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Cherry Blossom Chaos: Psycho vs. HAL vs. Just 1 Dude vs. JGX


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
This match is for the vacant NGEN North American Title. This is a Falls Count Anywhere in the Mall elimination match.

Remember, all RP conducted for Cherry Blossom Chaos should be from various locations in the Washington, DC Area.

The RP/Angle deadline is Monday, March 8th 11:59PM PST. Send all angles to pmiller21@gmail.com
Last edited:


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
(FADEIN to a server room with a single ladder rack holding several Cisco Catalyst switches, as well as a small handful of Dell PowerEdge 2950’s. Sitting in front of them tinkering away is Harold A. Lumbourgh, better known as HAL. He seems lost in thought for a moment before he finally turns to the camera.)

HAL: “You’ll have to excuse me if I’m not standing in front of the Washington Monument or some of the other picturesque locales here in D.C., but the fact is, one server room looks astonishingly similar to the next server room, regardless of location.

“Server rack. Switches. Routers. Servers. Patch cables. All the intricate parts of a network being born. It’s a thing a beauty if you can understand it.

“Unfortunately, not all of my opponents will appreciate the beauty of such things. Some of them even lack a working comprehension of English. How unfortunate… for them.

“You see, I am not such a man. I am a man of intellect and digital awareness. And, of course, remarkable size. I am blessed, I suppose.

“So it is with great sorrow that I tell you, gentlemen, that this is just the first step for HAL. The vacant NGEN North American Title is in my sights, and the only thing standing between myself and the title are a bunch of men who couldn’t code their way out of an encapsulated paper bag, hahahahahaha.”

(He laughs too hard at the joke, giggling until he snorts, and finally stops himself, becoming serious again.)

HAL: “Truth is… I haven’t met any of you before. But it won’t matter.

“Psycho, with his penchant for theatrics and violence, will find himself laid out by his own careless, chaotic ways. Just 1 Dude, well, I haven’t the foggiest idea what kind of man he is, but he sounds like the kind of men who might miss the venue after taking too many bong rips. And JGX, well, let’s face it, we might all accept the cheap Chinese substitute in electronics, but when it comes to pure skill, there’s just no compromising quality, is there.

“NGEN has been blessed to have me come… for I could’ve gone anywhere. I could be stuck fighting in some other backwater league. But NGEN is where the coin landed, and this is my home now. These are the servers I protect.

“NGEN… is the Next Generation… like me… the evolutionary step of technology… the Ethernet packet of hope… the, er… bits of beauty… or… something.

“Bah. I can’t be bothered. You nubs know nothing. And I lack the time to teach you.

“Welcome to NGEN, boys. This is HAL’s home now. You might not realize it yet, but when you suddenly come into the office, and your email access has been restricted and your password expired, well… you’ll know…

“… you’re in my world now.”

(FADEOUT as he smirks and goes back to tinkering with the server stack.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Enter The Dangerman

{{The camera opens outside the World War II Memorial on the mall in Washington D.C. as the sun begins to set and the tourists and family members this out a masked man walks through the arch. He takes a look around and sits down on the steps facing the fountain}}

Psycho: Sacrifice...that's what these men knew. That's what this Memorial is all about SACRIFICE and if there's any wrestler in what is now NGEN wrestling that knows this? Well your looking at him. See I haven't given up my life, but I've given blood, body and bone...not just for this league....but for the very title we're all fighting for.

(He gazes around and stares back into the flowing water)

Psycho: Now I could run down a list of the belts I've won and the evil, violent and twisted acts I've done. However that would deprive all of you the chance of finding that out all on your own. To find out what true sacrifice really is. What it takes to be champion, what it takes to beat me...what it takes to capture the North American Title.

(He stands and points that infamous crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: See HAL your new here, but you think in old ways. There was a time when I was chaotic, careless....out of control...but no longer. I've taken the time to speak with professionals and....

(He laughs coldly)

Psycho: adjust my medication...to become what I am now....FOCUSED!!!! See I appreciate my shot at a title I've already won before, but that's were the line between me and the rest of you stop. See I had Felix Red pinned...shoulders to the mat for the count of three. Yet sadly...

(He looks up holding back his anger)

Psycho: we couldn't find a ref component enough to count to three. Now I could complain, but I won't because right after I walk out of the Washington Mall the NEW North American Champion...I'm going to be sitting ringside for that Title Match between Felix Red and Shawn Hart. I don't care who walks out the winner, but i do know that I will hunt down the whoever that is. Why?,Because there's one thing I haven't done yet in my wrestling career and that's be a World Champion.

(He looks around at the memorial and smiles wide)

Psycho: The men this Memorial is dedicated too new all about SACRIFICE. Come bell time...I will teach you ALL a lesson in that. Why?

(He lifts that crooked finger back up towards the camera and grins)

Psycho: Because I am...."THE AMERICAN DANGERMAN"....I am...."THE CRIMSON IDOL"...I'm your "VIOLENT MESSIAH" and I'm the next North American Champion.

(He exhales and laughs)

Psycho: But above ALL....I'm PSYCHO!!!....and you are the ones that are crazy to get into a fight with me. So gentlemen...PREPARE for violence....PREPARE for bloodshed....PREPARE FOR SACRIFICE!!!!

(He makes a cutthroat gesture)

Psycho: Because that's just were to begin so start when you have a fight with me.

(He laughs coldly and walks away)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000

(The camera opens in front of the Lincoln Memorial. As the sun starts to set shadows cast from the pillars and across the face of a sitting Lincoln. A masked man stares at the written words of the Gettysburg Address the camera zooms in closer and his voice can be heard)

Psycho: "That from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"

(He turns and faces the camera)

Psycho: I gave you all a speech on sacrifice when last we spoke, but as I stand her in the shadow of Lincoln I see that devotion is what all of you really lack. First there's you HAL....hacker or hack...which is it? I know that you can be bothered to look up from you laptop and face the world, but I want you to do me a favor HAL...go on youtube...check out my highlights from Cherry Blossom Chaos...I got quite a history here...won the WFW World Title once and defended the North American title in this very match.

(He shrugs his shoulders)

Psycho: Doesn't matter if your impressed or even if you are....nothing compares to the real thing. You might have come across some true violent and twisted people while you were surfing the Internet HAL, but I don't want to touch you and funny ways...I want to pin your shoulders...

(He points his fingers out towards the Mall)

Psycho: Hell...ANYWHERE!!! If I want I can moonsault...

(He points up)

Psycho: From Honest Abe's lap here and pin you to the ground or I can nearly drown you in the reflecting pool till you can't breath and then drag your sorry wet ass on the stones and pin you there. Damn I can pin anyone of you on whatever step of The Washington Monument I damn well choose. That's what is in store for you, but it's not just you HAL is it?

(He points that crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: No...I'm in the fight for one of the best titles in NGEN and when the bell rings I'll be fighting a guy names J1D....Just One Dude? Really....serious? Your kidding right and keep in mind this is coming from a masked man named Psycho? which dude are you? Bill, Ted...what am I seriously supposed to call you?

(He pauses and scratches his head before snapping his fingers)

Psycho: Oh yeah....Victim 1....exhibit 1.......oh wait....Psycho Driver....Just 1,2,3 ....Dude.

(He smiles wide before it turns into a frown again)

Psycho: But I'm ignoring one man and ONE big man at that. JGX...Jin Gang Xiao. Now I've seen you around and your a big man Jin, but you got a weakness....and it's that woman. You see you might be a big man, but trust me she see's you as very small in her eyes. But hey...do what you think you need to do...have that woman drag you down to our match...put down her chair and park that cougar wherever you want....

(Again he points that crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: However Ms. Sharp....if you stick your nose in my match I will pimp slap you all around the Washington Mall...because that's what you are Ms. Sharp...a pimp and you lead that big ***** down to ringside, but it's leading a big lamb to slaughter. I'll take that big man of yours and literally cut him down to size Ms. Sharp....because that's what I am...I'm a violent man, you want to bring salt to the ring....

(He laughs loudly)

Psycho: That's not even ante and the game I'm willing to play. Dedication gentlemen...sacrifice....it will take even more then that....I'm walking out the North American Champion and then I'm going after the World Title...that takes sacrifice...that takes dedication....I've got it and so far NONE of you have shown me any

(He stares coldly at the camera)

Psycho: But when that bell rings...I'll show you what it takes...that's why I'm "The DangerMan"....I'm "The Crimson Idol"....I'm Psycho....and all of you are going down.

(He turns his back and walks off)


The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
The outsider

(FADEIN: The White House. Standing in front off the black fence that blocks off the front lawn of the White House is Abigail Sharp in a light blue pants suit, hair pulled up, stands in front of the massive JGX, who stands behind her and to her right. He is huge frame covered in a red and yellow checkered kimono.)

SHARP: Men enter this place claiming they will unite us, but they seldom do. For you see, everyone needs an enemy, and the leaders of political movements always are an enemy. The Nazi slurs hurled at George W. Bush now are flung at Barack Obama. Villains are always looked for, they fulfill a need, they give us someone to set ourselves against, to hope for their defeat.

And so I give them one, but why is he a monster? Why do they revile him and salute you? You, who insult me, call me a whore, You who turn around and blame the refs for your failures. You who are nothing but a common thug who can not even accept his own shortcomings. This is all you are or ever will be, but they will cheer you all the same, they will rally behind you as you take on my giant.

The chants of "U-S-A U-S-A" will echo through the arena as you go blow for blow with the mountain of a man that is JGX. You will be beloved because you are "The American Dangerman"...Key there is American. They cheer for you, out of nationalist pride, our of rejection and fear of those from outside the boarders of this nation.

But it will amount to nothing for them, and you...For JGX will not be denied. Oh there have been mis-steps...I blame myself for many of them, but in the end this man is far to driven, far to talented to allow you, or any of the others in this match to stop him...

And that brings us to the computer guy...Who won a battle royal my man was in with him. A feat I'd never believe possible had I not seen it myself. So I respect that you're a threat in this match. I accept that this will be no easy task, nor should winning a title be easy, but in the end, JGX will prove himself the victor. He will have his revenge for that battle royal, and he will have his pound of flesh from you.

This is a new day in wrestling, NGEN is back, and it shall have a North American Champ who may not be loved...But he will be respected...

(JGX glares at the camera, FADEOUT)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The American Way

(The camera opens under the shady trees of Constitutional Gardens on the Washington Mall. Under the shade of large elm trees stand the masked face of Psycho. He wears of large white shirt an American flag logo emblazoned on the front. The camera pulls in closer)

Psycho: Well....well Ms. Sharp it's good to hear from you. I was wondering what it would take to get you to bite and sure enough all I had to do was mention the word ***** and you barked. However I don't remember calling you a whore, cougar yes...your wrestler a *****...

(He raises his hand)

Psycho: Yup I'm guilty of that, but you a whore....your words not mine. If that's the way you wish to be addressed....well all you had to do was ask...after all I've know a few women who like being called names. However this isn't about you though Ms. Sharp...to be honest once that bell rings there's not really a whole lot you can do. Just sit there....watch and hope...hope that the man you've sent to battle doesn't come back one of the many sacrifices I've spoken about.

(He steps out of the shade of the trees)

Psycho: See you don't understand a few things Ms. Sharp....do some research. Yes I am "The American Dangerman", but the origin comes from a very famous Japanese wrestler. So...your wrong those fans don't cheer me out of pride of country...although they might when you walk that big poodle down to the ring.

(He flashes a crooked smile)

Psycho: They cheer me, because I give them what they want...blood...violence...CARNAGE!!! See I'd love to treat this as a pure sport and let the best man win. As a young cruiserweight that would not have been a problem, but stepping out of that world and walking into the ring with a man who out weights me by nearly three hundred pounds. Well those fans know something that you don't....that when size becomes my disadvantage....

(He reaches down from his boot and retrieves a bloodstained fork wrapped in tape)

Psycho: Well I'm going to stick this in him and he'll be DONE!!!! How's that for American pride. Just like the Gadsden flag...Don't tread on me. You've lead your man into missteps in the past

(He points that crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: Well your going to make your biggest mistake so far...

(He makes a cutthroat gesture)

Psycho: Courtesy of "The Crimson Idol".....along with some Red, White and Blue.

(He turns his back and walks away)



Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
Re: The American Way

(FADEIN to The Mall in Washington D.C. Standing outside the reflecting pond, which has frozen over, stands Harold A. Lumbourgh, all bundled up and playing on his iPhone. He looks around and then shakes his head. A homeless man wanders near him and he grimaces at the main, moving away, apparently uninterested in being touched by poverty.)

HAL: “I gotta admit, I just don’t get it. People go on and on about the majesty and grace of the U.S. capitol area, but, man… it’s just… who really enjoys the outside that much? I mean, c’mon.

“It’s cold. Sometimes it snows. There are vagrants that want your money. And you can’t get a decent WiFi signal to save your life. I don’t care what maps Verizon and AT&T show. We all know it sucks and isn’t the same as cable, much less the blazing fast speeds of Fios.

“Yet here I am, doing my solemn duty to appear patriotic so as to counteract Psycho’s apparently desire to regale us with his tales of sacrifice.

“Tell me, Psycho, do you understand the irony of describing how it’s the ref’s fault you didn’t beat Felix Red while simultaneously explaining that you aren’t making excuses? Is this all lost on you? Or are you too catastrophically stupid to know the difference?

“See, I’m not doubting your ability to come out here and keep jabbering endlessly about all the mayhem and destruction you’ve caused, nor your ability to bore us with details of the past. Nobody wants to hear about the days of Prodigy or the 2400 baud modem, gramps.

“You certainly have made up a lot of names for yourself, which is pretty adorable, and a real throwback to the simpler, more idiotic days when everyone watched Hampster Dance and Dancing Baby. But we’ve moved on to much more clever memes and the endless cultural annihilation that is 4chan. I don’t expect you to understand.

“When a relic of the past becomes obsolete, they’re always the last to know. You are Betamax, Psycho. You might think the future is bright. And you may even have once been a higher quality product. But you aren’t relevant. And you aren’t ever going to be again.

“Which brings us to the other big guy, JXG. You and I have met once before, have we not? In a previous incarnation, in a previous life. In simpler days, perhaps.

“No matter. I am not ignorant enough to claim dominion over you. I was lucky because everyone in that ring realized what a threat you were, and I was more than happy to let them go after you. Now I just have to hope Psycho is smart enough to know the threat you pose and help me annihilate you. But of course, counting on Psycho to do the reasonable, intelligent thing is like trying to get PC games running on a Mac: Sure, you can do it, but only if you play WoW. Er… something.

“Gentlemen. I want you to enjoy this moment. When you were able to bear witness to the future of this sport. And know that you played a role in the rise of the next great superstar in this sport.

And I dedicate this future victory to the forces of logic and reason, without which we would have nothing. You can try as you might, but in the end, you just aren’t smart enough, big enough, strong enough, evolved enough. I can’t help you guys.

“It’s just science.”

(FADEOUT as HAL clearly needs to get out of the cold and into the shelter of an indoor area.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
High Tech/Low Tech

(The camera opens outside the reflecting pool on the Washington Mall. The masked face of Psycho stares into the water as his reflection looks back up. He takes a deep breath of the cool air and turns his gaze at the camera. He claps his hands together and flashes a mocking smile)

Psycho: Well...well....look who left his mom's basement....it's HAL...HAL everyone. You know HAL I expected more from you. Despite you being a bit of a jerk you should at least be smart considering your obvious hobbies.

(He shrugs his shoulders)

Psycho: Yet you do fit right into this town HAL...you took my words, but you didn't really listen...so let me put it in language you can understand. If the ref had counted to three...then he would have been competent. If I used that as a reason for a rematch then I'd be making excuse. Else I'm not...I'm going to win the North American Title. See HAL...that should be in simple enough terms any programmer can understand. You can try to cut and paste my words any way you want HAL, but your eventual reality doesn't have an escape key this time. When your world starts to crash it won't be blue, but blood red.

(He takes a looks around the Mall)

Psycho: Because it's ANYWHERE HAL!!!! Anywhere on this mall and with anything that I can get my hands on when it comes to eliminating the three of you. I'm not afraid of the size of the man....unlike you HAL...I've actually done this before. I've been in this match and I've won it. One by one each of you will fall. I don't have a particular order yet, I'm going to let each of you tell me that.

(He flashes a crazed smile)

Psycho: It's the weak links HAL, kinda like you in high school. You know how you've spent hours of time looking for that one little error in the code that crashes the whole system....I'm going to do that to each and everyone of you. I'm going to find that weakness and I'm going to exploit it. Like a good hacker would. So don't get any hopes of me giving you a hand with JGX. All you've shown me is that maybe I've found your weak link already. As for his...well you know that they say...the bigger they are...

(He stops for a moment and chuckles coldly)

Psycho: About your assertion that I'm Old HAL...well at the ripe old age of twenty seven I think I still got a few good years left in me besides HAL...your a tech guy the past is never past....Hell we could all be tweeting on a VIC 20 if we really wanted to...go ahead google it. Yet for convenience sake people like you need the latest and greatest. They want something newer to make they're lives easier...

(He shakes his head)

Psycho: That's not going to happen in the ring with me HAL....I don't do things the easy way. Besides this is Washington....go to the history museum the past has a way of repeating itself. I've won this title before...I can do it again.

(He points that crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: As for those nicknames of mine HAL...well I didn't sit down at a computer trying to come up with a tag that someone didn't already have and when we meet in the ring I'll be more then willing to show you how I EARNED those names. I'm violent...I'm dangerous....

(He makes that cutthroat gesture)

Psycho: and I'm willing to spill your blood....hell I'm willing to spill mine...how does that compute?

(He smiles and walks away)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The will too Fight?

(The camera opens upon the Washington Mall just outside the Vietnam War Memorial. A masked Psycho looks on for a moment head respectfully bowed)

Psycho: You know allot of people in this country still find this a very disappointing time in our country history. Look down on the men who went and fought. What they don't understand is you can always question the men who send you into battle, to never send question the fighters...why? Because they are willing to fight.

(He turns and walks along the Mall)

Psycho: Which is what I wonder from each and everyone of my opponents. The silient three as I consider you. Sure we've heard brief boast and brags from HAL, A slight squeak from Ms. Sharp and well I don't even care about The Dude.

(He stops and looks into the camera)

Psycho: Because I've been in this match before...I know what it takes to win and much like those men who went off to war...I'm not backing down from a fight. Sure my sacrifice isn't the same, but I'm still willing to make one. I wonder if any of you are?

(He points that crooked finger)

Psycho: See HAL you might consider yourself the future, but you've got to beat the present first and that HAL is me. Like it or not everyone sees me as the favorite in this match and I aim to prove them right. You HAL...you actually stated I'd consider helping you take out that giant JGX, Which either makes you a fool or a man who needs shortcuts beyond the F keys.

(He nods his head)

Psycho: Yet you are right JGX is a big man...a giant of a man, but I've dealt with problems like that all my wrestling career. I'm always fighting somebody bigger then me, but I don't have a problem with that. I like a good fight...I know how to hurt a man...bring him down to size. Put him on his back and then we on an even level. That's why I won't ask or need any help from you HAL when it comes to the giant. He will fall....no question in my mind

(He laughs coldly)

Psycho: and then we have the dude...I guess surprise is his best offense. Look I don't even care if you show up at this point. I know I'm walking out of this the NEW....North American Champion. The real surprise will be later on that night.

(He looks coldly into the camera)

Psycho: I'm going to be a ringside for that World Title match and I will confront the winner, but if anyone wants to discuss anything with with me before the count of three

(He chuckles)

Psycho: Then I'll save a little energy just for you. I don't care who wins...I just want the belt

(He turns and walks away)



Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Re: The will too Fight?


J1D: DUDE...are you serious brah???? I had a match??? NO WAY!



Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
Re: The will too Fight?

(FADEIN to the inside of the Smithsonian. Walking around is Harold A. Lumbourgh, staring up at the various space shuttles and technologies that were created in the late 20th century. He seems almost entranced by it, but then he speaks and it’s clear he knows the camera’s there.)

HAL: “Perhaps you should avert your eyes, Psycho. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally acquire too much knowledge all at once and end up with blood pouring out of your face – a position I’m sure you’re used to.

“There you are, accusing me of not being smart… a cunning play of words, mind you, sir… while explaining, once again, the gross incompetence of the referee who could not count your victory. After which you explain in a perfectly reasonable tone that it only counts as an excuse if you demand a rematch.

“Tell me, good sir, do you know what an excuse is? Let me define it. It’s a way to remove blame from an action or create an exception. For instance, you didn’t really lose because the ref didn’t know how to count. Under no circumstances is the demand for a rematch involved at all.

“Of course, you DO call yourself Psycho, so I suppose none of us should be surprised that you either do not actually know what is an excuse is, or have completely redefined the word in the English language to make yourself appear much less insane than you truly are.

“Then you explain to me how there’s always one error in the code and you’ll exploit it and destroy us all. While I do appreciate the fact that you’ve attempted to meet me in my own world, I fear you are entirely too navie to make programming analogies.

“For one, there’s n o such thing as bugs. Only undocumented features. “

(He looks back at the camera and smirks before moving on.)

HAL: “Second of all, I would love to see the code which has only one error. Every routine can be optimized. Pushed down the stack. Compiled into assembly. Memory reaped. FURTHER OPTIMIZATION CAN BE DONE, PSYCHO.

“See, your understanding, like your wrestling skill, is rudimentary at best. I’m sure in the local gym halls or wherever it is you hang out, you’re the real Cat’s Meow. Leetsauce, if you will.

“Well not anymore, Psycho. The truth is, as much as I’ve listened to you tell everyone how I’m… NOT SMART… and I have cried and I have cried into my binary-covered pillow at home, to know that you think so little of my intelligence as to be NOT SMART… well…

“I’m just going to have to live with the fact that at least I’m capable of forming complete sentences and occasionally even make a little bit of sense, and you, just, well… I can’t even tell.

“Are you a madman who will destroy his own body to win? Are you a patriot? Are you a nerd cause you know what a Commodore VIC20 is?

“Or are you none of these things.

“Perhaps the answer is something else: you are mediocrity. You are the past. Just good enough. Able to get by. Exciting no one. Calling other people not smart. My god, the humanity of it all.

“I’m not going to come out here and promise victory, Psycho, because unlike you, I pride myself on some base level of intelligence, and only some troglodyte would guarantee anything that could never be estimated with anything more than a 90% success rate, given the sheer number of variables involved.

“That’s the difference between you and I, Psycho. You think if you drop a few references to code and bugs and Commodores, that this makes us equal. Cause you can find Google on a computer.

“It doesn’t.

“You and I will never be equal. While you’re hittin the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button, I’m the one breaking the network into subnets so prevent broadcast packets from spamming the ports. I’m the one using new heuristics to lower your horse porn spam. I’m the one virtualizing the servers to make sure we use every ounce of sweet, sweet ECC memory in our PowerEdge servers.

“You.. you are pitiful. And at Cherry Blossom Chaos, I can only hope that you experience one tiny shred of regret for all the stupidity you have inflicted upon this world.

“You not smart bastard.”



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Bastard?....and then some

.(The camera opens near dusk at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Sitting at the bottom of the stairs as the sun sets and the lights come up I the masked Psycho. The camera zooms in and he flashes a crooked smile)

Psycho: Oh...HAL...it's good to hear from you...hell it's good to hear from anyone. Yet it would have been nice to hear something different. Let me ask you something HAL...do you know why your still talking about the same thing you were over a week ago? Well I'll tell you....it's because that's all you got. You've taken one small issue...one that I don't care about, the people watching don't care about....hell even you shouldn't care about, but you've got nothing else.

(He stands and points that crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: You certainly can't intimidate me physically...you can't run down your list of accomplishments here in NGEN or anyplace else...hell you don't have any. It would have been nice for you to use that big brain of yours and show us all some wrestling knowledge, but I doubt you really have any. Instead what do we here more and more about...computers.

(He waves the camera and closer)

Psycho: Look HAL I have a decent understanding of computers, so I can follow along with you. Anybody watching can go to the bookstore and a simple glossary search will give them a basic understanding of what your talking about. You know what they don't have in that bookstore HAL...there's no Wrestling for Dummies on that shelf and that's what this is HAL...a wrestling match.

(He chuckles to himself)

Psycho: Look I'm sure in a medium size IT department anywhere in America you'd be a real big shot,but this a a match for the North American Title....and HAL only one of us has actually been a champion....even WON that very belt and it's not you. You say your the future HAL, but you have to be the present first and your not now and you won't be after this match.

(He again points that crooked finger at the camera)

Psycho: Because you are right about two things HAL...we are not equals. I'm not as good at computers as you are and when that bell rings your not even close to being my equal. You've neither given me nor the people watching a reason to see us as equals. I'm not the guy who openly asked for help to beat the giant JGX...unlike you I don't need it. At Cherry Blossom Chaos for what you consider stupidity HAL. Worry about violence...pain...suffering and chaos. Or what I like to call...FUN!!! Because we've gone way past intellect HAL....things will have gotten very, very physical.

(He laughs coldly)
Psycho: And no amount of firewalls and pocket protectors will save your ass then. When that bell rings all of you are in MY world. Enter "The American Dangerman:....I'm your "Crimson Idol"....your "Violent Messiah"....the very essence of brutality and there are NO RULES TO STOP ME!!!! I can do what I want and when I want...it's all perfectly legal. You've had a week to address that HAL, but you haven't and why, because that big head of yours doesn't and won't have an answer for it.

(He walks forwards, eyes narrow and looks coldly into the camera)

Psycho: I said you were right about two things HAL and you were. You called me a bastard....well your right. A violent...twisted...brutal...sick bastard...

(He cracks and smile and laughs)

Psycho: AND THEN SOME!!!!

(He slashes a thumb across his throat)


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