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Crazy stuff in my life

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
I had hoped to post Survivor tonight but for those who don't know, a bunch of general wackyness has hit my life, to wit.

I was fired without cause from my job over the weekend. The jist of it was that in spite of the fact that I had called in sick a massive 2 times in the year plus I had worked at the hospital, call out #3 was unacceptable to my boss, who told me I had to show up or I'd be fired. So because I couldn't work due to insomnia, I accepted being fired. My boss has spent the last 4 days trying to re-hire me, but well, when you treat me like BLEEP, I'm not coming back.

So then I borrowed 500 bucks from a friend who had offered to stake me, and I hit party poker and won 700 bucks the first night in a huge tournament, where the winner would have gotten 11,000. I finished 7th.

The next night I played the same tournament and won it for 12,000.

So right now poker has kind of taken a central point in my life, as between it, random part time jobs, and unemployment, that's how I plan on making my money.

Survivor is not being canceled or even put off, I fully intend on getting the next show done before the weekend is over, I'm just posting all of this so you know why my new 'schedule' (I.E. poker till I burn out) is working.

And due to my winnings, I'm now assuredly giving the winner of Big Brother 50 bucks. Good luck on that... ;)

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