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Doe v Cruise - TV Tourney Round 1 -


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for the First Round #1 Contender's Match for the Television Title match between JOHN DOE and CAMERON CRUISE at RAPTURE should be done in this folder. Any RP posted outside of the folder will not count.

The RP deadline is 11:59pm on Sunday, December 26th. Angles should be sent to secandido@comcast.net ..


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(Fadein, a Cameron Cruise in front of NEW ERA backdrop.)

CRUISE: Ever so much the clever that kid is.

No I'm not talking about the shrimp I'm about to face above the border....hell, from what I've heard, Doe's "Family Philosophy" when it comes to the male end of the tree.....isn't far off of "The Bundy's" from FX Network TV: Hooters, hooters, yum yum yum....Hooters, hooters....on a girl that's dumb!

A real showing of class, that boy.

No, I'm talking about that kid who was clever enough to be the only one with a cup on the other night, Em Dubya Gee.

Kid's got some spunk on him, I'll give him that....'specially for having the audacity to bite another man to get his attention.

You're gonna do that Em....you might as well ask the boss for a match with that Peter-fellah. I'm sure the both of you could keep each other busy for more than just an hour.....Title on the line or not.

But I digress, I missed out on a shot to prove to everyone else that I'm not just some two bit hack who steps into room with no candle lit, I eliminated almost all but two of the potzers in there with me.

Or have I?

I've not only proved everyone wrong, but again, drawing a second seed, I last the ENTIRE MATCH but only fall short on account of my not drawing close assurance of another win.

But an eye for an eye I suppose. For those shots, I receive a shot of my own: A shot at being the number one contender....for the TV title.

Not the WORLD title....like everyone here knows I should have shot at, clear as day.

No, as a matter of fact...to even stir the pot so-to-speak, I not only don't get it, but my shot goes to a man so much a follower of every-day-politics....he even request's my assistance....only to turn on me in the same Royale itself: The Phantom Republican.

Mister Powell....I really am stunned that you would bring about such a thing against me. I confirmed my beliefs in the Republican Party....I even stand by next to you on such issues as Reform and the nations' Budget.

But I'm really not surprised.

'Cause you see Mister Powell, I told you before I'm with you on certain things.....CERTAIN...things.

But not everything.

As for Doe....well....his actions already speak a mouthful, now don't they??

Doe, your incompetence goes as far as Ron Artests' need for attention doesn't it??

I was literally hanging on the ropes by a thread.....by that much from being eliminated and a success in your pathetic little world you call a planned domination.....and you bring me back in??

You might be scheduled to throw down with Troy Douglas in a little bit from now....but son....I suggest you beg for mercy and hope he give's you some sorta advice worth contemplating....you're a (BLEEP!!)ing idiot!!

But hey, so long as things keep coming, the newly-established Course I've rightfully published called "Decontructing Doe--101" in not just my eyes but the entire WORLD'S.....is coming along swimmingly.

Unfortunately though for you, you little pathetic FAWN.....this course is short and sweet.

I've exposed not only your lack of endurance, but your sense of competence and focus.....not to mention your teamwork skills also is without.

You can't take things to a higher level like you'd like to believe....you can't keep your mind....what little of it there may be....focussed on the task at hand....and you don't work well with others. All else considered John.....

That's a pretty (BLEEP!!) report card, your mother....or father....whereever they are....would be pretty pissed off at you if I pinpointed it right.

And yes John, as of late....my accuracy has been pretty well off and decent.

So now....while I have to settle for a shot at a title nearly missed out on....I finally get to give you what you've been wanting for a short while.

You and me, one-on-one, and a shot at the TV Title as a little bonus.

Y'know John....unlike you...I remember when I was a little tyke....and Christmas came around.....the teacher would promise the class all sorts of snacks and goodies for a christmas party at the end of the year....if...IF we were well behaved for the semester.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, John.

But instead of Cookies and milk you female deere.....I'm dishin' out beatings.

Attendance is mandatory....but recess....that's at my discretion.

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I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(Fadein, the Cruise household, where Cameron Cruise--dressed in black jeans and and a blue hooded pullover with the words "Where's Kevin??" is bringing in wood from the back porch, adding to a supply next to the fireplace that's not-quite-yet waning, but close. Mercedes, dressed in blue jeans and a red sweater, ties her hair in a ponytail, as she proceeds to add ornaments the tree. Throwing another log on the fire, Cruise inches backward and tweaks the fire with a poker standing up, the house gradually getting comfortably warmer. Satisfied, he looks over to Mercedes who mentions something inaudible to the camera and hands Cameron Cruise a box. Cruise nods contently with the setting, and opens the box to retrieve two standard-sized stockings with their names on them, hangs them and snaps it shut quickly before looking up to find Mercedes shooting him a stern look. With a pained look on his face, Cruise opens the box to reveal not just an HUGE stocking with Joey's name on it, but a much SMALLER stocking with the name "Adrian" on it as well. Finished with the set up, the camera cuts to a angled view of Cruise's face as the fire dances shadows on Cruise's face. He sighs, )

CRUISE: On a night that is only opposed by Valentine's Day with 'love and understanding'....Christmas....whether it's on the "Eve" or the morning after....wishing friends that of 'Goodwill towards Men' usually goes universal.

Even if such men can't quite comtemplate by themselves whether or not they should voluntarily stay in the room they're assigned in when declared unfit for society.

But sometimes when a man has some time on his hands, he sits back and ponders life's questions. Like for example...if a man is declared unfit for society....then does the Constitution still apply to them in the fact that it says "All men are to be declared EQUAL...."?? Or should we find another solution to this fact??

Now even on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day...I still believe in taking in an occasional homeless person as you can see here....(Motions to the stockings)...

But I draw the line when a man doesn't know when he should cut his losses and move on.

Doe-boy....I've given you three lessons to learn from which for a normal person...unlike yourself....is three lessons too much.

But today is Christmas Eve, so I think that it wouldn't hurt to allow a special fourth lesson to take place.

Well...not me anyway.

"'Tis the season to be jolly..." John, so make sure you sip your soup through your straw slowly and and get the warmth that the broth gives you. Because that and whatever food that they decide to give you for strength....you're gonna most definately need.

Some say that three times is a charm and four are for the spoiled.

Be spoiled John, be it as much as you can, because this is it.

(Cruise motions over to the tree, which has already been loaded with presents under it.)

I've finished my holiday shopping John, but RAPTURE just may be your lucky day, I'm bringing cookies and a few presents for the roster.

However your present John...is no more than just a REALITY CHECK...that you just...won't like.


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