yourself say the things they do, tongue-in-cheek, because deep down...they're afraid.

That's right, I just called big bad Chaqita Banana, the blasphemist-lardlike-cutter that she is, a chickensh*t.

Why would I say such a thing? Not because I've been the NEW ERA's Women's Champion for over two years, and not because I'm more amazing looking than she is.

Because she's never met a B*TCH like me.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"I'm The Slut, she's the badass" (I rest my case)

(The scene opens inside the hotel penthouse suite of "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka and her manager Delilah Demonik sitting on a white velvet sofa watching the latest promo reply of Karla Starr, the recently crowned NEW ERA Womens Champion after the highly anticipated Battlebrawl 06 has already come and gone. They sit and listen to closing moments of the promo. Delilah picks up the remote and turns off the big screen television before turning her full attention to address the camera crew in their hotel room with the cameras on her eagerly awaiting a response. Nakita Dahaka sits quietly on the sofa listening and observing all around her.)

Delilah Demonik: Karla Starr, where to begin? I guess I should start by saying its nice to make your aquintence at last. Its also common courtesy to wish you a heartfelt congradualations on your recent win at BattleBrawl 2006 and capturing the Womens title once again. Forgive my flattery but I must say that I must call spade a spade and give you all due respect as it does make you woman of the moment. Of course I did moment and we all know how long a moment is. Well, lets just say that its very very fleeting.

(Delilah stands up and walks toward the camera; however, Nakita remains quietly observing now in the background listening to everything that is going on casually popping/cracking her knuckles one by one.)

Delilah: For someone that has been a...oh how did you say it again...oh yeah, the longest reigning womens champion holding for over two years is it? A feat in itself I do declare. I'm not taking away from that, but I digress. For someone that claims such a feet and how you are two time womens champion now. You sure do make your ignorance oh so obvious. Let me explain so that even you fully comprehend and since you dare call us irritants? You definately need to be enlightened you fool...whch is also what we called you and by the looks of things we were every single bit right about you. You are a fool.

One thing that I will make you very clear on Karla is that...

(Delilah gestures to herself.)

Delilah: Although neither one of us are stupid hookers...especially Nakita. I mean look at her, is she even close to hooking material? A pimp? Conceivably, an enforcer for that pimp? More than conceivably. But not a hooker. Take note of this really good. I'm the seductive succubus. I'm the quote "SLUT" unquote. I'm the cocktease. You following me so far Karla?


(She points over to Nakita Dahaka sitting quietly on the couch as she raises her head staring metaphorically/perverbial laserbeans with her peircing green eyes into the camera pushing her long firey-red hair out of her face and emoting a calm, sadistic, scary looking grin on her face as Delilah continues talking.)

Delilah: She's the total complete badass. She's embraced the demons and devils inside of her. She's the HARBENGER OF FATE! She's the Death Incarnated ender of all things! She's the MOTHER OF MENDACITY! And she's the one who will crush you under her boots this week when you two face one another in the ring. You will look into her eyes and you will know that she is your ending. She will lay her vengence upon you.

That is not a threat...

That is not a promise...

That even isn't a vow...

It is a prophecy of your impending doom. It will come to pass. It will engulf you. It will take you. There is no escape, and when she's done with you she will take your very spirt, your very soul as a trophy.

So cling to your titles and record reigns, but in the end they won't do you any good because your soul can't take material wealths into the afterlife. It will slip through your fingers like water and in your end...like some heavy metal song said it best, nothing really ever matters.

Continue to be like Kirk Cameron Tom Cruise and make fun of Nakita's name...oh your so clever, I have moments where I can get childish to, but now I'm over it. However if you wanna further reveal your ignorance go right on a head. But in the end all of the slings and arrows of outragious fortune will be all for nought. Nakita care to break things down and finish off here? I'm done.

(Nakita stands up from the sofa and walks toward Delilah in front of the camera, the Dark Phenom towering over her smaller beautiful manager as she looks into the camera.)

Nakita Dahaka: Well put Delilah. I'll take it from here....

So it is said...

Let it be known...

So it shall come to pass...

It is written...in Karla Starr's sweet blood...

And so another chapter is written according to MY GOSPEL...

Delilah: I trust that thsi was a most enlightening experience for you Ms Starr as we spent the time instructing you. See you soon b****.

(The scene slowly fades out.)
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I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Re: "I'm The Slut, she's the badass" (I rest my case)

"First of all...that's MISS B*tch to you, Talulah."
(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of an MCW backdrop, in relatively similiar clothing.)

STARR: "It's nice to make my acquaintance", you say...but then completely ignore everything but what needs to be responded to.

"My, my...I'm Talulah, and I'm happy to meet you, and Gee you've got a nice reputation, but I'm still gonna make you bleed!!".


Talulah, you're anything if not straight and to the point, aren'tcha??

Oh...but twice as ignorant now.

Talulah, you heard about me winning at Battle Brawl 2 eh? I guess they let you do more than shuck corn and feed the chickens back home after all then don't they??

I've NEVER lost the NEW ERA's Championship, irritant, I'm the FIRSTNEW ERA Women's Champion and the LONGEST REIGNING CHAMPION ON THE CIRCUIT.

Ya know...I caught a "Ron White" show afew years back and there was something he said in his set, he said something then that I think relates to this match now, especially to you and Chiquita at this moment:

(Starr smiles)

"Next time you have a thought...let it go"

(Starr, with the smirk on her face, continues...)

Brainless, and Retarded, the both of you, I swear.

Brainless, because EVERYONE on this side of the circuit knows by now that I've never lost this belt (lifts the NEW ERA Women's Championship belt with her right hand), not once since it was INCEPTED.

Retarded, because Lewis Black said it was only in the case when Adults speak without thinking first, and stupid things come out. Stay tuned Ladies and Gentlemen, what Chiquita and Talulah have said here isn't just a one time thing, there's more to come, I assure you.

Let's be real for a second, In Denial and Chickensh*t...

If you don't mind...

With me being Champion for over two years straight, do you really think I'm going to look into the eyes of someone who looks like a tramp, dresses like a tramp, and...well...you knwo.

I've faced Coked-out druggies, Mothers, Spoiled brats, and Jonathan Marx's little sister.

If anything, you'd be lucky if I didn't stand toe-to-toe with Chiquita and just walk right back out.

Not by intimidation or anything of the like...on the contrary.

By the sheer laughingstock factor on your part.

The gear you come in, the attitude.

The constant need to remind me of the "Loner-like-Goth-chicks" back in High School who never got the "Shining White Knight" to save their pathetic depressed carcasses.

(Starr throws the title over her right shoulder)

The reality of this situation, you irritant, is quite simple to understand.

A Trueism applies in this situation....at least on your part a beneficial one:

A fool and his...or her money...are soon parted.

Herein however, lies a footnote in your case, Chiquita.

I haven't lost my title or dominance in over two years.

And Goth isn't really IN...anymore, now is it??



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
(The scene opens in on "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka and her manager Delilah Demonik sitting in front of a television watching the latest promo of NEW ERA Womens Champion Karla Starr.)

Delilah Demonik: Fine, she's Ms B****! Who gives a F(FCCbeep)k?

Nakita Dahaka: She thinks that I'm just a gimmick? Please clarify on this term goth because last time I checked I wasn't PLAYING.

Delilah: That's just her, being like the rest of the human race attempting to explain that which they do not understand Nakita. Afterall, the single greatest trick that you successfully pulled is convincing the world that you don't exists. Its the ignorance talking. Its within their nature. You can't hold it against them, but though like Karla Starr it will always be their ultimate undoing.

Nakita: There was a time when I was actually amused by their ignorance and feable attempts to understand me, but now I'm just growing bored of it...alot. Anyway, Delilah, did your part, now it's my turn again. I've got this one.

(Nakita stands up and walks toward the camera looking in with her long firey-red hair slightly hovering over her face but at the same time her peircing green eyes of intensity shoot out passed the strands of hair back into the camera. Nakita approaches with a calm, sadistic, smile on her face. Nakita pushes her hair back out of her face.)

Nakita: So your the longest reigning and most successful womens champion on the circuit. Good for you, it gives me much pleasure to hear such fire in your spirit. You have such resolve. It makes crushing your petite little body and taking your spirit all the more sweeter the task.

But then you said something that really sparked a little fire within me Karla. You said that your gonna make me bleed. I wanna say that again. Your gonna make me BLEED! Are you gonna me me bleed like THIS...

(Nakita Dahaka doubles up her fist and SLAMS her fist into the side of her head as hard as she can. A large fist like redmark slowly has begun to emerge on her head from where she hit.)


(She follows with another equally harder punch into the same spot )









(Nakita fires off a series of stiff, rapid fire punches one right after the other into the side of her head which has now caused a large open swallen gash as blood begin to pour out from the wound in her head. Nakita just stands still in front of the camera as the blood begins to pour from her head down her face, some falling past and into her green eyes, but still remains calm and sureal while it drips with a nice smile on her face.)

Nakita: Are you gonna do it like this? Is this what you plan on doing to me?

(Nakita takes her hand and swipes some of the blood on her face then shows her blood open palm facing out in front of the camera.)

Nakita: What do you know Karla Starr, I've gotten you started, but mark my words it won't stop there. Let mark my prophetic words take root and fester. Take them to heart. For every time that you make me bleed, you will bleed that much more. For every pain and agonizing moment that you put me through, I will multiply my wrath upon you 100 fold. Anything that you do to me I will do more. You foolishly rationalize that I'm nothing more than some goth gimmick. You have no idea what I'm really about and what I can and will do you this week.

I don't give a god damn about what championship you've held or how long you've held it. I care only of one thing and that's making you suffer within every single inch of your life and making your soul escape your soon-to-be rotting carcus like water. You will embrace your fate. Then if I feel it, I might actually take that New ERA Womens title off your stink ridden body because you can't take it with you in the afterlife. Keep feeding me your hate and fire and give me more of a reason to send you to your final destination.

Oh and since your into quoting proverbs and bible verses. I've got one of my own...paraphrased of course but derrived from Eccliasties. "There is a season for everything. A time to win, a time to lose, a time be happy, and a time to mourn. But all these in the end including life is meaningless."

There is nothing more constant or concrete about...




And your call yourself a b****. Now that's funny. Once again Karla, you've made me smile. Call it the calm before the storm that washes you away into oblivion.

So it is said...

Let it be known...

So it shall and WILL come to pass...

Let it be written in Karla Starr's blood...

Another chapter according to MY GOSPEL...

(The scene slowly fades out as Nakita smiles while the blood pours down her face.)


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Just like Winnie The Pooh...

"Could you make it ANYMORE EASIER for me, Chiquita?"
(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of the same backdrop.)

STARR: I mean...accepting that you're really something more faux than what you're capable is one thing...but actually thinking of it as a daily LIFESTYLE....

What kinda person could ignore those odds??

Only as much of an indecisive bonehead, such as yourself.

First you're impressed that I've GOT the title...then you're not.

Then you're impressed of how long I've HELD it...then you're not.

Either way you look at it you ignorant Yuppie...it's as about imperitive to an important key to this match as say....you believing yourself to be a demon, for one.

The difference is that MY noteworthy stats are actually more conceivable than yours, in fact...

Ever see "The Craft", Chiquita?

Even if you haven't the ending is still the same: The slut gets imprisoned in a rubber room, and won't even get customary visits from "Friends" or "Acquaintances".

Kinda similar to this situation, if you think about it.

Yeah, Chiquita and Talulah, I MYSELF, am a B*TCH.

But you know the difference between us??

I've been one for over two years running, Women's title or not.

But I've also SPENT over two years racking up along list of hussies as my personal OWN.

How you can take a proverb and a quote from a "Ron White" show though...and say it's a verse from the Good Book....

(Starr throws her hair back and laughs for a good three minutes before finally gaining composure)

If you and Talulah really believe yourself to be "A f*cking demon"...think of how amazed they'll be when I'm the one with the hand raised....

Not you.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"And how many times is she going to continue to go over symantics"

(The scene opens as Nakita Dahaka and Delilah Demonik stand in front of a TV moniter watching the latest promo of Karla Starr.)

Nakita Dahaka: When YOU applauded her for her little victory at Battledome. Were YOU being serious or just giving her what she wanted her to hear.

Delilah Demonik: I thought that's what she wanted to hear. Is she telling us that wasn't what she wanted to hear?

Nakita: I don't know. Maybe you were being a little too convincing.

(Delilah walks over and stands in front of a mirror and begins modeling a series of emotions and facial expressions.)

Delilah: I can't seem to remember. Was I serious, or was I being sarcastic? Was I giving her what she wanted to hear? I must of had my best face on that day. I can't quite remember. Oh I know the reason why I can't remember the details because it's all bull S(FCCbeep)t! Symantics! Who cares about the details this week. All boils to what happens in ring when you...

(Points to Nakita Dahaka)

...and physically dismantles the quote LONGEST REIGNING WOMENS CHAMPION EVER unquote. BUT since KARLA STARR loves to argue symantics. Okay will bite. Hear this Karla. If you remember, Nakita is the one that said that she doesn't care if your the long reigning womens champion. No really she doesn't give a damn about your accalade. Go back to the archives. Just a little bit and you will that it was ME...DELILAH DEMONIK that gave you the props and congradulated you no the win. It was Nakita that said that she didn't care if your a champion or not. She was still going to beat you down into the ground so fast and severe that you'd think that you were on the fast track to hell...because you will be. In case if you hadn't figured it out already, Delilah and I are not the same person. We are two totally different people.

No Really, Nakita is the one that said she doesn't care. I'm the one congradulated you, but then again, was I being serious or was I just patronizing and giving you what you wanted to hear?

You bring up a movie that nobody cares about. Who cares what happened at the end. Didn't watch it don't give a s(FCCbeep)t.

You criticise Nakita for her choice of scriptures but you have to admit, she was right on the money. All this little symantic utter nonsense that you keep firing off on Nakita really is MEANINGLESS. Its all for nothing. It will mean absolutely nothing. Where do you think that Ron White got that phrase? Hmmmm I kind of wonder just a little bit. Even you shouldn't have to think very hard.

You see Karla all this little trash talking that is going on between us will be all for nothing, but one thing that you can bet on happen is what The Dark Phenom Nakita Dahaka will do your your pretty little body this week. She will do what apparently no other person did you two years prior. She will skin you alive and crucify you. You will truly undergo the most excruciating and agonizing pain that you have ever faced. Then when Nakita is done with you, she will devour your f(FCCbeep)king soul and claim your skull as a trophy. Its gonna be fun...for us anyway.

So your a b**** Karla. That's great, and after this week you'll be a dead B****! Famous last words.

So, answer honestly Karla, did we actually make it easier for you this time? We wanna know. This is our serious face. Are telling the truth or are we lying. Well since Nakita is the MOTHER OF MENDACITY, surely you could figure it out.

Nakita: And before we break it down. Let us spell it out so that you know EXACTLY who are and there is no concusion to our names...SHE (Points to Delilah) is Delilah D-E-L-I-L-A-H!

Delilah: And she (Points to Nakita) is NAKITA...N-A-K-I-T-A!

Nakita: We break this down and spell this out for not only you but for everyone else in the future. The whole deliberate mispronouncing of our names is frankly getting really old Karla. The only thing that its doing is showing that your education has not exceeded past the Kindergarden level. If you wanna be real honest, that's symantics and I refuse to stoop down to your level you stupid b****! Kettle, Meet Black Right? When I was younger, I thought as a child, I acted like a child. But when I grew up, I put away my childish things. I've done that, and now its time for you to do that Karla. How in the hell you've lasted this long as the Womens Champion, I will never know. Grow up. Delilah, break this down. I'm done.

So it is said...

Let it be known...

So it shall and WILL come to pass...

Let it be written in Karla Starr's blood...

Another chapter according to HER GOSPEL...

(The scene slowly fades out.)


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"I swear, ya know...it's like a broken record, with you two."
(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of a medium-sized entertainment center. On one shelf sits a television with a built in VCR/DVD.)

STARR (Mockingly does a doubletake behind her, seeing the equipment behind her.): Oh my....wouldja look at that.

(Starr smirks as she continues.)

You say that all I ever do is talk semantics, but yet everytime I hear things that sound like "B-Rated" movies.

Or ya know...

(Starr presses PLAY on the VCR, and acouple other buttons, and repeatedly over and over within seconds of each other, we hear the voice of Dolph Lundgren's character "Drago" from "Rocky IV" as he stands toe-to-toe with the Italian Stallion.)

D: I will crush you....I will crush you...I will crush you...

(Starr looks back at the camera and smirks again, before pressing STOP on the VCR and presses a few other buttons.)

STARR: And...

(Starr presses PLAY on the DVD, and we hear the voice of Jason Lee's Character "Azrael" from the movie "Dogma" say repeatedly to the other characters...)

A: I'm a f*cking demon....I'm a f*cking demon...I'm a f*cking demon...

(Starr turns off the DVD and the rest of the equipment with a few button presses and then returns to the camera.)

STARR: Now...I may be a b*tch...and I may say somethings over and over myself...but there's quite a stretch of a difference between what I say and do...and what you two swear into on a daily basis.

Myself...a World Champion in my own right, seeing as I haven't REALLY had a challenge until recently, and even then...who's really gonna beat me??

Not a drug addict.

Not a memory-lapse patient.

Not a Foreigner.

Not a mother.

and most DEFINATELY not a Goth.

Chiquita, Talulah...you keep saying something that every little tramp I've had to look across at everytime I put that title on the line has said, whether it's from the aforementioned hookers, in French, English, Spanish, Spanglish, it makes not one bit of a difference to me.

Because what you've said to me thus far translate's into a movie that's been sequalled so many times, only the sum of Liz Taylor's Ex-husbands are jealous.

Then of course...the other one is ironic because it's a movie with a RUBBER POOP MONSTER IN IT.

You refuse to stoop down to my level, do you??

Need I remind you??

(STARR Cue's up a once-over of both movies.)

AZRAEL: I'm a f*cking demon.


DRAGO: I will crush you.

(Turns off the equipment.)

Not to mention, you can make fun of me and Semantics all you want...but first of all, I've been a champion at about thirty years old.


You're afew inches taller than I...and from what'd I'd seen before...I'm guessing just under two hundred pounds.

In English??

For one...take into consideration, the Atkin's Diet. It worked wonders for Caitlyn after the pregnancy, I'm sure it can work for you.

Secondly...I'm hoping with your height and weight...you're not too much older than I. If you are...really...

(Starr sighs.)

This whole Goth deal you've got going....really kinda sad, and even more so for Talulah. At least you make some kind of an attempt at competing.

It's just not you.

The intimidation factor?? uh-uh.

Caitlyn tried it. I beat her in less than a minute at the first Battle Brawl.

Victoria was barely able to show up.

Krist Blue keeps getting distracted by drugs, beastiality, or just generally stalking Jason Payne.

Felicia Hart was lucky to even be on the roster.

Carlee...not a chance, look, I don't even really have to prove anything else to you seeing as your apparent "Gospel"...has been not only a load of crap...

But COMPLETELY fallible.

Even Frankie Scott beat you, and he's just barely had a real match for the first time in what....hell, I'm not even sure. I think I saw him wrestle one time about five years ago for about two minutes.

Then again...I could be wrong but that in itself is a rarity, so take it for what you will.

The point is that I don't care if Chiquita was the Mother of Mendacity or Menopause, nor does it make a difference if she's the Harbinger of Fate or the Trojan Condom.

Wrestling is the only thing that's going to give you a shot at beating me, and apparently you don't do that very well either, so therefore...think what you want.

You won't make me bleed.

Hell, I won't even TRY to make you bleed.

But after this is all said and done, you WILL have one hell of a hangover in the morning.


Because it'll be just what you two have after the night of drinking you two entertain after knocking you out with matching broken jaws.

Don't believe me??

Try me.

When this is all over, Charlie Daniels may even use it as a sequal to one of his hits.

Only this time...he'll have a female vocalist, and instead of a fiddle beating the devil back into hell...it'll be my right foot.

So help me God.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"And again, I retort. Painting the kettle a nice shade of black"

(The scene opens as it shows "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka standing in front of a stretch/standing mirror, modeling her tall, lean, muscular physique in the mirror. Delilah sits on a bench looking on behind her.)

Nakita Dahaka: Delilah. Answer honestly. Do like I look fat?

(Delilah about falls off the bench at the unexpected question of The Dark Phenom. She's trying not to bust up laughing in response to Nakita's dry sense of humor. She stands back up trying to regain her composer and walks up to Nakita.)

Delilah Demonik: This isn't a trick question without any real right answer is it?

Nakita: Nope, just wanna know the answer. What do you think.

Delilah: Well how about we bring in an impartial third party.

Nakita: Sounds good.

Delilah: Anybody in particular?

Nakita: First one that walks by.

Delilah: Okay.

(Delilah walks to and opens the door of the locker room leading out.)

(Cut to: The hallway as new MCW ring announcer and backstage interviewer, Brianna LeBrock, the little perky poster girl for Hot Topic Gothwear and punk accessories. As she walks down the hallway, she passed by the locker room door of Nakita and Delilah. As she walks by, the door opens up as two female hands reach out and grab the young girl and pulls her inside shutting the door behind her. Once inside. Delilah sets Brianna up against the wall with both arms around her loosely pinning her up against the wall. Brianna, once she realizes where she is at becomes immediately fearful considering her last run-in with Nakita and Delilah. She tries to be brave but you can see the fear in the just barely legal beauty's blue eyes.)

Delilah: Hi Brianna. Long time no see. How you been?

Brianna: Good, your not going to beat me up again are you?

Delilah: No, not at all. We just felt that last time it was within our best interest to handle things ourselves. You understand. Actually I do apologize on behalf of Ms. Dahaka and myself for scaring you like we did. I hope that there are no hard feelings.

Brianna: No hard feelings. No harm done. Its not like you put me through a table to something.

Delilah: Of course not. Anyway, why we brought you in here. We were wondering if you could answer some honest us as an impartial third party. It has been brought to our attention recently by that shall remain nameless for the time being, but she has this notion that Ms. Dahaka needs to shed a few pounds. So we've called you in here to help be an impartial judge. Please be honest. Does Ms Dahaka need to go on an Atkins diet.

Brianna: I'm not going to die if I get this wrong am I?

Delilah: No of course not. We just want to settle something once and for all. Now please give us your thoughts.

Brianna: Looking at Ms Nakita. Am I comparing her to someone in particular. It might give me to relate to Nakita.

Delilah: Well if you must Brianna. Off the top of my head. First person that comes to my mind could be World Champion Lindsey Troy.

Brianna: The Queen of the Ring?

Delilah: The very same. You do know who she is don't you?

Brianna: Oh yeah who doesn't? I've never met her, but I have seen her and read up on her. She's the best there is. That'll give me something to relate.

Delilah: Well then get to it Brianna, let the judging begin.

Brianna: Okay.

(Brianna slowly approaches Nakita as the little perky girl stands looking up at the taller and more muscular built Nakita Dahaka. She clears her throught full of air as she approaches her. She circles around her slowly. She starts to reach out and touch Nakita but then abstains as she draws back.)

Delilah: Its alright, you can touch her. She won't bite. Feel away.

(Brianna skeptically reaches out begins feeling Nakita's arms, legs, and abdomin, trying not to get too overly provacative as she feels The Dark Phenom's firm, ripped, chisled female body. Brianna's eyes widen with surprise as she draws back.)

Delilah: Well what's the verdict?

Brianna: Well she's not fat. If you compare her to Mrs. Windham...er I mean after Wrestleverse, Ms Troy. From what I know about the tale of tape. Ms Troy is of course a beautiful woman. She's about 6'3 and 170 lbs. Give or take...approximately. You know us women. We never reveal our true weight. Nakita's definately not fat. She looks like she's a little bit bigger than Lindsey and I think if I remember her tale of the tape from what I've read on Nakita, she's an inch taller than Lindsey is.

Delilah: She looks really good for a woman doesn't she?

Brianna: Yes she does.

Delilah: Well thank you very much for your time Brianna. We do appreciate you taking time our or busy schedule to help us out. I trust that there are no hard feelings.

Brianna: No hard feelings. Am I free to go.

Delilah: Of course. I trust that you know the way out.

Brianna: Yeah. Well good-bye. Good luck in your match Nakita against Ms. Starr.

(Brianna LeBrock walks out of the locker room and shuts the door behind her.)

Delilah: I trust that this little illustration has appeased you greatly.

Nakita: It wasn't for me. It was for Karla Starr. I know who I am. I know my body. I trust that this proved that I am not in any way or need of some Atkins diet. But she'll find out soon enough, even just for the hard way which I always like when people choose the hardway.

Delilah: Your bigger, taller, stronger than that of Lindsey Troy. She thinks that you can't wrestle. She needs to pay more closer attention to all of your matches and how you've dominated almost everyone that you've been in the ring with. She thinks that you can't wrestle. Boy she's in for the wake-up call of all wake-up calls. You may be big and strong, but when she gets into the ring with The Dark Phenom. She's gonna find out...your way...the hard way just how well you can wrestle. Your more than just big and flash. She's going to tap out to the Dragon Snap just like many others before her. Make her neck snap like a twig.

Nakita: I origionally was planning on toying with her in the ring, but when you brought it up and how she incessantly thrives on bringing up all of her accalades promo after promo. One tends to think that maybe I shouldn't play her her and if I have opportunity to take it and break her. Again, not that I care about her accalades, but at the same it shows that she knows what she is doing in the ring and she shouldn't be taken lightly even for a second.

Delilah: She brought up how Frankie Scott defeated you in EPW.

Nakita: Even the sun shines on a dogs ass every now and again. He got a lucky win. Never mind the fact that dominated him throughout the match. He did squeek away with a win by the skin of his teeth.. The score's tied at one, and if I were her, I tell her to pay real close attention to our third match at Wrestleverse in the leather strap match. You know, when I whip and peel the flesh off of his bones before I send him to oblivion. I have peices of his soul and in that match I will take the rest of it for my collection. If I were her, I'd take closer look and be real afraid of of what's coming her way. I'm not...

I'm not Caitlyn Damon...

I'm not Victoria...

I'm not Krist Blue...

I'm not Felicia Hart...

I'm not even Carlee...

And I'm certainly not Lindsey Troy...

I'm better and greater than them all. She says that wrestling is the only I have shot at beating her. Trust me Delilah, that won't be a problem. Well I hope that she had all the fun in the world with DVDs and the remote control because like I said before. All the trash talking isn't going to save her from her fate. It is enevitable because I'm going to see to it myself that she reaches her true destination...

So it is said...

Let it be known...

So it shall and WILL come to pass...

Let it be written in Karla Starr's blood...

Another chapter according to MY INFALLIBLE GOSPEL...

(The scene slowly fades out.)


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"You know something Chiquita...I just realized something. I know why you're so uppity and bitter."

(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of an MCW backdrop.

STARR: You've never been laid, hell, you're about up there as a man-hater as say...well...Rosie O'Donnel, for one.

Which...hey...if you're not into dating men and play for the other team...that's okay too.

But I think you'd be more relaxed and accepting about what I'm trying to tell you if you probably got some sexual.

(Starr stops for a second and pauses, in thought. Then, as if Benjamin Frankin gave it to her personally, she snaps her fingers in "Eureka!"-like preportions..)

STARR: You could hook up with John Doe!! I mean really, think about it!! You both talk constantly about having talent and skill and power beyond the realm of what's conceivable...and everyone KNOWS it's bull****!! Besides...everyone know's that as obstinate and immature as he is...he's GOTTA be a VIRGIN!!

I mean, I'm talking EASY PICKING'S for you Chiquita, seriously!! Hell, since you're such a freak, and you LOOK LIKE AND DRESS LIKE A HOOKER...TAKE TALULAH with you!!

(Karla takes her hand and covers one side of her mouth, as if to pass on a secret and whispers)

STARR: Lord knows that once you've got it over with, he'd be hard-pressed....no pun-intended, mind you...to think twice about doing anything stupid.

Well...you know...except YOU.

(Starr smirks.)

It's good that you've gone out and sought a second opinion to prove me wrong about you being more overly-obese than you thought you were though. Afterall, there's nothing more exhilarating than to be comforted by the opinion of someone you intimidated and beat up afew weeks prior, is it??

What's next? You gonna hit up Montell Williams for a Psych Check and see if the baby you have with Doe is yours' or Talulah's?? How about a visit to Doctor Phil??

(Starr snaps her fingers again, with something else coming to mind.)

'Nah. He's already being sued at the moment.

(Starr waves it off.)

Fact is, Chiquita...I doesn't really matter who you are either way, because to me...you're just a dumb broad who decided to take a chance at doing something that no one's been able to do to me in over two years, with relevancy and meaning behind it, like all the rest:

Beat me.

YOU'RE the one who has to figure out how to beat me, remember??

Not vice-versa.

I'll put it yet, in another way...if you were to look at the Betting Lines on the match we're gonna have...you may have afew points on your side for homefield...

But I'm still the favorite to win, you heinous...heinous...THING!!

It means nothing to me what your name means in this business, if you haven't DONE anything...and believe me...the loss to Frankie only cements it further in your case...then I hardly think that you'd have anyone else trying to believe...

Your "Gospel".

But go ahead and keep up that make-believe you got about being invincible and Goth-like and all that other non-sense.

'Cause who knows...once I beat you...you may think twice about staying with it....that unless...you screw John Doe first.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"The Simplicity of Karla Starr's Inevitable Defeat"

(The scene opens in front of the MCW banner backdrop as "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka and her manager Delilah Demonik. Delilah is facing the camera looking all sexy and seductive grinning mischeiviously from ear to ear while Nakita's back is turned facing the backdrop.)

Nakita Dahaka: (Singing) Time is on my side. Oh yes it is. Time is on my side. Oh yes it is.

(Nakita turns around to face the camera.)

Nakita: I have to admit at what has started as amusing has turned into quite the annoying little headache that just won't go away. I'm talking about my oponant, Karla Starr. the self-proclaimed longest reigning New ERA womens champion in all of sports entertainment. Or so she loves to remind everyone within earshot of her incessant rambling voice gnawing at your brain like nails running down chalk board. I have to admit that I've let myself become caught up in her little game that I have forgotten of one little basic concept. Oh the beauty of simplicity as it rings so sweetly.

Delilah: And what would that be Nakita?

Nakita: It goes beyond trashing talking and being witty. Its just a little known fact that I'm going to do exactly what I said I was going to do all along. I'm just going to beat her. She has a fighting spirit and a mouth match, but it is these qualities is when I revel in this one more moment. This one single concept. This lone revelation that is looming over Karla Starr's head whether she knows or not...


I figure that its the least that I can hope for after what I've had to endure all week long listening to her brag about all of her great accalade. She's even shown just how foolish she is. I must know, just who is this Chiquita and Talullah that she keeps speak of because she's not talking about the Harbenger of Fate Incarnate and Mother of Mendacity. Her minds has lost all sense of reality.

Delilah: You do realize Nakita that she's making fun of our names and us by always addressing us as such.

Nakita: Yes I know, but after she has called us by these names for so long I wouldn't be surprised if her judgement has become clouded and she has lost sight of who I really am. I would even bet that when we finally get into that ring and that bell rings. She's going to right passed me, past you Delilah, and she's going to go off and fight that Chiquita and Tallullah. I could see it now. It'll be the easiest win that I've had. I will use that confusion. I will exploit it and use it to bring Karla Starr's downfall.

Delilah: She keeps bringing up how Frankie Scott got a win on you in EPW. She doesn't pay attention to how you've dominated everyone in the EPW, UCW, and MCW up to that point. Very few have been able to to stand up again The Dark Phenom. Very few have the right to say that they defeated you. Even Frankie Scott fell at your hands before that aggression. He put up a valient effort of course and some would say that he wasn't a top 100% but lets face it you made even he suffer. So Frankie stole a win. You stole a peice of his soul. Then at Wrestleverse, is when you take the rest of it. She fails understand that for every one or two people that has defeated you. You have defeated every five...or more for that matter. And the thing is your just getting started. Soon you will add Karla Starr to your growing list of victims and trophies.

Nakita: Hmmm...victims, aren't they all.

Delilah: Precisely, just like Karla Starr.

Nakita: In closing, I part with this. I'm not here to F(fccbeep)k like minks with either John Doe or anybody else in this business. I'm not here to raise rugrats. I'm not here to live some fairy tale happily ever after. My ideal happily ever after is taking out each person that crosses my path, making them litter my path and kissing my feet like gentle little rose peddles, as I move up from the bottom to the very top of this foodchain. Like I said, there's a beautiful simplicity to what I do, and I love it. It is my passion. It is my obsession. It is my desire. It is my ambition. It is my hunger to devour. That's what I do and you have no choice to but to accept...YOUR FATE! Now behold what could be FLAWED but nevertheless always is EFFECTIVE of my gospel.

Delilah: So it is said...

Nakita: Let it be known...

Delilah: So it shall come to pass...

Nakita: It will be written...

Delilah: Tis but another chapter...

Nakita: According to MY GOSPEL...

Delilah: (Singing) Time...is on her side. Oh yes it is. Time...is on her side...oh yes it is.

(The scene slowly fades out with the last thing that is being heard is Delilah Demonik singing the famed Rolling Stone chorus of "Time Is On My Side.")


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Re: "The Simplicity of Karla Starr's Inevitable Defeat"

Just in case you missed it Mister Shutt, your last RP the one you just posted...doesn't count due to it being posted AFTER the deadline.

Good try nonetheless, :)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Re: "The Simplicity of Karla Starr's Inevitable Defeat"

TSiegel said:
Just in case you missed it Mister Shutt, your last RP the one you just posted...doesn't count due to it being posted AFTER the deadline.

Good try nonetheless, :)

Technically it does count Tom because Josh gave a deadline extension.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
You can say that again, and a special shout out to Tom publically for staying with me word for word and rp for rp man. We tore it up. We were both on top of our game on this one and win or lose, this should be a great match to read when it is all said and done. I had so much fun taking part in this.

But I think that I do need a vacation after this.

That's right Josh, I am exercising my "vacation clause" in my contract. I'm going to Bora Bora BIAOTCH!


Just kidding bro, now back to work.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
I agree. I already told Patrick that he kinda had me abit frustrated a times when it came to responding, but I rank this right up with Karla's feuds with Foxx and Caitlyn Daymon.

Good stuff kid, :)

Sean--I'm glad to know that Karla repped NEW ERA--er--the Venus Wrestling Alliance--to an above-average standard, :)

Josh--*takes a deep breath*

**Cough**Contract Cash Bonus**Cough**

:D jk bro.


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