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How would you rate Eye for an Eye 2010?

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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road

Finally, after much ado (or maybe not so much?), it's here. There's big news coming soon; some of you already know, so don't spill the beans if you do. For now, enjoy the card, and leave any feedback here. Two matches were shortformed just to move things along, but I hope everything else is to your liking.


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User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
The Intro -

Did a good job of setting up the event, it was simple and tells the story. Highlights the matches, highlights the feuds, and the quickness of the scene implies that the fed isn't here to muck about. It's the wrestling version of "Good evening, we're the Ramones. Take it, Dee Dee. ONETWOTHREEFOUR"

The Prologue -

Knowing what I know now, it makes kayfabe sense, but I never understood how the company could afford PPV after only three or so months of existence - I'm glad to see some signs in the crowd lampshading this fact. Nice rundown of the event. This is what too many cards don't do: "Here's what's coming up, here's what you're gonna see, and here's why you should care."

Brock vs. Henderson

Short form recap. Decent for a debut match, gives the wrestler a jumping off point.

Mackey vs. Arcangel IV

Longer form recap. PPV makes more sense now - they had the funds for a specific window, the non - marquee matches needed to take place before the cameras were live. However, from a kayfabe standpoint, it doesn't make sense for a stable to form via recap. I know there were only so many matches, but I would've liked to see more of this one.

However, I always liked Canyeta and thought he was underrated. Glad he gets to stay. Ish.

Zesty vs. Gravender

#1 Contenders match. I think Zesty would have been an interesting foil for the mostly - clean - cut Impulse, but it was not to be. Just needs to take care that Zesty and his drunken antics remain unique - both Joe the Plumber and Felix Red have done the drugged/drunk'd out nutjob on these boards before. Not that Zesty is going to be, but it's a fine line.

Match itself, again, was short - it's been a while but I take it Billy and Stanton did not get much run support? Contribution is the key to pushes, people - you think I was ever actually any good at this stuff?

Impulse vs. Magnus

Going to skip a lot of commentary because its' my match and I'm biased. Wish I had RP'd a bit for this one but it came to pass at about the time I was burnt out and dropped out of my places - if you notice, the RP for this match (which I posted none of) coincided with Impulse suddenly dropping the NFW TV title to Castor Vivian Strife.

That said, I liked the way it flowed from the cruiserweight to the heavyweight, and both styles showcased their strengths against each other. It's easy to say "The big guy wins" - it's money to show the little guy holding his own against the big guy. Thanks to Billy for making sure to incorporate the neck injury to make everything uniform. I do like my worlds to be uniform.

Patton vs. Windham

I am a massive mark for all things Windham on these boards, and this match was no different. Greggulator has taken what he does awesomely - Troy - and took pretty much the opposite approach - Bobby Jack - and made it work just as well. This match had the 'big fight' atmosphere all over it and I enjoyed the back and forth psychology. A little bit off for the world title match of this fledgeling company not being the main event, but in context of the company and resources, it makes sense. Magnus and Impulse had no real history other than "we're the finalists" and Patton and Windham had an actual grudge. Plus, it eats up time to put the cage up then take the cage down, and why bother?

Overall -

Solid show for the history and board problems and no-shows that plagued it. Happiness all around.


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
I really enjoyed the card overall. The segments were absolutely top-notch as always and a real highlight. I thought the last two matches were pretty incredibly written and I enjoyed them both thoroughly. I also liked the video packages explaining the feuds and whatnot. Good ****.

I also agree that the idea of hyping the later matches in the card was extremely well-done. I think the thing that most impresses me about NLW cards isn't the individual matches, which are good, but the overall feel of the card, and the way it ebbs and flows together to make something more. Each match builds to the next match. Too often we end up reading cards that are just a bunch of individual matches that have absolutely no awareness of each other. I think this card was definitely a step in the opposite direction.

Overall I was really impressed and look forward to the next card. Oh and WOTN obviously goes to Magnus because he is a God. :p


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Levinson believes in God, and he is MAGNUS. That's our new league slogan.

Thanks guys. This card could've actually been a lot better, but it had taken long enough to get out. I felt it better to shortform the matches that either weren't RP'd heavily for or involved only my characters (Mackey vs. Angel). My focus went to building up the card well in the intro, and finishing strong with the title match and the main event. Based on your feedback, the card succeeded on that front, so I'm pleased. Putting Patton/Windham in the main event over the title match was something I did based on a couple things. One, there is definitely precedent for it in "real" wrestling, as ECW did this on more than one occasion. I always thought it was cool how a big feud could take precedence over the title under the right circumstances. PRIDE FC did this in MMA as well, and anyone who talks to me knows how big of an influence PRIDE is on NLW. Second, it made no sense to put the title in the main event when practically everyone knew the outcome to begin with. Some people knew Pete was taking a break, while others could clearly discern Magnus was going to win based on the 1-0 thread. Like Pete said, Magnus vs. Impulse didn't have as much heat as the idea of a first champion being crowned, so I made sure to play up the title as best I could with that pre-match ceremony (also ganked from PRIDE).

Patton/Windham had more heat than anything else in the league, both guys RP'd their asses off, and it wasn't clear at all which way I was going to book that one. Hell, I wasn't even sure at first. I must say, next to Castor/PC vs. Impulse/Rook, that was the most fun I ever had writing a match, and I'd even call it the best I've ever written. Looking back, I'm 100% happy with the finish, which is not always the case when I write. Sometimes you write something and think it's the greatest thing ever, then you read it a week later and think "God that sucked. What was I thinking?" Totally not the case here. Big thanks to both Josh and Gregg for helping to make that a monster feud.

There are a few (two?) things I'm waiting on before NLW proceeds with it's next step, but I'm toying with the idea of running a special event while we wait. Something in the vein of a straight-to-DVD house show special, headlined by Zesty vs. Magnus for the belt. I'll post a separate thread on that, garnering opinions.

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