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Champ Speaks to Shane


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
(Back in Greensboro, NC, Hornet's about to have his second promo of the afternoon recorded. After the obligatory three seconds of silence, he launches into part two.)

If anybody in CSWA brass just 'through you into' this match, Shane, then they're bigger idiots than even I can believe. You've proved over and over again that you can hold your own against anybody, myself included.

But the fact remains, no matter how much you've done elsewhere, as you noted yourself, you haven't yet got the job done here. Maybe it's your time, who knows.... you certainly want it bad enough. You've talked in the past about wanting to be the next big star, the next icon in the wrestling world...

Unfortunately, I'm still the one with the US Title around my waist. And I don't think I want to give it up just yet. It's funny, I watch some guys walk around here with gold and talk about how it doesn't matter, or how they're treated... and yet, the belt itself is leverage. It's the key that opens the lock to the next level, isn't it? It's real simple... after Aho gets done destroying Mark Windham in his hometown, guess who becomes the number one contender... me. And it's because I've got the US gold right now.

One tip, Shane. It's not enough not to give up. It's not enough to never lay down and die. Sometimes it's just as important to know when to work smarter, not just work harder.

See ya in Sweetwater, Shane.

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