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DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFIANCE ROAD is live!


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

DEFtv 84

HOW TO RUIN A GOOD MORNING: A decent little cold open. Not much to sink the teeth into, obviously, but a real twist following Penn’s title loss last show. Pretty much perfect.

THE RUNDOWN: My god there’s shit happening in the Runny D again~! Wasn’t feeling the shooty/meta bullshit with Angus and Keebs regarding the Impulse praise at the start at all. Totally unnecessary. Impulse’s promo is good, humble, and what I expected it to be. Curtis was fine, but I miss the old Penn, when he was just a whiny, insecure dickhead. Feel like he’s lost part of what I liked about him by becoming so assertive lately. The rematch clause is literally my least favourite wrestling trope, but this segment does succeed in setting up a hot main event.

YOUR TIME IS OVER: Stevie did a good job with this. Bit of a different format from mine, which is perfect. Here, Kendrix basically just takes one or two rudimentary questions and runs with it. I like that he’s going SPR SRS now, because this is a high stakes feud, and his bluster will be needed if he wants to win. Nice to see this contrast after the jokier stuff he was doing with the SEG.

KAZUSHI VS. MASKED VIOLATOR #2: I didn’t realise that Nigel was the LORD OF FANNYSHIRE. Lovely stuff. This was good. The STORM/Violators storyline has been excellently written throughout the teams’ respective tenures. “The Stinky Blur” Masked Violator 2 is one of the best lads in all of wrestling. What a beautiful mess of a match. Right up my street as a reader, and the shambolic finish keeps this thing moving.

THANK GOD THAT HOLLYWOOD DOUCHE IS DEAD: Hate the Ric Flair references at the start. PCPs banter was fun as always. Liked Haynes misinterpreting their banter/taking it too seriously. The basis for this segment is solid, but I’m wondering how much people who aren’t familiar with Haynes/Unlikely would get from it, as it approaches the topic very coldly. Fourth wall stuff wasn’t funny enough to be necessary. All-round, this was kind of mess and all over the place, as one minute Haynes is getting aggressive, and the next it’s story time. Didn’t get much out of this.

I’M GONNA TAKE IT ALL AWAY: The logisitics of this segment were fine, as it sets up something that happens later in the night. I got an odd lack of chemistry from Dane and Penn, though. I think it’s because much of the segment was Penn talking at Dane, rather than with him. The bear-prodding is good, but Dane’s stoicism just made Penn seem like a babbling lunatic, rather than crawling under his skin.

SCOTT DOUGLAS VS. CODENAME: REAPER: A good start with the Reaper promo, but he feels very disconnected from Impulse at the moment. This relationship really needs more interaction directly between the duo, regardless of Impulse’s FIST exploits. The stuff afterwards was good, with MKD furthering the DEF Road angle. Big fan of the “arrest” storyline and again, I’m looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.

PCPs vs. BASTARDS: Very cold intro from the announcers, no use of Darren Quimbey either. Quite a lot of jumping around tenses going on throughout the match, which made for a jarring read. Remember to keep everything in present tense. Once or twice is understandable, but the problem is present throughout the whole match. Good story continuation with the interferences, and I like the Bastards getting the win to set-up the title shot. The action here was fine, but the announcers lacked in personality, and the victory was very poorly sold at the end. A good match held back by some pretty major flaws.

CURTIS PENN VS. IMPULSE: A very good TV main event. Nothing negative to say about it, really. Good action, good length, good work from the announcers, and I like that Impulse actually tapped out, too. Really maniacal stuff from Penn, not releasing the hold and all. Excellent promo from Eric Dane to set up the PPV title match. No complaints -- this was the best thing on the show.


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

How to Ruin a Good Morning
Kelly Evans got an envelope from Penn’s attorney! FORESHADOWING!

The RunPulse
This gets going and Impulse comes out almost right away. Angus’ love for Impulse makes sense on paper, but is a little over the top in practice I think. Angus doesn’t feel like the same character I got to know a year ago. He leans face a lot lately. Good promo from Impulse doing all the normal facey things when you win a title, thanking the fans, and thankful for the opportunity. Then Curtis Penn comes out, and cuts a much better promo than last show. This one wasn’t terrible. That said I HATE, HATE, HATE, rematch clauses. I don’t even use them in UTA because they make for a repetitive product. If I just read a World Title (FIST) match, the last thing I want to do right away is read the rematch. I get why it’s done, but it’s a weak premise that was adopted from WWE and even they are not consistent with it.

Your time is over

Glad to see Kendrix shake hands and form Dynasty with Lance Warner. Great segment from JFK. A little lax on the comedy side and a little deeper and serious then we are used to from the Chosen one. I liked it. I also liked how he stretched out one question from Lance over the course of the entire interview. JFK a man of few words (LOL). #HollywoodBruvLuv

WOW! This match surprised the shit out of me! Loved it. Angus and Lord Nigel were “Lovely” on commentary (pun intended). They were my favorite part, I actually really enjoyed the summary format presented here, a little heavy on commentary but it was a great addition to the story, no qualms whatsoever. The finish was a lot of fun and Angus constantly hating the fact that he’s the only one seeing a pattern…. Classic. Loved this bit. The lights out, thunder and chairs gimmick is fun.

Thank God That Hollywood Douche Is Dead
This segment kinda seemed to be all over the place. I love that my character is still being mentioned :) so there's’ that. PCP trying to sneak by them was good comedy, but unless this is a trap that will pay off later in the night, this seems super weird for the teammate of the tag team the champs are facing to “hang out” with PCP and “give them hints”. Looking forward to a potential pay off.

AfterTheFact note: So I thought Will Haynes and the bastards were faces, After reading this and leaving the beef, I was told otherwise and when I checked the roster, sure enough they are all heels. That KIND OF changes the narative on my feedback as I thought it was a face doing heelish things, and it’s not. That said, it’s still an odd segment but now that I have this information, it’s less confusing for sure. I assume this is DEF setting up something.

Im going to take it all away!
I enjoyed this one. Thought Curtis Penn came off better here than he did earlier in the night. His cocky attitude breaking through again which I’m glad to see. It was an odd encounter as there was no real reason for the seg other than to stir up the angle (nothing wrong with that)

Douglas vs Reaper
Am I wrong or is this the 750th match between these two? There’s a such thing as “too much of a good thing”. That said, i should probably read it. FUCK it didn't happen. So i'm a douchebag for saying all that stuff. Nice swerve here, I'm not a fan of the multiple reapers. I believe it takes away from the mystique now that there are multiple people with the same “powers” and look. I am ready for the blowoff to this angle and to see what comes of it, also ready for both guys to move onto other feuds. Impulse vs Reaper has some heat but that angle is so convoluted with Curtis Penn, and Douglas, and MDK, and 2nd Reaper, and Angus… wait…. I don’t think this was a bad segment, but it kinda felt like the Undertaker doing a DX gimmick and doing a “imitation”. IDK. I'm not mad at it, it just didn’t work for me.

YUS! This was good. I’m hot and cold on Eric Dane lately, sometimes he comes off as cocky and aloof just there because it’s his fed and needs to have an opinion, and other times he comes off stern, smart, and calculated, where he’s got a message and an awesome roundabout way of delivering it. Probably just some rust on Justins side, as i think it’s getting better week in and week out. This one was very calculated and smooth. I enjoyed it. Cayle Murray is in weird wrestling limbo right now. He’s a facey face, the faciest of the facies, and he’s taking hints and counsel from one of the dirtiest of all time, Makes me wonder about a heel turn, but i doubt it. AHHHHHHH I love when i don’t know what’s going on.


The entrances were good! Unique this week due to the passing of Chris Cornell and The PCP bit was fun as hell. Question: Why does Angus hate PCP still? They turned face and sent Mikey away, but Angus is rooting for the bastards and wants PCP ded? Color me confused by that logic considering Angus sucks Impulse’s wiener every show since Mikey lost the SOHER. Holy shit this thing went long for a summary match. Where the hell is Will Haynes after his buddy moment with PCP earlier? Then did nothing in this one? The interruption is ok, but this match has Vince Russo written all over it. SOOOO MUCH GOING ON! I like that the tag teams are involved and have stuff going, and a big angle, but this feels like a mess. The Storm and MV’s have a solid story, and I get WHY it’s bleeding into Bastards and PCP but it feels like a lack of continuity.

No More Words
YASSSSS. Great promo from Natas. I wanna go hit a punching bag after this one. Makes me wanna hit someone in the face. Love this feud. It’s very organic clashing of personalities. Much like Box/Murray or Douglas/Reaper. This was straight fire from Natas. Loved the bit where he admitted he MAY HAVE made a mistake in putting his career on the line. Thats real talk and we don’t see it enough through overconfidence. Great tough guy promo. Jason Natas comes off as “not the sharpest” and I like that. Makes him feel more common man.
Hoffman vs Cayle.
Really fun match, a little longer than summary style but it’s a special stipulation. Quite a few typos. You cannot win 5 different ways, you only win with submission. Thought this was a very good idea to wreck the ring and have the ring used as part of the finish. Good Stuff, knew the fork would come into play after the earlier segment, and my god was it good! Beautiful stuff from Evan and Murrr. This was great. Hottest feud in the fed. Very angle heavy.

How did this match start with no one in the ring? Isn't that the thing…? Actually a very good match once things got rolling. I liked the commentary and the back and forth action. Impulse was attacked before the match started and they carried that spot throughout with call backs to the cheap shots. Good finish, good match, enjoyed getting the managers out of it and making it one on one. I hate the title change for one show, i don’t think it did much of anything except “fill the card” but Penn is finally on the uptick with me after this one. His promo was credible and real, and the finish was good. Looking forward to the PPV match with Dane and Penn. was hoping to see some Reaper in here, to keep that story going but no dice. When did Penn start doing a Duke Dibbins Chick’n Wang!? It’s not even on his moves list! Good stuff, and a nice way to end the show. Much more up on this one then last week's ending.


Feb 29, 2016
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

Hello Feedback friends.

How to ruin a good morning: Bit of a different opening to what we are usually accustomed to. Liked the suspense in this "what does the letter say dammit?!"

The Runpulse: Was super keen to see what Impulse's first promo as champ would be like and this didn't disappoint. Penn comes out with the good old "i was ill" type excuse. Rematch clause inacted (i'm a fan of a rematch clause, I must say...fuck you mikey and murr, lol).

Thank God that hollywood douche is dead: So, I love pretty much everything PCP do and I've always been a big fan of Will Haynes in UTA, but honestly, this seg didn't do it for me. I felt like there was too much wackiness and a bit weird that haynes would give pcp the low down on his boys...and that PCP wouldn't suspect anything of him for doing so. I don't know, just didn't get this i suppose. Love all three characters though so I'll let it slide this week!

I'm going to take it all away: I bloody love a chair swivel, a bit of expensive scotch banter between Penn and a cool and calculated Eric Dane. I loved this. Pure confidence from Penn. Dane is calm, just lets him say what he wants to say, almost as if he's heard it all before, like water off a ducks back, and knows what to expect from the main event...or does he?

Equaliser: Honestly don't know what's happening here. I'm expecting a heel turn but then I think, there's no way, Cayle is super face...but week by week Dane is slowly influencing the scot more and more. Reading this, I just knew the fork was passed onto Cayle, whether he used it or not remained to be seen...which he apply uses against Box's attempt at a post match attack. New side to Cayle. Looking forward to see if he embraces it or not. Also, nice finish to the match with the rope choke on hoffman.

All in all, matches were ace. Looking forward to Douglas v MDK and finding out hopefully about this feud turns out, it's been a long time coming (in a good way) just feel this story needs to end, especially as I think Douglas has a whole lot of potential to be a huge face for DEFIANCE, but it all depends on his history and hopefully we get some reveal on this at the ppv. Penn regaining the Fist at first made me question why the belt would change hands so quickly but then thinking things through, this makes things on tv shows moving forward all the more unpredictable, especially since this rarely happens (i've never seen this quick change of title in the two years I've been doing this).

Looking forward to the PPV

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

So I'mma be feedbacking all the things I missed in the next 24 hours. Starting with DEFtv 81!

The Rundown

I maintain that the first sign actually says "An Impulse to save Uncle Eric." Does its job. Little strange transition with Keebs saying that we're "going backstage" - which we do - but in the format of a match.

Danny Diggs vs. Petey Garrett

Also, the reference to Garrett and Grendel going to "Guerilla" - I proofread for formatting and coding, not for spelling (we're all usually pretty good at that). I'm pretty sure you're referring to "Gorilla" - is that a thing in DEF since Gorilla Monsoon didn't exist as a WWF road agent? Years ago the CSWA got around that by referring to 'Gorilla' as "The Hot Zone." Do we have a similar alternate? Regardless, it was a non-match that served its purpose, reintroducing Midori to DEFtv and getting his setup with Scott Douglas properly moving for the arc.

Fight Now Plz

Awkward transition from the ring to the ring. Probably should've had a backstage thing or a commercial in between. We could probably posit that there was a commercial. Content-wise, this was a really enjoyable spot from Kendrix as he's now alone. And now that he's got no Guild behind him, it's the perfect time for Natas to settle up with him. Good firebuilding for the future.

Cally Rolls her Eyes

Murrr and I wrote. But I am a huge fan of the title.

The Ones who Do the Challenging

Interesting segment. Typically there are 'lynchpin' characters in a fed, IE if you turn on this character you are now a heel, etc. Mikey should be one of those "if you turn on him you are now a babyface" types but the mic spot from the PCP doesn't really say that to me. But it was a good spot, and Nigel's appearance to hype THE STORM was a welcome respite - and it successfully transitioned the PCP away from SEG, which I don't really feel happened with their defeat of the Bruvs.

PCP vs. The Storm

Dug the impromptu...ness of it. Also liked the MV appearance, it spoke to sort of a rejuvination of the tag team divison at the time which is always good.

Heel bruvs

JFK and Bronson Box? Yes please.


Awesome heelness from Penn. Dug the tease to a match with Dane even this early.

Box and JFK vs. Natas and Squiddy

This is how to further a feud without having a one on one match. And it has the added bonus of unconnected people wrestling. WHO KNEW?!? It was a surprise, though - having JFK pin Natas despite the fact that they're a current feud. Foreshadowing?

The Bloody Bastards

Intro seg. Does its job.

Impulse vs. Reaper

I co-wrote.

Deal with the Devil

Intrigue. I'm curious.


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

DEFtv 81
As a rule I don't reply to feedback anything other than thank you for the feedback or something similar. Only reason I make an exception now is because this is more of a technical issue that should be ironed out sooner than later. I have in the past and as recent as the DEFRoad referred to the "Gorilla Position" as the "Guerrilla Position" or as "Guerrilla" because that is what the map of DEFarena designates that area to be called.

I thought Pete and I had spoke about this once in a chat while working on something but I went back to check and couldn't find it, so maybe I just drink too much. Highly likely. Either way, I don't expect him to remember that now ... and again I can't stand when people reply to feedback(it always just sounds like excuses,) if people didn't get what you were going for ... then you didn't get it across it well enough. Douglas/Reaper; it's happened to me.

Again only reason I reply to this is, much like Pete suggested, we may need to come up with something else. Or agree that the actual spelling as opposed to Gorilla Monsoon's spelling is fine.

Otherwise I'm going to keep calling it Guerrilla. Which I have a tough time spelling ... most times.


PPV Package was hot fire. Nice little addition to the rundown which did it’s running in and generally downward direction. Covered the bases and didn’t take up too much time on what is been rumored be to a long ass card. So I can dig it! Also, "HOW MANY REAPERS DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE A LIGHTBULB?!" None, they turn the lights out with magics.

The re-cap video package was great. I don’t think of all matches this one really needed and more build or hype but it just re-affirms how long this war has raged and how crazy this match is about to be. Kicks off the card with a nice professional touch. Good stuff.

Enough is enough and Cayle isn’t going to take it anymore.

The interview segment shows Cayle is fired up and ready to step out from his brothers shadow and claim his place at the top. I think the piss and vinegar was definitely there but dude stabbed another dude with a fork last week … no amount of talking is gonna top that in showing the levels he is willing to take this too. That being said his talk of his own personal sacrifices and his families was a nice touch. Puts a little heart behind the whole thing so even once he is potentially doing heinous things he still won’t come off completely evil or unjustified.

The match open was a perfect summation of what just played before. DQ interrupted by the chants and then eventually reading out the rules was perfect. Clearly stated rules are great in non-traditional matches. And the at any cost tag, the drama is real. Cayle coming from the crowd “angry, pissed-off, focused, DEFIANT.” Great line.

Holy shit, that was a ride. A violent murder fest of a ride. I’m not sure if the word match is apros but hell of a fight. I was unsure of the no rope deal but it works. Pulling the ring apart was perfect! As soon as that started I knew they’re had to be some hole spots and this didn’t let down. I assumed Cayle would go over but there are some moments while reading this that it is really unclear. The dramatics and the build were super on point and the post match talk and reactions were perfect. If this had been an 80’s movie it would have ended with Cayle freeze framed mid post match scream. Highly enjoyed.

And holy SHIT that's a long match.

A little fall out, a little set up. Quick segment and effective. Clearly, Impulse is not going to take an action like that against Cally lightly. Got a good chuckle out of the pollo line. Segment had me expecting the triumphant return of some Drunk Bros bar stuff until Box duff’s Cally, but maybe beers in the hospital waiting room? This card could use some brevity here and there.

“Keebs, I’ve gotta be honest with you - I don’t know how much more of this hype I can take.” Clearly Angus is already nearly as gassed as I am reading … but I’m also drunk so … there is that. On to the match! But first … ZIP LINE Entrance for the win! The MVs are always fun and this gets it going from the start! I feel like the Angus would have had something to say about the Zip Line though, at least to fill the time gap. Also zip line entrance is amazing and Angus hates fun things. From what I have seen. “somehow already crusty harness.” The segway entrance and The D pointing out the Zip Line … gold. Good work. I never spend much time talking about entrances but since I just did, Bastards was super thin on any type of description and pretty heavy on commentation which honestly is fine, but Angus seemed off in that area. The Storm’s was a short a sweet but DDK had a monologue after their announcement. More importantly no Tricklebish or cardboard cut outs .. half credit. I was hoping Klein, once disappearing into the smoke after that brief appearance, would be it. He’s is just gone and lost somewhere in the French Quarter on a runaway segway. Because, funny. But I imagine he’ll come into play later. Found it odd the first ladder came from under the ring. Thought being a ladder war there would be atleast one already out there. “The world needs to see me fuck Keebs.“ Holy shit! PCP’s playing it smart is a good touch, a little heelish but PCP hasn’t been face that long I guess and habits die hard. A lot of action. I had a hard time keeping up at first but took a break and when I returned; man this is crazy. MV1 going BACK to the zipline? Awesome. Damn I hate to see MV’s and the Storm to go out like that! I like PCP and I’m not that familiar yet with the Bastards but all that aside I really wanted to see some resolution with MV/Storm. And … NO TRICKLEBISH?! Unforgivable, Paul. The odd bed fellows finish is going to be interesting moving into the next arc. With two teams leaving it gives the tag division something to run on until hopefully we can get a few more teams in. Overall I dug it, solid work.


Oh shit! Yung Contusions in the house. Hilarious opening. I googled Chip’s Challenge. And Jack Hunter’s wife is named Jack Huntress … because why wouldn’t it be? Mystery guest! I’m not that familiar with UTA but I get the mormon jokes of course. I just don’t know who this guy is but I imagine he going to beat the brick off of Hunter, also the brick out of his cart. Light tubes. There should be a Hunter promo where he re-enacts that youtube kids Star Wars/Light saber fight but with a Light tube. Hightower makes a big impact and is now a DAVIENT! The brevity of this, much like the Cally/Cayle/Box seg is welcomed amongst this Odyssey and Iliad of a card.


Cayle is alive it seems. Dane’s appearance clearly means something is going on later but what? Intrigued. Not much to say about this other than … Good segment.


Solid opening, quick catch up for anyone uninformed. Oh shit, the DOC, I didn’t expect to see that again. Sports Entertainer, big entrance. Natas sprints to the ring. Perfect. This gets pretty brutal straight out the gate. Natas isn’t fucking around and JFK wants nothing to do with it. That small package was great and almost felt like it could be real (pause?)… but just based on length alone I knew there was no way that was about to be it. I always forget the J is Jesse and when I read it, it takes a moment to remember. Not a note on the writing just my swiss cheese memory and poor reading comprehension. “Kemdrix”! Hell of a match. This really puts JFK over huge. Not just ending the career but to a submission at the that. And of course any good heel has to get a cheap shot in afterward. I wonder what happens to the DOC post this… I know that div was tough to keep moving forward but the appearance of the beaten and battered title does make you wonder. Sorry to see Natas go but he just skyrocketed Kendrix, which is a fantastic move. That character is a great heel and has been super over with me since I got here. A lot of difference a “year” can make.

Iris is busy tonight. As expected Impulse is hot and will, eventually, demand satisfaction when he finds Box. Good quick segment. Picks up from the other and gives a little insight on Impulse’s mindstate going into the Reaper match. Will it be a factor?

Baggage Claim

Wrote it with Justin.

I’m clearly close to this one so I won't drone on much but I saw very little of this before and had no hand in it’s writing so I will say. I don’t know why but I don’t remember the DQ stip at all! Luckily it’s spelled out pretty well in the opening and referred to a few times beyond that. “... the unfortunate end of a HOSSing.” That should be the title of Nata’s farewell segment. Solid match, Impulse sold the arm quite a bit. Reaper looked strong but in the end drops the title. The suplex finish was a bit of a surprise. The reveal and promo after read well. I knew it was coming so the impact of it I’ll let someone else comment on. I was expecting a little more reaction out of Impulse who seemed to think he knew who Reaper was. But at the same time he sold the shock and awe of it. Overall though I enjoyed it.

I Know You
There is the reaction I was hoping for. Super short but … perfect. Raises a gang of questions. Dope.

Man this whole card is either long in the tooth or short in the … legs? It’s an extreme card of extremes. I dig it though. Dane is funny style with Cayle in the medbay and now he is calling for Pulse, post match. Something is a foot. Tooth, leg, foot. Nailed it.

Wrote it with Reapy Justin, hope everyone digs it.

Who Are You


The Call
Based on length alone, the calls gotta be Dane. I like the Mikey fake out though.

Curtis Penn/Eric Dane
“You don’t come out last in Eric Dane’s house!” nice line. Penn’s entrance is thin, I expect that to mean this is going to be another epic; in length if nothing else. DAT INTERRUPTION DOE! Ladders? DEF must buy in bulk for the discount. Oh shit, tables and chairs as well. Love Angus getting his revenge, punny joke and all. The game done changed… Disappointed JFKs phone call wasn’t Mikey but … this is pretty big. Nut shot aside, can the fresh champion win against three of the most battered and bruised on the roster. Determinator. John F. Kendrix? Jokes? I just said something about the Jesse deal. Also never heard the term “greener” before but its both very descriptive and disgusting. Kudos. Some solid callbacks and mentions of what the surprise tro has gone through before the match. Super Duper Friendship Gang needs t-shirts. That finish? I don’t know why I didn’t see it coming … but it makes sense for the way things were laid out. Now … I wonder post title if Dane will continue to try to influence Cayle and after some push back start trying to force him into more unsavory borderline heelish things … start lording the whole thing over Cayle’s head like owes him. Very interesting.

LONG! So long. But also very good. I enjoyed it and for a arc that had some small missteps and some turn over, this REALLY brought it home. Good job everyone, I hope this momentum continues on into the DEFCON arc.
Last edited:


Feb 29, 2016
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!


Was super hyped for this show to come out and boy, it didn't disappoint in any way, shape or form!

Cayle v Box: This feud has been going on for a long time, and the package and promo "I will be worse" was on point. Great set up. Both the package and the seg made me realise/reminded me that this feud has been going on for a good year. The fact that I've not gone off this feud in that period of time is amazing. I have a short attention span as it is, the fact I've been sold on this the whole time speaks volumes to the great work both men have done with this feud. The match itself? Holy shit! What a start to the ppv. I had no idea how a no ropes match would work but it was absolutely brutal. I was wincing reading some of the spots in this some sick moves. Murray proving he can go that extra edge, liked the new entrance and change of attire as well, nice touch. It's another massive scalp for Murray at a PPV and I can't wait to see how Box bounces back from this. Top work Murr and Evan. Only thing I had against this was that it was the show opener. How on earth do people follow this!

That Had to Hurt: Was a little surprised to see Cayle being able to speak so coherently after probably the most brutal match I've ever read. So felt slightly odd to me with Cally bouncing around with her enthusiasm, but I suppose it was leading to something, good old punch in the eye from the War God for Cally. Is this the start of a potential feud between Box and Impulse?

Tag Ladder Match: Zip Line and Segway Entrances, I love our tag division, right now! I full on laughed out loud at PCP's segway's flashing with the word "segway". Ridiculous! Great match again, flowed really well, which I think is difficult to maintain with so many handlers and in this case tag teams. Was a fun read. MV1 on the zip line was a great spot, so was Klein getting his box dented. Good to see Haynes and Klein get involved in what is effectively a no DQ match so nice touch. Personally, i'm not a fan of the split tag champs, I've seen it before in Utah, didn't really pop for it, but it certainly adds an interesting dynamic so I'm interested to see what the guys do with this moving into the next arc. Dissapointed not to see Ticklebrush in there also but hey ho.

Daviance: YES! JACK HUNTER'S BACK, THE SUPERBEST, AKA NEW STREAK etc etc. Queue massive beat down from the debuting David Hightower and his spokesman Jamie Sawyers. I like the dynamic between these two, it gives off a similar feel to Heyman and Lesnar. Great introduction from Sawyers. Hunter, despite the streak, is an easy target and Hightower destroys him, absolutely no nonsense. Feel this is definitely the fed that hightower can thrive in! Also, pleased to hear Jack Hunter is settled down with his Mrs Jack Huntress!

Knock 'Em Back: Forgot we have a Dr! This seg set further intrigue into the night. Murray has more work to do? After THAT match?! That Eric Dane is a slave driver!

Bravado: Dr Iris now looking after Cally, good to see she's not too badly hurt despite taking a shot from Box, tough little cookie she is. Impulse is rightly pissed but Cally gets him to refocus on the matter at hand, especially with Box out of the building. Effective set up seg from Pete.

Baggage Claim: Loved this. Great descriptive writing and interaction between warner and anderson, has me wondering what's going on until Douglas shows up. Like Warner's role in this, why is he helping and stepping out of his comfort reporter zone? Then, it's a race against time to get back to the arena. The suspense, will he make it. Top stuff.

Reaper v Impulse: Hot start to this one with Impulse quick out of the blocks and not wasting anytime and Reaper getting back into it. This match was relatively short (in comparison to what came before it, but that's not a slight at all as it was written well, the 360 flippy do thing was awesome). Loved this quote: DDK:This has been a short and brutal match so far, and Impulse looks ready for it to end!
He’s not the only one, Keebs.

I was shocked at the suplex finish myself BUT, this was all about the big reveal after the match. The modified voice is out of here and the reveal is a female's voice, wasn't expecting that at all! Impulse's selling is on point, I'm more into this feud than ever before because this interaction between the two. What the fuck happened between these two? Who is reaper girl's father? So many questions (well, mainly two or three) but I want to know now, dammit!

I know you: Post reveal interview, Impulse gives a bit more background but not much at all. Short and sweet.

Spyin: Dane seems to have liked what he saw from the SOHER match and wants a chat with the new champ. Something is afoot here peeps.

Midorikawa v Scott Douglas: HE MADE IT! At the very last second. Love the pause in the Guerilla/gorilla area (someone tell me the actual name for this, lol) you've literally got one second Scott, get the hell out there! This was awesome, add the Reapers atop the stage, you're just waiting for them to get involved somehow as they have done this whole arc. But they don't move a muscle, much to Angus' annoyance, calling for it the whole time, even demanding for the blackout in the arena! it's great psychology, but its Douglas who gets the win nonetheless. The whole unmasking thing was great, but the decision not to unmask was a cool call here. Douglas is done with this lot, weeks of frustration, I get it. Mido has other ideas though, he's not done. The police come out but not for Scott. This was an awesome end to this match, drama all over the place and this isn't done. WHO DIED?!

Who Are You?: Simple enough explanation for the seg with the title really. Lance asks the questions and the final "who...who are you" is perfect, the way it's asked is basically how I'm felt as I red this.

The Call: Right, straight up, I had no idea Kendrix was being used here. Loved the GLUEFIST notification, of course that would be his cell notification sound!

Curtis Penn v Eric Dane but really Kendrix, Impulse and Cayle Murray: HOLY FUCKING FUCK BALLS! Had No idea my character was involved in this and I'm absolutely fucking delighted that he was! Never been more excited to read a match my character has been involved in, even when I was writing in RP Feds when you don't know the outcome of a match. This had me hooked from start to finish. The start itself was set up beautifully. Love that Angus got some in on Penn after Dane makes the announcement. Penn losing his shit was great selling. So many OMG spots in this. The pacing between the four guys was perfect, each man gave absolutely everything. I'm surprised that Kendrix and Cayle had enough energy left in the tank to take it all the way to the end despite the wars they were in earlier, but i guess in this kind of environment, anything is possible with how hurt the other two could get. Not going to lie, disapointed Kendrix didn't get the fist in the end but it's gone to an absolute beast of a writer in Murr and Cayle Murray deserves it without question. Honoured to be in the mix for this guys, thanks!

hope everyone enjoyed what myself and murr did for Natas v Kendrix. It's been a pleasure writing with Andy and I've enjoyed the work we've done with this feud. I hope to work a lot more with him in the future cos he's my BAY BAY!

Great PPV lads! Onto the next arc!

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

DEFtv 82

Shit bruv, no fans

Most intense rivalry of the arc right here. Cayle vs. Box was the best one - but that was long simmering and slow building for over a year now. This is nonstop over the top and it's glorious.

The Rundown

It certainly was.

Impulse vs. Squidward

Murrr and I wrote

Let them eat cake!

Defiance - and the hobby as a whole, can be summed up in this seg:

This place is weird as hell.

Reinhardt Hoffman vs. JACK HUNTER

I'm sad that "Dustbin Halfman" didn't get over. He'd be a great tag team partner of Alan Nothing. Still, as a JACK HUNTER match this was formulaic but enjoyable - bad music, nonsensical promo, squash match. That's all you need with JACK HUNTER.

Codename Reaped

I wrote

Bastards vs Thugs

Decent debut, but completely flat description. Remember, the commentators are supposed to be hyping up the action, and the description should match it.


More feud - building for Natas and Kendrix. As if they needed it. But this is the way to do a short and violent blood feud - just have them keep beating on each other until it's time for a match.

Let them eat cake, too.

Not a fan of the "We've already BEEN in DEFIANCE" line - that line to me reads like it's straight out of a "let's trash talk our opponent who got a fact wrong" RP fed. But the sentiment of the segment is great - the MVs are just trying to be nice and the Bastards are being... well... bastardly.

Midori Sour vs Solomon Grundy

Some things are misspelled and that makes my brain cry. I don't proof for spelling, just for code and formatting. Should I start? But this was another storyline match - the outcome was never in doubt, this was to further the Reaper saga. Definitely enjoyed Angus' slowly developing (and accurate) predictions on how Reaper's movements occur. He's a vapid goofball but he knows his stuff.


Dane continues to prepare Cayle for Box with some uncomfortable truth-bombs. Been a great mentor/mentee relationship to see unfold.

A Call to Arms

Realistic reaction from the BAF - or for anyone who isn't much of an ambitious go-getter, they got the call to the show, they get attacked at every turn, they want to turn back to BRAZEN. Inspirational leadership from Scott Douglas - he's clearly destined for bigger things.

Box vs. Natas

Main event and all, but this went on for a lot longer than I thought it would, considering HOSSFITES are typically short, brutal affairs. Natas looked great though; in victory, magnanamity, in defeat, DEFIANCE. Post - match mic spot sets up the PPV match with Cayle in the only way it possibly could.

Good show, lads.
Last edited:

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

DEFtv 83

Rundown/opening seg

I co-wrote with Jon and Justin

Natas vs Kyo Ishida

Semi - squash, but I think Natas needed it to get back on the right track on the way to DEFroad.

Rock Out with your D Out

Double Entendres with The D. Glad there was a light shone on it but I hope it never ends.


Kendrix is such an asshole, but the fact is, he speaks the truth. Not the truth of "Natas sucks" but he takes facts and twists them around to fit his own agenda. Simple, but so rarely done anymore.

MV1 vs. ZO vs. D

...MV1 vs. ZOD? Nobody kneeled.

Setup for the tag title match at DEFroad, with the usual interference and distractions you'd expect from such things. Clusterfuck, and I liked it

Business with The Boss

Felt a little better than the match on the last show, but there was still a decided lack of emotion in the writing. With a little more modern-day DEF experience this should no longer be a thing.

Peace Offerings

Murrr and I wrote

Hoffman vs. Cole

This is the kind of thing Murrr and Evan were talking about on their DEFcast - using the BRAZEN boys for storyline purposes. Hoffman and Cole don't have full time handlers but they have personality and purpose.

Message Received

Justin and I wrote

Kendrix vs. Felton Bigsby

Third BRAZEN storyline match of the night. Want to see Felton Bigsby get the Barry Horowitz push.

Say 'Yes'

He said yes.

A Spike and A Fork

The continued saga of Cayle and Dane, featuring Hoffman and Box. I enjoy the Cayle/Dane dynamic but by this point I feel like they're saying largely the same thing in slightly different venues. Maybe by halving the number of on-air segments and implying the existence of other clandestine meetings it would've kept its freshness.

Midoreapers vs. Brutal Attack Scotts

Shirley Manson is a GORRAM national treasure!
Yes, Angus. Yes she is. Another non-match to push forward the narrative. I've enjoyed how the Reaper saga has played on multiple fronts this arc with different areas of attack, and how they all came together at DEFroad.

This Is It / Penn vs. Pulse

I wrote, Jon and I wrote.


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

I wish I had the ability to provide detailed feedback as I have in the past, but here lately my time is all consumed. Any actual typing I get to do on a hobby basis is usually spent on trying to tell the stories that I am currently spinning here at DEFIANCE.

What I can say is I am extremely happy about the overall outcome of the ARC and as stated at previous junctures some of most exciting moments for me is trying to write something for you all to enjoy.

I appreciate the positive feedback from those who have provided it as well as those that support the stories outside of just the feedback thread. Our Skype chat is an amazing place and avenue for reinforcement of good ideas and also constructive criticism when needed. I know for a fact that Brian and I really tried to pay attention to what everyone has said about our writing and since we worked so closely together we are constantly talking about where to go with things and what you guys view as our stories progressed.

Specifically concerning this ARC out of the stuff I was not involved in, I was sad to see what happened to MV and The Storm and I don't want them to leave. The Tag Team Champions being on two separate teams... really surprised me but it makes me curious what happens next.

Seeing Cayle overcome Box was amazing... I wanted it for so long and now I finally got it. Seeing what is potentially coming between Impulse and Box next is going to be great as well, even if I was privy to some information. What I was not privy to, was what occurred in the main event which shocked the shit out of me.

The way Kendrix ended Natas' career was simply brutal, I was not expecting it to end like THAT.... although I had a strong feeling that Kendrix was going to end it. I have a feeling that Kendrix will be going for the top title next ARC but I could be wrong.

Main Event of the PPV and the main event of the entire ARC saw something to me that was completely out of nowhere. From a fan standpoint, that would have been the most epic holy shit wtf moment I have ever seen. Cayle winning the title after such an epic fight with Box earlier in the night... you can't put that moment into words. From a fan standpoint, I am really behind Cayle and that title win. I hope the FIST really shines these next ARCs as it is intended to do so.

The stuff Pete, myself and Brian wrote. Hope you all enjoyed it, if any of it seem disconnected definitely check out the Uncuts.

I'm excited to see the two new handlers we have and the possible (returning handlers) that have been talking in Skype.

Pumped for the future of DEFIANCE and glad you guys are keeping me around even though I can't beef with the best.


Full Jason
May 1, 2012
Philly, bro
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

Rundown: This is exactly the kind of thing I would expect for a PPV rundown. Did a good job of selling each match featured on the card, served as a nice reminder of the larger points of each feud. Good work.

Scottish Civil War: This segment was so convincing that I had to ask Murr if the history was real or not. I’ll keep the answer to myself. I was worried about a song segment because I’ve seen them fall flat before but this one did an amazing job of setting the scene for the opening contest of the night.

I Will Be Worse: This is a seg where you know what’s coming sort of just based on the title. I was really impressed with the piss and vinegar pulsating through Murray’s veins here. Got me very excited for the match.

No Ropes Cayle vs. Box: Holy hell was this thing a read. Both Evan and Murr did a great job with this one. I didn’t have any problems visualizing anything that was happening in the match. Sometimes with gimmick matches I feel like that can happen. The psychology that was on display here was A plus, for real. I liked the nods to Eric Dane, thought that did a good job of bringing that little loop into play. I only have one real question after this one - where does Box go from here? That’s an overarching story from the DEF Road show - it was very much an “Everyone gets on a boat” episode - where as there were more questions asked, than answered at times.

That Had To Hurt: My eyes rolled out of my head that Cally was backstage waiting for Cayle, but that was the whole point wasn’t it? Good job of Murr kind of showing that in Cayle’s lines.Kinda loved the punch heard round the world, sort of satisfying in a way.

Ladder War: Hope everyone enjoyed this. While I would’ve liked it to be a little better and contain some more thought out stuff, I think me and the boys did a really good job. Was fun getting my feet wet again, can’t wait to continue the full dive into this pool of crazy. Thanks Paul for all the fun, hurry back!

Daviance: I knew that Mikey was coming back with the Hightower character. I like Swayers as the mouthpiece. Can’t wait to see what Mikey can come up with once he finds his footing with the new guy. I know there are some plans down the ways a bit. #HistoryRevisted

Knock’em Back: As soon as I read this I knew something was up. You can say I’m lying, but I know Justin. I know how he works, I’ve been around him for a whole decade now, and I saw the Eric Dane gears turning, just didn’t know WHAT was going to happen. Just had a feeling. Did a good job of capturing almost this giddy air around Dane as he tries to screw Penn. Liked it alot.

Natas vs. Kendrix: Sad to see the big boy go, but maybe it’s time. Once I saw the ending of this match I also thought to myself that Cayle would somehow win the FIST. First show in a while I read more as a fan than a handler. And Natas was a favorite. Kendrix gets a HUGE win, pushed up the card, the whole nine. Honestly didn’t think this would end this way but glad it did. Kendrix is on fire recently, nowhere to go put up. This match did a really good job of capturing the emotion that went into this feud - as it’s been one of the hottest/most favorite of mine recently. Good work lads.

Bravado: Little quick hitter that answers my “What Will Box Do Next?” question. Him vs. Impulse? That could be a thing. Good little bit of hype before the SoHER too.

Baggage Claim: I know we’ve discussed this show being very Attitude Era - this segment is one of those moments where I felt that way. For some reason it had a very AE affect on me. I’ll discuss it a bit more when we get to the Douglas match.

Codename Reaper vs. Impulse: Let’s start with the match - good match, told a story, glad to see the ending was Impulse going over but I’ve got to say that the SoHER Title got really lost in this feud - for me. It was almost an afterthought to whatever mind games are going on between those involved in the feud, which is fine - but as a former SoHER holder myself also makes me a bit disappointed. Peter Rusev, please restore this belt to all its former glory. Please and of course, thank you. Now for the revea, I’m confused. I get that’s the point. And I understand you won’t blow the whole load at once, but it reminds me of other angles I’ve seen over my many stays here that totally checked me out. Be careful not to build too much drama, without giving any answers, or we’ll have a LOST situation on our hands here and that’s no good for anyone.

Spyin: Now I really knew something was up, I was very intrigued.

Midori Sour vs. Scott Douglas: Jeeper Reapers was my line of the night. Really liked Douglas going over here and not unmasking MDK. Again, the note I said for the SoHER Match applies here, there’s still a fair share of mystery behind this one and I thought we may get a little more in the way of answers at this show. Can’t blame anyone for saving it for DEFCON though! Hopefully we hear more about this one!

Who Are You: Very cryptic, I kept trying to put together who this was. Dan Ryan mention - more on this obviously later - I’m interested to see how he comes into this. See my previous notes for the mystery stuff.

The Call: This is the only ME related segment that didn’t have me thinking ME, for some reason I truly thought we would get a BRUVS reunion. So good job with the swerve on me there. Well done indeed.

The ME: All out war and I loved it. From the beginning to the end this was as solid a Main Event as I’ve seen in my entire e-fedding career. Just had basically everything you could ask for and then some. I want to know if the Dan Ryan run in was a one off or will there be more. Congrats to Cayle Murray for finally getting over the hump - has gotta be the greatest day of that dude’s career right? Well deserved Andy the Murr. Well done staff for totally swerving your roster. That’s something I always appreciate, especially when the guys swerving have amazing ideas.

Now: how do we top it~!?



Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

The Rundown
I like the music video description, that’s realistic for a big show, and shows all of the feuds that have led us to this show. The graphic is great too, not sure if it's the same we used from last year, but it’s good stuff. Signs are great as usual Baybay! Quick recap of the biggest matches on the card, before the smooth transition right into the first match. Aces baby!

The Scottish Revolutionary World (Gulf) War.
A music video that encapsulates 12 months worth of feud in 3 pages. Very well done guys. This was a fun read, i'm not a fan of the lyrics but they do a great job of showing the breaks in between events. This has been an awesome feud from front to back and this is both for people who weren’t here for all of it, or even better, people who didn’t pick up on certain things as feud related. The Feedback Blowjobs continue!

I Will Be Wurst
You know, I have no idea, but I bet Christy Zane is hot… she’s got a hot name, and she’s always dressed “to the nines” Amazing promo from Andy Murray. He goes over his early life story and what brought him to the show. He built it up before bringing Box in. Good stuff. Loved this and got me fired up for the match. The only dig is he says “I’m tired of being Andy’s little brother” then goes right into a story about “I watched my older brother leave for America and he was my hero” so it sounded a little mixed but this doesn’t take away from the promo whatsoever. Great stuff, lets do this.

No Ropes Match
Enjoyed the pre match hype for this. (2 segs+commentary) but damn you guys better deliver if you’re hyping this much. Loved the entrances, had all the feels. It’s hard for me to remember there is a face and a heel in this match. Not because those definitions are blurred, but because part of me wants both guys to go over. Finally at the bell lol, and this is a fucking war. HOCKEY FITE! The barricades outside the ring, have essentially become the ropes! This dynamic of no ropes is a fun read. I’m flying through these pages with short sentences and commentary makes the long page count seem less daunting. The cord made of wire is a nice touch, should have split and stripped the rubber first to expose the copper underneath but I just say that because of my scrap metal career. And we have blood! Oh no copper, its galvanized! My bad (That would make it very hard to be used as a tie down tho) I love Box’s Headbutts. Always makes me wince. What kinda loser am I, that I sit here as a 29 year old, at work, and get antsy and excitable reading Fake Internet WrestleFites?... But i fuckin love it. Loved the description on the barricade powerbomb. This match is fucking brutal and amazing. I remember being told early on during my return, I have “way too much detail!” I think this match is the same way...but I appreciate it. The madness is terrific. The tearing apart of the ring is very detailed and the scene is painted very well. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH If Angus’ line about the Shadow Realm is beat tonight, I’ll be fucking surprised. The Super Boston Massacre (Which makes me realize i need to change Hightower’s finisher name) and The counter were both well written. Fuckin Brilliant. Loved the ending. No real false finishes other than the Massacre. I love that. The second pin attempt of the match seals it. I thought for sure when Murray was up and Box was limp, Murray would spike him. But alas, not today. Fucking Amazing Boys. Quite possibly the best match i’ve ever read. FOOKIN LOVED IT!

That Had To Hurt.
Enjoyed this, It doesn’t do much for me angle wise, as I feel we just “closed the chapter” in the last match, but this was a cool follow up. Box is Box. sorry Cally.

Ladder War
Isn’t “Ladder War” the ROH gimmick? Isn’t naming it that, the same as doing a “Hell In A Cell” match!? Loved the opening commentary and the hype job. Enjoyed Angus cutting it off too. That masked Violators entrance! HAHAHAHA, It was a thing of beauty! I love how different the two lads are. LOL the PCP entrance and jealousy of MV’s entrance is perfect! SEGWAYS! THROWBACK! The action is good off the rip and follows the Motif that’s been in place the entire arc. MV’s and Storm are feuding, PCP is avoiding action, and Bastards are picking their spots. Good sound strat. Nice spots in here, loved the D and MV1 wrestling, the big ladder spot and Elise’s ass being worried about is fun. The zipline gimmick was a good touch. The two teams being kicked out doesn’t do it for me. It’s no dq… It’s a wrestling match. I get why it happened… “hitting staff” but I don’t like it on PPV. the 2 on 2 match that was left after this was very good! I finally got a little more feel for the Bastards in this one, which is finally starting to clear the fog. PCP is up to the usual antics, had me laughing when posing and all the Klein stuff. A nice finish here, At first I thought this read long but it kept my interest and emotion the whole way .Good shit guys. More interested in where this goes now, then I was before the match.

I Rote Dis.

Knock Em Back
Cayle Murray is recovering slowly in the medical office, Eric Dane asks if he’s still cleared to Wrestle tonight. Confusion abounds! Good SCHtuff. Intrigue!

Natas vs Kendrix
LOVED this feud, sooooo ready for this match. Nice commentary prematch to set this up and remind the fans of what’s on the line. We start off super hot as Natas wastes no time getting started, which is terrific given his mindset going into this. JFK bails as a smart heel would do. Natas is brutal early on, and we have blood already! JFK is busted up! Liked the early false finishes. Bleeding from chops sounds fucking brutal. No thanks! This is an odd match, lots of big things happening quick. The Kendrix Kross is a good look here, but I don’t believe it’s going to end yet. Love JFK falling out of the ring after the lariat tho. Kendrix changing his style up to Match Natas is awesome, that’s how a wrestler should be, able to adapt. Love that in EVERY JFK match there's some point where JFK just stops the offense, slaps or punches someone in the face, and then tells them how he’s about to beat them. LOVE IT. Kendrix kicks out of the great piledriver false finish. Angus says JFK has taken BOTH of Natas biggest moves, but in reality it was the TRIFECTA! FOEHAMMER, South Bronx Lariat, and the Piledriver. WOOO! Another nice False Fini with the Kross again. Awesome ending to this, this was great. Both guys look like a million bucks, even with Natas gone, This was the quintessential Kendrix match. He was highlighted throughout not only as the Sports Entertainment Douche he is, but also as a guy who has “another gear”. Great job gents. This helps elevate Kendrix to a new level.

Impulse checking in on Cally, he needs to focus up on his match, not wherever Box is. Good Schtuff.

Baggage Claim
INTRIGUE! Will Scott Douglas make it in time for his match!? (OBVS!)

Impulse vs Reaper CO.
Good start to the match, interesting entrance from Reaper co. and good commentary. I liked the pacing with Impulse trying to keep it quick in the early going with the cross body’s and the flying around. It doesn’t take long for Reaper to take hold of the easy target, the injured limb. Classic wrestling logic, and works. Isn’t it weird how different body parts make different sounds on the ring post. LOL’d at this. THe rest of the match goes well, it’s fun and fits both people’s style. The Dragon Suplex win was surprising and I mean it in a good way… then the reveal… No, Creepy Justin…. Just No.

Impulse & Eric Dane Segs
Pete is king of the 100 word segs and makes em mean something, good stuff. Something is better than nothing 100% of the time. THe Eric Dane bit is coming together.

MDK vs Scotttttt Douglas

I’ve never heard of a time limit win BEFORE a match… I can see being in a hurry, and I can see the opponent wanting the easy count out win, but I can’t see the referee ringing the bell without everyone in the ring and ready. So with that behind me, lets get the match going. I feel like this is the Angus I know. The one who loathes faces, I miss him. Sour Hour Kowasaki had me popping. KOWABUNGA! Nailed it! Surprised to see Douglas maintain the advantage but it makes sense given the emotion he has on display. MDK is cowwering a bit but it works well cause he keeps getting back up. Mouserat! I C Wut U Did Der. Love the babyface fire. Here comes MDK with some big impact moves, Nice dramatic finish and believeable. Angus was enjoyable throughout. Douglas ia good face and doesn’t do the “dastardly” thing and take off the mask. Then MDK is arrested as we learn the identity of MDK and the mysterious woman. Great stuff.

Who Are You

Creepy Justin explains the reapers and their actions tonight in as convoluted and mysterious way as possible. Although appearing in 4-5 Straight segs/match hurt this a little as I was ready for the next thing.

The Call
HAHAHAHAHAAHA I popped through it all. Not onlly cause the end Angus quote was terrifc, but becuase the segment is a nice bit of ~Intrigue!~

Dane vs Penn
As soon as Penn goes to talk Dane’s music hits! Oh shit this is not only a TLC Gimmick (Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls) but it’s a four waaayyy! Nice swerveaderp! Liked that everyone went for it right off the rip, And the obvious pairs...paired off. This reads as exciting, if such a thing is possible. Good action all around, had to do this one in one long read because of the multiheads and whenever that happens it’s easy to get lost. Nice Bellend off the ladder, Nice crotchspot and commentary. Saw “Another gear” from all 3 of the guys who wrestled twice. Lots o spots. Huge finish with Dan Ryan Returning and Cayle Murray and Kendrix doing the double dangle. Great stufffffff. Congrats to Murrrrphisto on FISTing the competition. Well deserved!

Great sho errrrbudy.



Real Men Wear MASKS~!!!
Aug 20, 2008
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

I'm going old-school-beef format on ya~! Road beef is best beef.

I know the obvious choice is the main event... but I've gotta tell ya... I enjoyed Box/Cayle more. This has been my favorite story, without a doubt, since coming to DEFIANCE. Cayle was pushed to his limit and then some, over the edge... and gets the big win when it counts...

Reaper's reveal. Having known Justin for close on 20 years, it's awesome to have watched him grow as a writer. Even more awesome when you know (some of?) what Reaper seems to be hinting at and talking about. Yeah, my perspective may be a little different than some others in the fed... but, if what I think is coming is coming... y'all are in for a ride :) Also, honorable mention to Box punching DEFIANCE's favorite twit in the mug.

Tie between the main event swerve and Midorikawa reveal... re: main event, some great, subtle seeds planted throughout the show that I wasn't able to connect the dots on. *Really* curious to see where Penn goes from here? And is Dan Ryan REALLY back? Or is he just the ultimate big match spoiler? As for Douglas... LOVED the build up to get him to the ring. Fucking. Loved it. Is this chapter fully closed now, for him? Can he move forward?

Holy fucking Kendricks. Sky is the limit with this dude. Really enjoyed this match. Brutal.
Duh. Cayle didn't just climb the mountain, he etched his face on the side of it. Great shit.

Really fun arc. Extremely excited to see what happened here evolve into more craziness.

As for me... That news wasn't fake! I've put the Violators (and The STORM) on the shelf for now. For a handful of reasons. I came here with my buddy Jamar, hoping to see a story we conceived years ago through to the end... but we never really got it off the ground bc, due to circumstance outside "the game", he had to bow out almost immediately which put me in a holding pattern. Booking snafus and just a general inability on my part to find my rhythm here compounded things. So yeah. Taking a break. Reassessing. I'm going to pull a Mikey Unlikely and leave without leaving. You're going to miss me AND be sick of me at the same time! Big ups to Tom, Billy, and Jason for dealing with a handler-without-a-smile this past arc. Very glad peeps seemed to enjoy our match and looking forward to seeing where those 3 take the titles and their respective characters. I'll be reading!


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!


Show Open?
That's what i'm talking about Angus! Party that shit up bro!! Be proud!

Bloody Mic
Firstly can you teach me your greatness Evan? Great promo.. very just angry... that's why I love the Bronson Box character. Since i've been apart of DEFIANCE he has been the ICON to me of DEFIANCE. Character wise I look up to him because he's been here so long and been so dominant as a bad ass, he lost to Cayle? So what bitches who's next? Kendrix? Impulse? What about Reaper? What about Scott Douglas. Stand him up, he'll challenge them all one by one.

Special Delivery
Great promo from the new FIST. Something strange gets delivered and suddenly a talking laptop. What the hell is up with that? Intrigue for sure. Can't wait to see Cayle's reign and how the FIST scene shakes out from all of this!!

Arrested Development (Finale)
MDK is going to the slammer or should I say Derrick Allen? The importance of UNCUT resonates strong in this promo and it resonated strong throughout the Scott Douglas story. This is a wake up call to peeps that don't peep UNCUT. You are missing the story. Not to say that anyone is skipping out on it but it's important to see what's going on on this show as much as DEFtv.

Sun Shiny Day
Where do I sign up to be managed by Nigel? Where does he get that fabulous umbrella? Why do we not have more of him already? Wait... we do. And here it is. He talks about his power... but what power could he have with no one to manage? Or is that the mislead? What the fuck does he mean he's controlling shit? That's Reaper's job baby!! Just kidding (not really). Great promo... Thank you Paul for giving me a reason to watch UNCUT.

Another World
What the fuck did you do Impulse? Why wouldn't this be happening, bruv? Tell me more about how you screwed up DEFIANCE by turning sweet little *Undisclosed Name because you would know who it is by reading UNCUT* into this TERRIBLE MONSTER?!? It's definitely the Marathon Man's fault and I can't wait till he pays for it in a bloody act of violence terror and insanity... this world you speak of.... It's definitely another one.

Not entirely sober writing this so I apologize for the randomness. I hope all the new peeps dive into UNCUT more because I want the promos! I CRAVE... the promos. I am glad to see so many new faces and can't wait to see the Bruhh Nastys', Hightower's, That Family that's on the roster, Blackwood, HI!!!! I LIKE GRAPS!!!!!!, If I missed anyone I'm sorry it's not on purpose.



Full Jason
May 1, 2012
Philly, bro
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

Bloody Mic: Promos that make me wish we still did roleplays are one of the reasons I love Defiance. Evan really did a good job with this one. Very hype to see what’s next for Boxer now. Good work.

Special Delivery: Again see the comments from Evans. How do you make something so hot, even hotter - easy - you add an angle that reminds you of the good old days. If there isn’t a hundred questions in your head after reading this one, check the pulses.

Sun Shiny Day: Is LORD Nigel behind the segment before? Confused, a bit but I wanna know more about where this is all headed. Nigel can get do these things that are out there cause no one really buys it, I feel - but I want him to capitalize on that at some point.

Missed Birthday: Flashback segment. Like these, building the depth of the character for me.

Another World: The shift to a Noir style sort of was a bit jarring. After reading it through I liked it, as it certainly is providing a ton of information to this backstory. I often have to ask if all this backstory stuff is shoe horned in, or if it actually happened - that’s a good thing right?

Origin Stories: I liked this one a lot, fit the other segment earlier. Continuity is always key in a storyline like this FOR SURE.

Good work this week guys, hoping to add more to UnCut this arc!


User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

Another World: The shift to a Noir style sort of was a bit jarring. After reading it through I liked it, as it certainly is providing a ton of information to this backstory. I often have to ask if all this backstory stuff is shoe horned in, or if it actually happened - that’s a good thing right?

Just a heads up on this, I have tried to write my various characters with completely different styles because I'm insane like that - back when i first joined DEF and the people who ran things said "You can do whatever you want with UNCUT," I decided to do all of my solo UNCUT segs in the Impulse-voice.

Also, as far as the backstory goes - you'll have to wait. :)


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: DEFIANCE ROAD Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread - DEFtv 83 is live!

Quick show open, works well especially considering what took place at the pay per view. I’m not sure these “shows” actually need anymore than that. I think the TV studio intro is nice but with no closing or interstitials ... almost doesn’t make sense. So, I prefer the short or … maybe now intro. That being said if the intro was followed by other segments, sort of turning UNCUT into Bobby The Brain and Monsoon’s Primetime type show (with segments rather than matches) … that would be nice. But … tbf would also add to the workload for a off week show.

Amazing fire in this promo. I found myself speeding through the action to get to the next section of dialogue, and having to double back realizing I didn’t retain anything I read. The dialogue was crazy. Box is DEF.

I certainly did not see this coming … very interesting seeing Cayle involved in some Illuminati-esque weird shit. Given the recent push for world building I wonder if this is simply a product of that or signs of more to come. Either way … this was a great read and if it is going to progress I’m extremely interested in what is a foot.

LOVELY! The title makes me think of the “Oh Happy Day” for some reason… I read it in that tune. Shout out to Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit. What the hell is Tricklebishle up to now? More TB the better, unless you are an early American Settler. Storm is gone … Those who violate in masks are gone… what is the business? Can’t wait to find out.

I helped a little with this, so … I won’t go to in depth but I will say Justin is clearly the backstory king. World Building times ten with these segments. Having worked with Justin over the past year I tend to be privy to a little more than most but … as I’ve said before he always has a trick or two up his pocket so I’m not even sure where exactly this is going. But the camcorder angle is perfect and gives him a great avenue to keep showing how these people (and introduce others) became what they became.

… and the theme song for A Different World is in my head now, apropos to nothing. I’m glad to see Pete using this format again in the past weeks. I am a fan and like that UNCUT is being used in different ways, seems like the perfect place for it. Segment lays out some history or at least mentions that it exists. At some point Impulse has done something to bring forth the wrath of the Reaper. And it seems we are getting closer to finding out what that is.

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