This arc for me I have been in and out of with personal stuff concerning my father and his countless hospital visits. Right of the bat again I want to thank Roland for taking the ToyBox story off my back after 109 it's all his work.
Toybox Segments - Like I said above this show was written by me for them. So hopefully they were a delight to read
WynLyn / Quell Story - This story I mentally was out of and I felt it was a real lackluster performance by myself. I think a lot of the issue here was picking a character from Brazen that really has not been used at all, well for as long as I have been in DEFIANCE. So trying to create her overall character was nerve-racking, which took a lot away from how I perceive WynLyn.
Crimson Lord / Douglas Story - I felt all of my creative influence went into developing Lord’s new gimmick, which again Roland help tremendously on here allowing me to fully hash out a baseline for the gimmick by taking The ToyBox off my hands for this arc. Quite a bit of the dialog in a lot of the segments Brain weaved his cryptic messages in which I liked a lot. It helped enhance the point I was trying to make. Which in the end I hope it came across understandable with his airbag lectures.
Now that all of my stuff is out of the way for the arc onto the meat and potatoes
109 was more or less just an ending and closing of stories, not a whole lot to really say about it. Some things that stood out though
Oscar Burns / Scott Stevens - The opening segment seemed a bit long, but it was a nice setup for the inevitable events to come. Especially getting the match announcement out of the way here was nice. Now all they have to do is build for the entivable event without just making it official the go home show.
THE Jay Harvey - The champ laying down the law, and sets up a rumble. Which was interesting especially with Jay’s commentating. Now I could have sworn Jay sat with Darren who sits at ringside. If that's the case did he have a headset on so he could communicate with DDK and Angus who are stationed at the entranceway to do play by play? The ending however I felt seemed to be way too quick, Amenystal (I know I screwed the spelling up) Harvey already knowing who she is just by getting close to her? Felt the mystery behind the character could have been prolonged further in the arc. Which I am almost positive I know who SHE is just by that interaction between the two at the end.
Wrestlefriends / Stevens Dynasty - Another match with guest commentators, this was first but two in one night, I think a bit too much. Other than that nitpick it sets up a matchup between the two did what it had to do.
Jack Harmen - Sensing a lot of babyface syndrome here, if it is a great nice slow burn. Plus I liked Jack better as a babyface

. Having a soda machine dropped on top of you IDK about that I don’t think he is conscious with something that heavy being dumped on top of you. I do like how it left with who exactly did this to good old Jackie….Stevens?...or possibly someone working for Stevens? A mystery I like.
Gage / Shooter - Again a lot of starting up of new feuds and what not this being one. It seemed to end abruptly here. Maybe have Shooter do the whole walk fake out to the ring line in there would have helped enhance it a bit here. But will see how the build goes as the weeks go on
There were some nice not too long just small tidbit segments in the show which really gave it a more realistic feel to it. Although minor it was a nice enhancement for the show
Burns Vs Lord for the 5863896 time - What am I watching RAW here

One tidbit here at the end and at the time of the writing I never really establish a set path for Lord yet, but in the future Lord always wants the villain to win. He really would have no beef with Stevens which Lord was not too happy for his interference. His whole mission is to make sure a Heel has every DEFIANCE Championship
And that's it...
The show started hot but seem to slow down for the middle portion of it before picking back up
JFK / Stevens & Co / Burns & Co - I thoroughly enjoyed everything both Stevens Family and Burns and the Wrestlefriends did this show. Plus we got another edition of The Bruv Show loved it. But a quick twist added to the main event picture which surprised me JFK...turning face??? I doubt that I think it was just greed that little prick lol
Amethysta / PCP / Harvey - Well, they took my suspicions and put them out there. I still think its Elise, but now it starting to seem too obvious. But if this turns into a twist at the PPV it would be the ultimate mind game to take Harvey off his game during the match and shock me as well.
Fuse Bros / ToyBox - I recall doing Jestal and Dani dialog but that was it here from me. The Fuse Bros looking to beat the game again this year. But it appears there is a slight problem this time around an injury. Which adds a bit of excitement to the build, if it indeed is a major injury from Conor could mean trouble for the Fuse Bros at DEFCON
Mushighara / Caballero - Looks like the beginnings of a new feud here. Cristiano made a statement and put the monster down. Look forward to seeing how this develops.
Burns / Cole Segment - Wasn’t a big fan of this one. I kind of expect Levi to have some sort of confidence in himself and not have Burns get him a match for him from Kelly.
Another thing I notice and it seemed the Staff maybe missed it but Amethysta Vs Titus was written like it was the opening match, which clearly it was not as Blackwood and Kruger opened up the show
Shooter / Gage - This has been nothing but a bunch of staring, there hasn’t been anything so far that's exciting me for this matchup whenever it happens.
Finally Jack Harmen - just a simple segment here, but it assured me that babyface turn if it even happens is not happening anytime soon. But it kept the mystery going which I like. Who attacked Jack Harmen? Jack knows but he is too much of an asshole to let the world know. Saw a bit of respect out of Jack toward his mystery attacker. Makes you wonder if its someone really close to him.
111 Coming Soon