Re: It always begins with a woman
(Screen fades and we now find ourselves in a car heading towards the less desirable area of the city. It is late at night and there are few cars on the street and the red lights seem to be afraid to come up as the car makes its’ way down the street. In the car we see Minion still in shock from what he read the last time we saw him, still clinching the piece of paper in one hand and the folded up prescription in the other hand. To his left is the woman who gave Minion the note. The deteriorating buildings do not faze her as the car moves further into the city. The camera pans to its right and we see the buildings getting steadily worse. After a few minutes the car comes to a stop. To the right we see a park, which looks very familiar, but the camera quickly pans to the right and we see a dilapidated building. There are some bums outside the building and they pay little attention to the car. The woman gets out and motions for Minion to come with her. Once Minion steps out of the car the bums quickly look up and the expression on their face is as if they have seen a ghost.)
Woman: Come on Minion, he is waiting for you up there and we know how he doesn’t like to wait.
(Without missing a beat the woman goes into the building unafraid, Minion follows behind her. After going up to the top floor the long hallway before us now is night and day different from what we saw in the last interview. Gone are the nice, clean, crisp doorframes and paint; which now have been replaced with no door frames, yellowish wall paper (which obviously was not the original wall paper), and scribbling on the wall. Minion looks at some of the scribbling and some of it is just one letter “M” some of it is phrases such as “Minion Lives”, “Through his errors we are lost, his return we will be found”, and “The man on TV is not the one, he will be found”. After a short walk down the hall we come to an apartment with the letter “M” scratched into the door. The woman opens the door and ushers Minion in. Minion looks around and all we see is a dingy couch, a couple of chairs, a television, and one chair, which we can barely see in the corner. Minion sits on the couch.)
Minion: Lilith why have you brought me to this place?
Lilith: You don’t remember do you, the pills were that effective. He will be most unpleased by this.
(From the chair an authoritative voice speaks and Lilith takes a seat by Minion)
Voice: Thank you Lilith. So Minion, you have finally returned to Babylon. Not much has changed, but the main thing that has changed is you. We are on the eve of your fight with Golem, the dog. Like a dog he needs to be put down, but you are weak Minion. You are spineless. You take pills to help you fight the urge, to fight that you are and what you truly can be. You deny yourself your destiny…so what that the stupid cows can cheer you? So you can be the f<fcc>king fans can think you are the hero in this story? Minion, remember when the fans cheered Tom Parker, then he got hurt and they forgot about him, then he died and they never mentioned him again. Do you want to end up like that? Do the pills, fans, the cheering, being the hero mean that much? Do you think you even stand a chance against….
(Before the voice can go any further Minion interrupts)
Minion: Who do you think you are, you get your b<fcc>h to drag me down to this s<fcc>t hole to what, mock me. The fans are my inspiration; they are everything to me now. The man you see before you is the Minion. The man who Golem wants, who you want is dead; you call me weak, spineless, and stop short of calling me pathetic just like Golem has called me, but that is fine. When the chips are down ill rise up. I am the under dog in this fight, you know, I know it, and that thing Golem knows it, but when you back the underdog into the corner he just gets hungrier and you know what I am pretty damn hungry.
(Minion stands up and approaches where the voice is coming from stopping short of ripping whomever it is out of the chair)
Voice: You say all of this, but deep down you know you need your old self. You know when Golem starts up he wont stop until you are down for the count and then he wont stop, but do you have it in you to get to that point to put Golem down. Golem is a dog that needs to be taken out back and shot. He has risen against the master. He has risen and bitten the master’s hand and now he is just a cur. He needs to be kicked in the gut, rammed with a chair in the head, thrown onto the cement, and then beat with everything not tied down. Can you do that Minion? No, you are pathetic. Tom Parker would be embarrassed of you; you put on this charade this alter ego like super man. See, Kal El is the real person and Clark Kent is the alter ego. The Minion I see before me is just an alter ego and the real Minion is the real person. Don’t deny it, you know I am right or else you would not be holding that prescription in your hand. You don’t trust your real self you know if it is unleashed it will be hell on the NGEN, you know that if Golem does what he wants that no one will be safe from the madness that is sure to come…give in to it Minion give into the animalistic ways of your past.
Minion: You are wrong. I am the real Minion, and if Tom saw me now he would know that and had he seen me prior to this he would have been embarrassed. Embarrassed that I almost killed a pregnant woman by pushing her down the stairs, embarrassed that I craved the thrill of breaking people’s bones and got off to the snapping of the, and he would be embarrassed that I am talking to who ever you are…no sir I think he would be embarrassed if I went back to my old ways. Golem will not make me go back to my old ways. Come Cherry Blossom Chaos I will show the world that I can defeat Golem. I will show the world one last time, that I can do the hardcore thing without unleashing my old self, that I don’t need chemicals to keep my old self down that I will keep both down. This is a unique match, see I have one physical opponent and I have one mental opponent and in many ways this is a handicap match and I am out numbered, but I my odds. Golem, at Cherry Blossom Chaos I will put you down and move on. All I wanted Golem was to be the hero in this story and if I have to defeat the big bad villain to prove then so be it; you might have started this war and one some battles along the way, but they were merely skirmishes compared to what is coming and the war will be one with a bang which so happen will be your head splitting open from a chair shot.
Voice: Even though you deny your old self, Minion, I give you a choice out of kindness, but do not mistake my one act of kindness as a weakness. You can walk out the door and never return to Babylon and go upon your white knight crusade or you can give in to your true nature and stop being the pathetic loser that you have become, but before you decide think carefully, think about the fun you had, think that you are living through popping pills and the self you are now is just an act, a watered down version of what you really are, no one respects you anymore because they don’t fear you anymore. Everyone knows as well as Golem knows that you are spineless and without your old self you are a walking dead man.
(Minion finally being pushed over the edge turns on a lamp near the chair. The corner illuminates to reveal no one is there. Confused, Minion looks over to Lilith who smiles her chershire cat grin.)
Lilith: Thank god that is over; conversations between you and your own self are so boring. Think they deliver Chinese food down here?
(Screen fades out as we hear a faint laughter, which now know is Minion’s evil self, Minion with a confused look on his face looks down at the empty chair obviously contemplating his two choices)