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E-Wrestling Channel World Rankings- Sept. 5th


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Aug 23, 2009
Totally Fictional Wrestling Federation’s Sandy Makel charges into the Top 5 after winning True Expert Title and the Expert’s Extreme Tournament. Championship Wrestling Association’s Lucy Johnson also moves into the single’s Top 10 and women’s Top 5 after winning CWA’s Title from Slim Pickens.

Logjam at the top in the tag team ranks. Heirs of Wrestling still on top for 13th consecutive week.

Missouri Valley Wrestling’s Valora Salinas regains #1 Women’s ranking. Simcoe County’s Sydney Laroux makes big move to #13. Justina America from Atlantic City Entertainment debuts at #14.

Rnk Lst Wk.EWC World Top 25
1 1 Keith Scott Zimmerman- ACW * (week 3 at #1)
2 2 Bryan Payne- APW
3 4 Jared Sykes- SCCW *
4 5 Future- Genesis Pro *
5 21 Sandy Makel- TFWF Experts*
6 3 Hannibal Cage- TFWF Experts
7 6 Joe the Plumber- NFW *
8 7 Fallen Angel- TFWF *
9 8 ‘Triple X’ Sean Stevens- EPW NFW
10 23 Lucy Johnson- CWA *
11 13 Crazyman aka Joel Bryant- TFWF
12 9 Buddy Drifter- UCWA Shootfire Pro
13 12 Kirsta Lewis- Acadian ** HOW UCWF *
14 11 Mac Bane- UCWA *
15 20 Kamikaze- VWF **
16 15 Ronnie McNeil- Pure Wrestling Revival ** Hostility
17 24 Hologram- Genesis Pro **
18 18 The First- EPW * PRIME
19 16 David Black- HOW *
20 19 Sebastian Cross- TFWF
21 22 Level One- APW *
22 Myke Adams- Simcoe County *
23 17 Night- SVO *
24 14 Jack Benevolence- FA
25 Matt Green- G-2 *

Rnk Lst Wk.—Tag Team Top 10
1 1 Heirs of Wrestling(Ryan Gallway/Frank Pierce/Silver/Mack Brody)- EPW * SCCW * (week 13 at #1)
2 2 The Entourage(Spike Saunders/Callie Urban)- ACW *|
3 3 The Whirlybirdz(Wendy Briese/Terrence Thompson)- PWX *
4 4 Star Connection(Alexia/Jose Ramon)- Experts *
5 5 T.J. Jones/Arkia Fisk- PWR *
6 The Wrasslin’s Rangers- CWC * VWF *
7 Ascended Supremacy(Jace Parker Davidson/Tara Michael)- Simcoe County *
8 New Confederacy(Johnny Reb/Doc Henry)- WCF *
9 8 Morgan/Brooke Sparker- WWG *
10 6 Tragic Heroes(Roger Dane/Billy Deserati)- Defiance *

Rnk Lst Wk.—Women’s Top 25
1 2 Valora Salinas- MVW * WMW (week 1 at #1)
2 1 Valerie Belmont- PWX 3WL
3 3 Hannah Rickman- Simcoe County
4 11 Lucy Johnson- CWA
5 5 Sally Telfourd- APW
6 6 Wendy Briese- PWX
7 8 Kirsta Lewis- Acadian HOW UCWF
7 4 Glory Braddock- GDW MCW
9 9 Hologram- Genesis Pro
10 7 Jade- WMW
11 10 Alexia- VWF
12 12 Arkia Fisk- PWR
13 21 Sydney Laroux- Simcoe County PrYde
14 Justina America- ACE *
15 15 Alexandra Pierce- SCCW
16 13 Jasmine- GDW
17 14 Jill Berg- PCW
18 Jennifer Yu- 3WL **
19 16 Kacy Knight- MWA
20 17 Freya Ragnal- ROB *
20 17 Veronica Valiant- 3WL DU *
22 19 Cassandra Chase- ROB **
23 20 Fejona Min- ACW
24 Natalie Burrows- VWA TGW
25 Mallory Adroit- ACE **
Shows on the E-Wrestling Channel this week:

Joseph, Oliver and Bartholomew; The Berrs vs. the Las Vegas Mass Choir
Berr Invitational Cup Match- Sin City Wrestling, 9/1 Wildcard
Siberian Rules Match for the True Expert Championship

Jack Benevolence vs. Sandy Makel- Experts Extreme Tournament Finals

Justina America (c) vs. Roxy Lawrence vs. Kaylee Turner
ACE Queen of Hearts Match- Atlantic City Entertainment Beautiful Violence PPV

Sandy Makel- Totally Fictional Wrestling Federation

Matt Green- G-2

Lucy Johnson- Championship Wrestling Alliance

Defiance Wrestling, Season 2- Show 6

Atlantic City Entertainment Beautiful Violence PPV

Defiance Wrestling: ESEN continues to influence Defiance programming with questionable results.

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