Long Live THE KING
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-02 AT 01:12 PM (EDT)]"I'm confused..."
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[small]The scene opened up in the middle of nowhere. Sean "Triple X" Stevens sat on the hood of his car, eyes directed at the sky, facing the stars, clouds, and enchanting dark blue sky. It was cool out... he was wearing a long sleeved, 100% cotton, "Blue- Eyed Badass" t- shirt, cargo pants, and shoes.[/small]
"... I don't know what to expect when a Dan Ryan promo is sent to me. Sure, it says 'Dan Ryan', but on the tapes... I see and hear more of myself than him."
[small]Sean chuckled, before sitting up, facing the camera.[/small]
"Since you know my history so well, Ryan. You'll know I've seen this tactic before. As a matter of fact, the guy who did it back then, did it FAR better, and had this skill a little more perfected than you. Or maybe it was because I was younger back then... and, didn't know exactly how to handle it. Either way, when the bell rang... I showed him why repeating my every word, picking apart my promo, and lying had no bearing on the actual match.
"Riled up? B##ch... you haven't seen me riled up. And, from the little I've seen of you, you don't have what it takes physically, or verbally to get me there. So don't flatter yourself. You're not as good as you think you are, and contrary to what you may or may not believe, people don't hold you in the same regard as you hold yourself.
"And, I'm not just speaking on behalf of the CSWA.
"But, I'll give it to you, Ryan. You are good. ...a good liar. Great at pulling the wool over people's eyes. When did I ever put emphasis on having a girlfriend? Hell... when did I ever even SAY I had one? My personal life is my personal life, and even though it got out in the public's eye when Hornet and I faced off, I never felt obligated to use it as any justification of my sexuality."
[small]Sean's long golden hair was tied back into a pony- tail, with the ends braided. He removed the rubberband, and let them hang freely.[/small]
"And, you can think whatever you want... who I sleep with at night has nothing to do with my performance in the wrestling ring. I'm a two time World Champion... a former CSWA Presidential Champion... and, have held countless titles elsewhere... and, I've been doing the same things then as I am now. I just thought it was rather ironic how you labeled my insults 'C class' only to come back with everybody's favorite 1992 comeback line.
"Well... that in itself just goes to show me, how desperate you are for material, Dan. You're grasping at straws. Piggy- backing off of my promos so you'll have more to talk about in yours. It's unoriginal. Tired. And, if that's the norm in that little promotion you came from, then you should go back, because it'll get you nowhere here.
"And, thank you, Ryan... thank you for finally admitting CSWA's place on the totem pole, compared to GXW's. It seems you're finally starting to see the light. That, or you're terrible at being sarcastic. But, answer me this... nobody in the GXW give's a f##k what anyone in the CSWA thinks, right? That is how you boldly put it, isn't it? Yet... I'm CSWA. I merely mentioned a few flaws I saw in your company's product as this matchup made me pay a little more attention to it than I would've normally... and, you go flyin' off the handle. Goin' off. Acting like you're about to commit suicide, or something.
"Well... you are. ...committing suicide that is. Career suicide. Because you've never been in a ring with anyone like me, and after Primetime... you never will. I don't care what my place on the CSWA card is... I've busted my a## for this company, and I'll continue to bust my a##, whether I'm in the main event, the midcard, or jerkin' the curtain. You see... I'm a wrestler first, entertainer second, Ryan. I have 'supreme' confidence in my ability to go out there and get a standing ovation no matter where I am in the show. Am I a warm up for 'Fish Fund'? No, in fatically, no. This right here, however... is. I get to get you up close and personal, one- on- one, long before any US Championship Match involving Hornet and Shane Southern.
"And, for that... I'm thankful. And, no... you... Erik Zeiba... and, whoever else wants to come into OUR territory with a chip on your shoulder don't have to run anything by me... but, you'd best be prepared to see me standing up for what I believe each time you a##holes try what you're trying, in a territory that I'm competing in. And, I do know about my company's history, Ryan. I know more than I should know... more than I need to know. But, that's not the issue.
"The issues lies between you and me. It's SO easy to hate you... which is why I'm not going into this thing, using CSWA versus GXW as my motivation. Sean Stevens versus Dan Ryan is all the motivation I need. I know what you represent to Evan Aho. Chad Merritt... and, a few others. Ratings? Hell no. They all want your head, because of your past actions. Me? You've done nothing to me. I don't own this company. I wasn't slapped around on GXW programming. And, your championship belt means sh#t in my eyes. You represent a loud mouth, arrogant, jacka##... who needs to be put in his place. And, I get the priveledge to do it.
"So, I hope you're not just promoting a match. I hope you're every bit as confident as you appear to be. Because, when the confident falls... they're never quite the same. Those are my favorite opponents. And, like I said before... you can keep telling me... just like I can. You can say I'm in over my head... you can think it and even believe it for all I care. But, I honestly mean this... I swear to God... there is NO way I'm walking out of Primetime with a loss to you. You talk to much. You're too annoying. And, now... I'm motivated. I have something to prove... not to myself... not to my fans... But, to you.
"And, unless Chad Merritt somehow finds a way to cancel this match before it starts... prepare for the worse night of your career, as I'm gonna beat you within an inch of your life. So bad... that you may reconsider wrestling here. So bad... that you may wanna reconsider wrestling anywhere, in fear of us bumping heads again.
"Prepare to be hurt, Ryan."
[small]Sean grinned slightly, getting up from the hood of his car, and walking out of the camera's viewing range. Into the night... where he was no longer seen... and, only footsteps heard.[/small]
fade- to- black
fade- in:
[small]The scene opened up in the middle of nowhere. Sean "Triple X" Stevens sat on the hood of his car, eyes directed at the sky, facing the stars, clouds, and enchanting dark blue sky. It was cool out... he was wearing a long sleeved, 100% cotton, "Blue- Eyed Badass" t- shirt, cargo pants, and shoes.[/small]
"... I don't know what to expect when a Dan Ryan promo is sent to me. Sure, it says 'Dan Ryan', but on the tapes... I see and hear more of myself than him."
[small]Sean chuckled, before sitting up, facing the camera.[/small]
"Since you know my history so well, Ryan. You'll know I've seen this tactic before. As a matter of fact, the guy who did it back then, did it FAR better, and had this skill a little more perfected than you. Or maybe it was because I was younger back then... and, didn't know exactly how to handle it. Either way, when the bell rang... I showed him why repeating my every word, picking apart my promo, and lying had no bearing on the actual match.
"Riled up? B##ch... you haven't seen me riled up. And, from the little I've seen of you, you don't have what it takes physically, or verbally to get me there. So don't flatter yourself. You're not as good as you think you are, and contrary to what you may or may not believe, people don't hold you in the same regard as you hold yourself.
"And, I'm not just speaking on behalf of the CSWA.
"But, I'll give it to you, Ryan. You are good. ...a good liar. Great at pulling the wool over people's eyes. When did I ever put emphasis on having a girlfriend? Hell... when did I ever even SAY I had one? My personal life is my personal life, and even though it got out in the public's eye when Hornet and I faced off, I never felt obligated to use it as any justification of my sexuality."
[small]Sean's long golden hair was tied back into a pony- tail, with the ends braided. He removed the rubberband, and let them hang freely.[/small]
"And, you can think whatever you want... who I sleep with at night has nothing to do with my performance in the wrestling ring. I'm a two time World Champion... a former CSWA Presidential Champion... and, have held countless titles elsewhere... and, I've been doing the same things then as I am now. I just thought it was rather ironic how you labeled my insults 'C class' only to come back with everybody's favorite 1992 comeback line.
"Well... that in itself just goes to show me, how desperate you are for material, Dan. You're grasping at straws. Piggy- backing off of my promos so you'll have more to talk about in yours. It's unoriginal. Tired. And, if that's the norm in that little promotion you came from, then you should go back, because it'll get you nowhere here.
"And, thank you, Ryan... thank you for finally admitting CSWA's place on the totem pole, compared to GXW's. It seems you're finally starting to see the light. That, or you're terrible at being sarcastic. But, answer me this... nobody in the GXW give's a f##k what anyone in the CSWA thinks, right? That is how you boldly put it, isn't it? Yet... I'm CSWA. I merely mentioned a few flaws I saw in your company's product as this matchup made me pay a little more attention to it than I would've normally... and, you go flyin' off the handle. Goin' off. Acting like you're about to commit suicide, or something.
"Well... you are. ...committing suicide that is. Career suicide. Because you've never been in a ring with anyone like me, and after Primetime... you never will. I don't care what my place on the CSWA card is... I've busted my a## for this company, and I'll continue to bust my a##, whether I'm in the main event, the midcard, or jerkin' the curtain. You see... I'm a wrestler first, entertainer second, Ryan. I have 'supreme' confidence in my ability to go out there and get a standing ovation no matter where I am in the show. Am I a warm up for 'Fish Fund'? No, in fatically, no. This right here, however... is. I get to get you up close and personal, one- on- one, long before any US Championship Match involving Hornet and Shane Southern.
"And, for that... I'm thankful. And, no... you... Erik Zeiba... and, whoever else wants to come into OUR territory with a chip on your shoulder don't have to run anything by me... but, you'd best be prepared to see me standing up for what I believe each time you a##holes try what you're trying, in a territory that I'm competing in. And, I do know about my company's history, Ryan. I know more than I should know... more than I need to know. But, that's not the issue.
"The issues lies between you and me. It's SO easy to hate you... which is why I'm not going into this thing, using CSWA versus GXW as my motivation. Sean Stevens versus Dan Ryan is all the motivation I need. I know what you represent to Evan Aho. Chad Merritt... and, a few others. Ratings? Hell no. They all want your head, because of your past actions. Me? You've done nothing to me. I don't own this company. I wasn't slapped around on GXW programming. And, your championship belt means sh#t in my eyes. You represent a loud mouth, arrogant, jacka##... who needs to be put in his place. And, I get the priveledge to do it.
"So, I hope you're not just promoting a match. I hope you're every bit as confident as you appear to be. Because, when the confident falls... they're never quite the same. Those are my favorite opponents. And, like I said before... you can keep telling me... just like I can. You can say I'm in over my head... you can think it and even believe it for all I care. But, I honestly mean this... I swear to God... there is NO way I'm walking out of Primetime with a loss to you. You talk to much. You're too annoying. And, now... I'm motivated. I have something to prove... not to myself... not to my fans... But, to you.
"And, unless Chad Merritt somehow finds a way to cancel this match before it starts... prepare for the worse night of your career, as I'm gonna beat you within an inch of your life. So bad... that you may reconsider wrestling here. So bad... that you may wanna reconsider wrestling anywhere, in fear of us bumping heads again.
"Prepare to be hurt, Ryan."
[small]Sean grinned slightly, getting up from the hood of his car, and walking out of the camera's viewing range. Into the night... where he was no longer seen... and, only footsteps heard.[/small]
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