*Scene fades into Randy Cobb's penthouse apartment. The camera pans around the living area and comes to a television. On the screen is a David Allen Black match, and Cobb is sitting in a nearby chair studying every move. Cobb flicks off the television and looks into the camera, he begins to speak.*
Randy Cobb: It seems as if David Allen Black has had GXW hostage since before I got back here. You think a guy that had this whole place under his control wouldn't let himself be upstaged by The Uprising at Global Warfare. There are a lot of big words coming out of Black's little body. You think this is your destiny? Let's list off some credentials, shall we? Randy Cobb is a former World Champ, former continental champ, former X-Treme champ, and a former tag champ. You name any type of title and Randy Cobb has held it in one incarnation or another. You've made your name wrestling X-Treme, and there's nothing wrong with that. I've played that game already, and I know every trick in the book. You can't surprise me, but I can sure as hell surprise the hell out of you.
*Cobb pulls a Heineken off a nearby table and sips it slowly, pondering his next thought. After a moment he begins his rant once again.*
Randy Cobb: You've got a passion for the melodramatic. You're a god, you're an immortal, YOU'RE NOTHING! At this point, words mean nothing. It's your actions that will determine what the outcome is, and no ones actions speak louder than Randy Cobb's. You may think you deserve the GXW title just because you think you've been passed over. You don't just get what you want, you have to earn it. I've earned my place in wrestling history and I will continue to build on my legacy. You're just another man who thinks that talk might faze me. I've dealt with the biggest talkers of all time, and now I've got the biggest one on my side. Dan Ryan was the toughest customer I ever faced and our respect has gotten us to a place of mutual respect. Maybe one day you can earn those kind of stripes, but right now you haven't proved *bleep* and until you do, you'll be nothing more than a stepping stone.
*Fade To Black*