We find ourselves once again in the company of one of IWF's hot young gun studs, Cecilworth J. Farthington fully dressed in the most spiffy three piece suit you can imagine (even spiffier than some of you low lives are imagining right now). He stands, as can happen in the world of wrestling, in front of a shiny IWF banner backdrop.
Farthington: Yah, so, like, how do you like me know? I know, my debut was totes, totes amazing. Barmy Barney called me up to tell me and I quote "that shit looked wild, that shit looked totally wild". Whoever runs this chill little dive decided to toss me one of their worthless lugs. A man who really should have left the ring in shame the second the bell rang, I mean really, one look at this fabtabulous body, a peek out the ring at my army of advisors, the best trainers money can buy. Dusty Rodgers, that dude should have totes bailed. He didn't though. He made the decision to fight. Adoy doy, Dusty, that wasn't a wise one now was it?
Still, I stood in front of this piddling cheap camera and said, nay warned, that I was about to show everyone in IWF what a real thoroughbred looked like. A man born of the most immaculate conception in the past two thousand years was going to walk into that ring and show everyone the true power of wealth.
That's the funny thing my dear Kerry. It's a real hoot and a half that you spend... sorry let me correct myself... that you waste your life away at this quaint dojo of yours. That you think that energy, passion and fire are the keys to success. You think that hard work, being a "real scrapper", never say die, never surrender, you really think that is the way to career advancement.
You've bought the lie that men like me sell, we sell the idea of hope to you, we sell the idea that with enough hard work you might even be like us. We don't mean it though. Think of what would happen to the dear old country clubs if men like you suddenly thought you could walk around them freely. What would happen, heaven forbid, if you really thought you were above your station. That's why we supply hope.
It's the carrot and stick approach Mr. Kuroyama. Y'know, like, we dangle that little carrot in front of you. We tell you that the key to success is hard work and perseverance and men like you, you buy it. You love to be the best, you want to be the best so you buy every last word. That's why you spend so much time in that adorable dojo with other men like you chasing that same carrot. The idea that you can be a success in life.
Sadly, it's now time for the stick and that stack is called C-Money. The C-Money stick is coming to Chain Reaction 10 with a simple, gently reminder that you best not ever get above your station. I don't pay the big bucks to finest trainers imaginable to allow myself to go down to a "scrapper" like you. Dear lord no. The stick is coming Kerry, just be ready for it.
Suddenly "Sexy and I Know It" begins to play straight out of Mr. Farthington's breast pocket. He scrambles to grab his celular mcmobile device and answer the awaiting call.
Farthing: Yah? Oh yah! Nah, can't talk now, totes busy. Doing that wrestling thing! I know, it's a real trip! Ah well, it entertains the little people. Kinda like doing community service but without that ghastly time spent in a court room. Do you see the people they let in there? Anyway, got to go. LOVE YOU LOTS!
Cecilworth jams the phone back into his pocket.
Farthington: Can we wrap this little thing up? I mean, this is cute and all but that was a very important person on the phone. We're talking v. v. veep. Mad cash money on the line! MAD CASH MONEY! Much more important than this piddling little wrestling hobby of mine, I mean really, it's just a way to kill time. Well that and prove my grand superiority to all. FUCK YOU DAD...
Did I say that out loud? Sometimes I do that.