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Cherry Blossom Chaos: Adrian Willard vs Donovan Astros


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Remember, all RP conducted for Cherry Blossom Chaos should be from various locations in the Washington, DC Area.

The RP/Angle deadline is Monday, March 8th 11:59PM PST. Send all angles to pmiller21@gmail.com
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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
This Is The Introduction

VOICE: “Grand opening and a grand scale, the earth shall shake, the seas will rise, and beyond the fact that you lack to see the VISION that has been given to me upon my very eyes, the VISION that was casted from the heavens to allow me to see a path, I will be kind enough to display it to you, because I am a professional…”


The sound of a squad car roaring by with it emergency horn blazing in the streets, in Chicago we are, not just anywhere, no, Wrigleyville, and right outside of Murphy’s Bleachers. The mood is quiet, sun in the sky, no clouds, a chilly yet nice day for a Chicago winter. A tall man stands in a jacket with a hood on, white male, seems to have long black hair, he looks at the camera giving a short nod to the camera man. This is Adrian Willard and besides him stands a smaller in stature Puerto Rican male smoking a cigarette wearing almost identical clothing, this is Freak, his manager and friend and this is their debut in NGEN.

WILLARD: “A man once said it is better to be known than unknown, to be the silent yet deadly snake that slithers throughout the grass. This snake, it finds its home then coils up, waiting for a man to tread upon it, waiting for a man to be foolish enough to enter its territory, its domain. Then, unexpected, unseen, it strikes biting the intruder, its venom in his blood stream and its presence known. A first impression is a lasting impression, or so they say.”

FREAK: “Nah, yo, it is man, look here yo, if you go up to a hoe and ain’t fly like this mother f-cker then you ain’t gonna tap that p-ssy ya dig, nah this first impression sh-t, we got that sh-t on hold the f-ck down, brother.”

WILLARD: “A new beginning I suppose, one filled with delight, simply for me, simply on my part, simply because I plan to make the wrestling scene accept what I plan to bring. There is no reverse course. No, once NGEN signed the deal, signed the contract, ‘The Prophecy’ began. It is being told as I speak, it is in motion.”

FREAK: “Like motion lotion, ever use that? Put it all up on ya sh-t and when you thrust it feels like ya **** is on mild fire, and the b-tch is like “oh, oh, oh, baby! Oh, sh-t” and I am like “shut the f-ck up hoe!” I keep a bottle handy with me when I hit the club up, never know what’s up.”

WILLARD: “As I sit here, in this city of decay, a city where the people are slaves, it makes me question the wrestlers in this business, slaves to the industry, slaves to ignorant, dependant fans, slaves to their personal pride and arrogance. Not I, the solemn voice in the riot of stupidity. I am different, because I have a vision…”

FREAK: “I am different cause my d-ck is twelve inches long…”

WILLARD: “This is merely the beginning, this is the start of my vision, this is the introduction…”

FREAK: “Like when I introduce myself to a b-tch by licking her ear…”

WILLARD: “Donovan Astros, will be the first of many to follow ‘The Prophecy’ that is going to be fulfilled…”

FREAK: “Just like the first of many tramps to follow me to the Champaign Room…”

WILLARD: “There is no way to prepare, there is no way to determine if you can win, no Donavon, there is no hope….it has been…..envisioned…..




League Member
Nov 26, 2007
Re: This Is The Introduction

At the lobby of the Hotel Harrington in Washington, DC, NGEN's cameras have found themselves waiting on someone talking on the phone. Dressed in a tailored suit, the man is engaged in conversation, completely unaware that he's supposed to be doing an interview for NGEN right about... oh, now.

MAN - Yeah, I'm in DC right now doing some promotional stuff for a friend of mine. No, I'm not leaving them, but these guys are getting me a pay per view payday and the numbers they're promising me... I'd be a fool to turn them down!

The man looks over and spots the camera.

MAN - Hey, I gotta run, they're here already. I'll be back in Alberta on Tuesday if I don't get snowed in here. This place is a mess!

The man flips his cell phone off and turns to the camera.

MAN - Sorry about that... a lot of people have a lot of time and money invested in me and I make sure that every dollar is well spent. Being the best damned wrestler on God's green Earth makes depending on me easy!

The man smiles coyly.

MAN - Now I'm pretty sure most of you in Next Generation Enterprises need a name to go with this face, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Donovan Astros. I've been a champion all over the world, and fans, you might not know it yet, but the reason you're buying Cherry Blossom Chaos, live on pay-per-view March 5, isn't just to see Felix Red face off against Shawn Hart for the NGEN World Title. It isn't to see three three-letter acronyms battle it out with Norman Bates. And it certainly isn't to see guys like Minion or Golem. No, kids, at Cherry Blossom Chaos, you're gonna see me, Donovan Astros, do what I do best, and that's steal the show... and it's the first match of the night!

Astros laughs, smirking at the camera.

ASTROS - What am I saying. The whole show's gonna be great. Order it now, and make sure you buy lots of merchandise, especially Donovan Astros merchandise. I can guarantee you that stuff'll be worth a fortune in just a couple years! One guy whose stuff I'd avoid like the plague though is Adrian Willard's because the only thing he's gonna do in NGEN is be the answer to the trivia question - "Who lost to multi-time champion and future Hall of Famer Donovan Astros in his first NGEN match?" And true fans, they'll have to dig deep into their memory banks, and all they'll see is some marble-mouthed guy who mumbled about a prophecy and his Tourette's-afflicted manager. Good luck keeping that on the forefront! But this, this right here? This is unforgettable!

Astros points to himself, slapping his chest with two fingers.

ASTROS - Now, I tried to listen to what you two goons had to say, but all I heard was a string of beeps and blips... it sounded like some screwed up game of Pac-Man, and in the end, all I could think of was this.

Astros flips open his cell phone again and presses a couple of buttons. From the phone, we hear the sound of Pac-Man dying. Astros smiles like the cat that ate the canary.

ASTROS - Then I thought, maybe Willard and his mascot were just getting off on the wrong foot. Maybe they heard of Donovan Astros before and were just a little nervous seeing my name across from them on the sheet, so I went diggin'. I looked to see what I could find on Adrian Willard and his wookie, The Freak. And a buddy of mine told me that he saw this guy on the Ocho at like 3 in the morning, and I punched him, cause me and the Ocho don't really get along too well. But I swallowed my pride and I dug through their archives online and...? Nope, same crap, different location.

Astros yawns for dramatic effect.

ASTROS - Adrian, you're a big, strong dude with nothing but packing peanuts between the ears. You listen to too much AM radio and it's driven you nuts. You hang around a creep that looks like Alushe and humps everything he sees like a horny mongrel. You need to get that guy his shots, keep him on a leash, and wake the hell up, cause all this talk about your prophecy... your vision? At Cherry Blossom Chaos, I'm turnin' it to BLACK. Lights out, boy, cause it's all eyes on me in NGEN.

Astros points to himself again, smiling all the while. Confidence is one thing this man doesn't lack.

ASTROS - Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get the word out. Cherry Blossom Chaos, March 5, call your cable provider and be able to tell your kids one day that you were able to see greatness born on the international stage!

Astros throws his head up laughing as we fade to black.

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
I Knew You'd Say That.

VOICE: “A man that believes he is sitting on the throne of greatness is nothing more than a man who needs a simple wake up call, a snap to reality. May it be a hard crash when he learns he is just a man, just like every other man. It takes a prophet to deliver the message, to show the world what is fact and what is mere fiction. ‘The Prophecy’, it has arrived to NGEN, and in its first course of action, it will drive down a falsehood. It will destroy Donovan Astros.”


Gene and Jude’s Red Hots, River Road in River Grove, Illinois. Adrian and Freak are sitting on a new Chevy Camaro, Freak smoking a cigarette and eating some fresh cut fries, Adrian drinking Sprite from a straw and takes a last bit of his Red Hot. He takes another swig of the Sprite looking at the camera, a hood on some gloves, he wipes his mouth off a bit that is clean as Freak ashes his cigarette.

WILLARD: “Delusion, Astros. Simple, sweet delusion you live in. This façade you place in front of us, this lie, this attempt to seem greater than you actually are, it reeks of false, and it tastes of fake. I am going to expose it, that is fact, that is something that you cannot prevent, Donovan, I will SHOW the world why a man who claims to be the best, is nothing more than a liar and a thief.”

FREAK: “Damn! Tell him dawg, let that b-tch ass fool know what the f-ck is up. It’s like when I stole that b-tches virginity, damn that was some hot ass p-ssy, f-ck this n-gga.”

WILLARD: “The one thing that surprises me Donovan, the thing that puts the question mark right over your head is when a nobody, someone who is unknown to this wrestling business, claims they are a multi-time champion all over the world. Seemingly, every time a new star enters a company, they have ALWAYS been some sort of champion. It’s unoriginal, it’s actually pathetic. “

FREAK: “Ain’t that something though, yo? Every two-bit wrestling f-ck claims to be some hotshot mother f-cker from some other place. Man, f-ck that noise, we should make up a bunch of indy feds and say we were multi-time champs. Like you, you are a multi-time champion Adrian, ‘ey-yo.”

WILLARD: “Indeed, but that is wrestling, as in on a mat and power housing people, as in a technical chess game which I am great at, that is not some fiction made up place, that Is a place I wreck people in.”

FREAK: “Hell the f-ck yeah, like when a b-tch tells me to use some lube when I f-ck her ass, nah b-tch imma tear your sh-t open!”

WILLARD: “Multi-time champion, Donovan, it holds zero merit here. Level with me Astros, if you were some amazing champion, titles around the world, I think you would be booked a tad bit higher than Jeff Greenhorn who can’t even rise high in New Era. Donovan…(whispers) no one….cares..”

FREAK: “Ain’t no one give a f-ck about you, Astros. You like the fat b-tch in the club, no one gonna buy you drinks, no one gonna pay any attention to you, and no one gonna f-ck you. You the black mother f-cking stain on the white dress. Ya dig holmes?”

WILLARD: “You’re a circus act, the clown in the center, nothing more than an infomercial for Donovan Astros merchandise and a Cherry Blossom Chaos plug. Meanwhile, I am a force to be reckoned with, meanwhile, I sit and receive the visions of what will occur, here’s a hint, Donovan, you do not win.”

FREAK: “I just want ya to wreck this b-tch ass f-ck, this guy ain’t sh-t, this guys says I have Tourette’s, f-ck him. I say whatever the f-ck I wanna say. Dig it you green ass b-tch? I’d kick your bullsh-tting ass pillar to post then back again. So, shut that little mouth of yours before I go full Puerto Rican and stab your goofy ass”

WILLARD: “People, they will forget your existence faster than the fall of John Doe, people will forget that Donovan Astros claimed to be a class wrestler, yet didn’t’ quite have what it takes to prove he was. Luckily, I am the man that gets to beat you to a pulp. That gets to introduce you to a real match, a real place where the fans will gasp at how much I am destroying your body.”

FREAK: “Gonna destroy your body faster than when I made my ex f-cking squirt all over my hand. Not like you know sh-t about that Beau Michaels Junior.”

WILLARD: “In all due respect Astros, I have never even heard of you, and I have a keen ear on this business. Hell, I even pay attention to what Duchess is doing, yet you, you are a ghost, and being the fact you claim to be a multi-time champion, it just raises a little red flag. Nervous, about YOU? No, Donovan, do not REACH for items, stick with what is there. No, Donovan, I am fairly new to this business, but if you searched a tad bit deeper, used that semi-bright noggin of yours, you’d find I have already made an impact.”

FREAK: “An impact like when I f-cking thrust in a c-nt and she feels that sh-t all the way up her spine.”

WILLARD: “I have already made history. You may see it, you may not, depends if you listen to what the prophecy entails. You cannot change the future Donovan, you can believe you have a glorious future ahead, unfortunately, it will not come. I am a professional Donovan, and that makes me that more dangerous… “

FREAK: “Like if you leave me the f-ck alone with a b-tch in the room…mother f-cking dangerous…”

WILLARD: “I will break you, I will beat you, I am stronger than you, bigger than you, faster than you, and there is nothing you can do about it…”

FREAK: “Just like there ain’t sh-t to do after I tear a p-ssy…”

WILLARD: “When I get my hands on you, pray I show mercy, but even God cannot answer that prayer…”

FREAK: “But I sure as hell can answer to prayer to make a b-tch black out when I am f-cking the sh-t outta her…”

WILLARD: “Cherry Blossom Chaos, I expose you for the fraud you are, and the fans, the meaningless, ignorant fans will weep in your merchandise….it’s been….envisioned….”


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League Member
Nov 26, 2007
Adrian Willard Mad Libs - 21+ only!

"If you are what what you say you are! A superstar! Then have no fear! The camera's here!"

Lupe Fiasco's 'Superstar' plays as we see a chyron over a styleized Walk of Fame star, with wrestlers in the middle instead of a TV or movie camera. The chyron says:


The screen goes black and the volume on the music dips down to make it background noise. We see the following question on the screen in white...

"What makes a wrestler a superstar?"

The video fades to Donovan Astros, dressed in a suit and tie, sitting in a studio with NGEN paraphernalia in the background.

ASTROS - It's a combination of a lot of things. Talent, ability, charisma, opportunity, and recognition. If you don't have the talent or the ability to make it on the grandest stages, no one's gonna remember you. Same if you're dull as dirt. You gotta grab people by their eye sockets and make them look at you, make them remember you. But if you never get that opportunity to stand out and be a star, then you just spend your life living in obscurity.

"When you look at the NGEN roster, who do you see that screams out 'superstar'?"

ASTROS - You look at the obvious names. Felix Red, Shawn Hart, Cameron Cruise, all established guys with mountains of gold to their credit. Going down the rest, there are a lot of names I'm not all that familiar with, just like most of NGEN isn't familiar with Donovan Astros. But watching what they've had to say this week leading up to Cherry Blossom Chaos, there's nothing I've seen that says I can't go into the ring with any of these guys and not feel like I'm a favorite to win. I feel like that all the time, though, so that's not saying much, and even going against the top names in this sport, I think I've got a good chance to come out on top.

"Why will Donovan Astros be known as a superstar?"

ASTROS - Donovan Astros will be known by NGEN's fans and the wrestling world at large as a superstar because I'm the best damn wrestler on God's green Earth. I'm not afraid of a challenge, and I've been in this sport long enough to know all the tricks, all the tactics to be a winner. The last time I stepped up to the international scene, I thought I was entitled to all the attention and didn't work hard enough to earn it. This time, though, I know just how damn good I am, and I'm going to put the work in to show everyone out there in TV Land that Donovan Astros is the best in the world today. They say the worst thing in the world is someone who's good and knows it... I'm that guy.

"What can NGEN fans look for at Cherry Blossom Chaos out of NGEN's newest superstar?"

ASTROS - Adrian Willard's a big ol' boy, runnin' close to three hundred pounds... four fifty if you count his barnacle, The Freak. I don't believe he's actually a college graduate for the stupid crap that comes out of him and his associate's mouths, though. He seems to think that wrestling turned into a circus somewhere and his little vision of what he thinks wrestling should be, what, a world full of guys that hit the pharmaceutical aisle before they hit the gym and tote around a misogynistic little runt to act as their censored mouthpiece because the runt can't string together five words without causing NGEN to take another FCC hit? I'm no slave to the whims of the fans... I do what I want, how I want, when I want to, it's that simple. But I think the fans'll get behind someone with actual work ethic, technical skill, and just the right edge to them compared to what "The Prophecy" is offering. Sure, he's bigger, but inside the squared circle, I'm smarter. I'm faster. I'm more experienced. And I've got just the trick to keep your mongrel at bay. What can NGEN fans expect from me? They'll see Donovan Astros take his first step to glory at the expense of Adrian Willard!

"After Cherry Blossom Chaos, what can we expect from Donovan Astros?"

ASTROS - Let's be frank here, I haven't won the match yet. It'll probably go my way, but stranger things can and do happen. But if I get past Adrian Willard? I'd be an idiot if I said my ultimate goal in NGEN was anything else than the World Heavyweight Championship. That means the winner of Felix Red and Shawn Hart. But I'm no dummy. I know that I've gotta turn a lot of heads before I'm gonna get a taste of the ultimate prize here. But the North American Championship? I've been watching the three of them square off, since Just 1 Dude looks like he's just 0 dudes here in NGEN, but y'know, watching Psycho, Harold A. Lumbourgh, and Jin Gang Xiao, none of them really put the shakes in me. I think that after I get past Adrian Willard, I should be the top contender for the North American belt, and once that title's around my waist, then I'll start talkin' about World championship gold.

The Donovan Astros Walk of Fame logo appears on the screen.

ASTROS - Donovan Astros is a superstar, and at Cherry Blossom Chaos, it's gonna be all eyes on me.

As we fade out, the picture pixellizes, like it's being watched on a TV. In fact, it is, as we zoom back and pan around to Donovan Astros watching himself from his hotel room in Washington, DC, smiling. And he's humble, too!

ASTROS - Pretty good, huh, Adrian? Apparently you're too lazy or too stupid to dig a little bit and find out about Donovan Astros. I know you're afraid of computers since there's so much free knowledge out there, but if you search my name, you'll see... GASP! Matches and promos of mine from other promotions! Man, that Internet's crazy! But you're holed up in your bunker, preparing for the Rapture or whatever, and then you head out to your local drive in... man, they still have drive-ins in Illinois? That's kinda cool! If you didn't live there, I might actually wanna visit!

Astros laughs.

ASTROS - But you go to these places where people hear you say the same things over and over again, and they mutter to themselves, "There goes that crazy Adrian again. It must be the drugs." And they smile and nod and give you a hot dog and some fries for your pet to munch on. PS, big man, get your Freaks spayed or neutered. Help control the scumbag population.

A broad smile crosses Astros's face.

ASTROS - But you did say one thing that made sense in your rambling, nonsensical Mad Libs performance. You're absolutely right. What I've done in New Alberta Pro-Wrestling before coming here doesn't mean a damn thing to you or to NGEN's fans. And it shouldn't matter... wrestling is a 'what have ya done for me lately' sport. But Adrian, why should your past accomplishments matter when mine don't? Why do you get a free pass with the NGEN fans when I don't? Oh, that's right, no one gives a *BLEEP* about what you've done either!

The trademark Astros smirk comes shining through.

ASTROS - I don't mind being in the opening match, boy. I don't mind having the attention of every wrestler in the back as I go out there and do what I do best. Steal the show at your expense, Adrian. Don't forget, not only am I at the beginning of the card, but so are YOU. Some prophecy you got there, chump. And while you got your higher vision, you're blind to reality. Donovan Astros is going out there to impress. To beat you. Shut your little cult down, and move on to bigger and better challenges. At least you'll have your furry little friend to keep you company on those cold Chicago nights. Snuggle up tight, you two, cause there's no Ritz Carlton for losers here in NGEN, and baby, everyone's gonna know it's all eyes on me!

Fade out on the newest NGEN superstar.

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
No Future.

VOICE: “Are you that induced, so stuck in your world that you fail to see outside the box? Are you another member of society, begging to be brought to light, looking for the solution? Are you simply just a man, pretending to be bigger than life? Nothing but hot air, nothing but a grand scale lie waiting to be exposed? Are you nothing more than a grand illusionist, a member of society that has tricked the public to believe a lie? I believe so, and at Cherry Blossom Chaos, there is no shame in me proven you all too wrong and showing ‘The Prophecy’ as it lives to be seen each and every day.”


Midway Airport, the first stations, luggage check in, ticket purchasing and pick up, the area leading to TSA interactions. We are right near the entrance where a bay of payphones sit, luggage assistance carts, and Adrian Willard with Freak making sure they have all their baggage ready.

WILLARD: “Does this really make a difference, Donovan? Does anything I say stick into your mind? Let me enlighten you, Donovan. Fans, they do not care about your work ethic, yours is nowhere at the caliber as mine. The fans, they will not gather behind your technical skill, Donovan, you are nowhere near par to me. Smarter? Please, I am a college wrestler, Donovan, an NCAA Champion, I have more technical knowledge in chain wrestling, technical wrestling and this sport than you, no falsehoods, let us not tiptoe around it. No, Donovan, you are not faster, you are nowhere near my league.”

FREAK: “This guy man, it’s like watching a sad Pollack f-ck with spiked hair trying to get game at the bar. F-cking pathetic, n-gga listen up homie, ya ain’t running no game we ain’t seen. We study this sh-t day in day out, we don’t give Pamela Anderson f-ck how technical you think ya are holmes, fact is fact, Adrian gonna give ya a welcome package ya ain’t gonna be able to refuse.”

WILLARD: “I am no walking mat, Donovan, and its people like you that make me do the things I do. Look what I did to Shawn Hart, pompous, like you, and I busted him open, I made him feel what occurs when you tread too loudly, Donovan. The future is already set my friend, and the reason I invite you to share it with me is because I am a professional. Nothing will go your way, Donovan, things that are set in stone; they never go but the way it is written. I have already seen the outcome; it dwells in my dreams at night. When I rest, when I am at relaxation, each vision becomes more vivid. It does not end with you at the point of victory.”

FREAK: “Ya know what, damn son, you got Adrian under the f-ck estimated homie and that sh-t is just dumb son. You are worse than a tramp fingering herself with one ******* finger, you ain’t getting off on that sh-t, are you? If so ya weak son, and you want a weak ass climax.”

WILLARD: “You may turn heads, Donovan, you may excite the fans, but there is no World Title in your future. You may think this is the path you walk, yet you are on a detour in the wrong direction. There is NO passing me Donovan, I am going to break you, and I am going to destroy your body. This will not be a cakewalk; it will not be an easy run for you. That is 'The prophecy', that is the outcome, that is unchanging.”

FREAK: “Yo, put it out like this holmes. You at the club, iight? Rolling three deep right? Hot ass girl, I mean, smoking homie, you walking right past that sh-t, you ain’t even looking at that sh-t right now. You gotta get through that crowd first, but we that c-ck block, b-tch, we ain’t letting you get that gem mother f-cker. We gonna hook ya up, but it aint’ gonna be a hook up ya gonna dig, holmes.”

WILLARD: “How do you fail to realize this, Donovan? Why are you so naive to the point you lack to see what is really going to happen? It’s me grabbing you and tossing you around like a training dummy. There is no further discussion on it; there is no ultimate outcome for you besides you conceding defeat.”

FREAK: “He gonna beat you worse than when I whooped my ex for shooting her sh-t all over my car interior. Dig it?”

WILLARD: “I told you once Donovan, don’t reach for the insults, don’t reach for things that aren’t there. Technophobia, please Donovan, be somewhat less generic and put a little spice in it, something more Shawn Hart-ish. Again, Donovan, I have not heard of you, nor do I care about you. Donovan, no one will care about you, after I make your name as unknown as when you stepped foot into NGEN. My accomplishments, no, no, Donovan you mistake it all. My accomplishments are outside the spectrum of our little sport here; my accomplishments do not include indy scrub that can’t bench ninety-five pounds to face Donovan Astros at New Alberta. No, my accomplishments take hold on a mat that there is full athletic competition that is what separates you from I, Donovan. There is no such thing as being carried or spoon-feed matches in my athletic arena, where I originate. Now, ask again, why I get a free pass? I earned it.”

FREAK: “Just like I earned my stupid b-tches trust to have a threesome with her best friend and not f-ck that hoe on the side. I did anyways cause I f-cking can!”

WILLARD: “And if I care, again, what NGEN, the fans or least important you think Donovan? No, Cherry Blossom is going to be a rude awakening for you, and when that bell rings, I hope the senses kick in, because I am going to kick it back out, Donovan. That is ‘The Prophecy’, that is what will happen, and there is no one besides that stripped little man between us that can save you from allowing me to fulfill it. My ‘prophecy’, it has nothing to do where my match is placed, no, it has to do with the fact of what will occur. You mistake what I say, and you lack the ability to pay attention, Donovan. There is no other challenge, there is no great foe, there is nothing more than this, and this is going to be a harsh reality.”

FREAK: “Reality is in play mother f-cker and there ain’t **** to do ‘bout it. Adrian is gonna win, he gonna beat the sh-t out of ya, and you ain’t gonna do sh-t ‘bout it yo. Ain’t nothing ya can do, this guy is better, bigger, stronger and will beat you faster than that tramp as hoe beat me last night”

WILLARD: “There is no future for Donovan Astros, it all comes to a crumbling defeat at Cherry Blossom…”

FREAK: “F-cking popping that cherry on your dumb ass son…”

WILLARD: “No fairy tale endings, no big over coming victory, nothing…”

FREAK: “Ain’t no hot b-tch for you to put a rabbit on her p-ssy after we get done whooping ya ass homie…”

WILLARD: “All eyes will be on you Donovan, all eyes will be on you after I put you down for three, all eyes will be on your unconscious, limp body, all eyes will be on your failure….it’s been…envisioned….”




League Member
Nov 26, 2007
Dear Adrian Willard...

Fade into Donovan Astros's hotel room in Washington, DC. The normally confidant Astros is... fast asleep? Sitting next to him is an open laptop with a text document loaded...


This relationship could have gotten off so well. Really, I had high hopes for a nice little war of words, a friendly wrestling match (where I win, of course), and then the two of us moving off on our separate ways, dignity intact. I held up my end of the bargain, but then you and your diminutive little buddy just had to open your mouths. Again and again and again. Now you've put me and the rest of the NGEN audience to sleep and I feel obligated to stop you before you bore again!

You're as predictable as stock cars turning left. As repetitive as top-40 radio. You can't form a complete thought that lasts for more than a minute, which is why you have that socially awkward Ewok at your side ready to spew profanities so you can gather the thirty or so words you know that aren't some form of vision or prophecy together for another blast of your NCAA Division I education. I came for a battle of wits, Adrian, and all you brought to this gunfight was a Spork! I hope to God you wrestle better than you talk, otherwise there's no way I'm stealing the show at Cherry Blossom Chaos... even I can't work miracles and cure the lame!

You say I can't interpret your words correctly, Adrian. You say you think at a higher level than me. I think I'd have to be high to understand you. All I get out of the Adrian Willard See'n'Say is this...

"The Prophecy says... 'My victory has been envisioned!'"

You pull the string and the same crap comes out, every time. Maybe your tunnel vision is to say the same thing, walk the same line, follow the same trail over and over again and hope it all works out for the best. You like to think you have no weaknesses. You like to play that you're invincible. You like to hope that all your opponents will be intimidated, and once they get in the ring with you, they'll be so worried about you and your vision that they'll lose focus on their own game. The thing is, Adrian, I know that no man is invincible. No man is without weakness, not even me. The difference between me and you, Adrian, the key difference is that you hide behind this veneer of invincibility, just like so many other wrestlers out there. Some do it because they're afraid of their weaknesses. Some do it because they don't believe they have any weaknesses and they're so narcissistic that they can't get a grasp of their flaws. Sounds a lot like you, doesn't it? Me? I understand my faults. I know my weaknesses and I'm not afraid of them. I'm not afraid of failure... but I'm confident that at Cherry Blossom Chaos, the only one of us that's going to be experiencing a little failure is you, Adrian.

So once I wake up, I'm going to head to the Capitol Mall. I'm going to stare the Prophecy in the face, and I'm going to give you a vision of the best damned wrestler in God's green Earth. Maybe then, Adrian, you'll wake up.

Love, luck and lollipops,
Donovan Astros

Fade out.

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