"Wow Doc, ya know...I can take all the garbage you just said and take it either one of two ways, either I can sit here and drop names all day on why what you said doesn't matter or I can go the other route and call YOU names and prove to you why the fact that you're MISSING THE POINT."
(Fadein, Cameron Cruise, dressed in blue jean and white t-shirt that says the words "Shirley Manson is a Hooker." on the front and his trademark Anarchy shades. Standing in front of a Team Invitational Tournament backdrop the logo is printed in cursive as Cruise shrugs, holding both the CSWA Presidential Championship on one shoulder and the EPW Intercontinental Championship on the other.)
CRUISE: Stalker wasn't something I intended to drop on you for the sake of telling you who I beat, Doc, but merely an idiot who failed at intimidating me after having Rocko Daymon...in case you didn't hear me the first time, he's one of two men challenging Sean Stevens for the World title instead of you....ya know..seeing as you really haven't done anything anyway it would behoove me to think that he would STILL have the next shot at the World Title since you barely show your face almost as often as a Lunar Eclipse right??
But I'm digressing, the fact is that I beat Stalker because he was just as delusional as Suicide was...and he couldn't shut his mouth either.
But you can't tell me that I finally have a chance at being somebody, Doc, because with all respect to what you've done in your career...I've been there and done that.
Besides...who else do you know that was able to pin men like Dan Ryan, Marcus Westcott, and Joey Melton all in the span of three weeks??
I'd be willing to wager that it'd take you at least afew minutes to think of that one, Doc because the odds of doing that are incredibly slim. But that's not to say that I don't think you're someone to be taken lightly, Doc, of course not.
I said it before, I'm not looking past this week, past the time in which we step in the ring and see which one is better than the other, I've just no interest in it. But then again you do and that seems to work for you so by all means...
Look past me to the next round, hell, you can take a crack at the mexican's celebrating Cinco De Mayo next week and maybe even send a note to that ol' Fat guy up North...you know...the one you still wait up for every December?? Just a tip though Doc, it's Milk and cookies not "Jack 'n' Coke and Beer Nuts", though either way it's just as pathetic.
Speaking of such, what makes you think you're even the topic of conversation ANYWHERE let alone whenever "The Dangle Brothers" meet up for a "dirty thirty"?? After all...you give an appearance once or twice a year and you think people actually take NOTICE??
Congratulations, Doc, you beat a man that allegedly committed abunch of murders. You pretty much saved alot of work for the Albany, New York Police squad in getting him arraigned.
Translation?? BORING.
Now, it's true...my opponent wasn't that much better and I'd be willing to bet even money that if it weren't for the aptitude that is the 2009 Team Invitational Tournament, I'm pretty sure despite that how much more popular I am than you on the charts...I still might be competing in an empty hall.
Sean, if you're watching this...no offense, but it is what it is.
But you're not anything special Doc, and neither am I and I'm okay with that. However, we both know the quickest way to remedy that theory and that's to win the 2009 Team Invitational Tournament.
After all, there's nothing I'd like more than to receive a trophy and a contract for the right to be called "Champion of Champions". Lord knows Doc, I've got so much on my plate right now that doing that just to spite you would just be icing on the cake right??
Newsflash Doc....there's always going to be someone bigger and badder than I am that's going to hang it over my head that they're the one I need to beat, that THEY are the one that needs to be pinned for me to get over "that hill".
And again as I've already stated before, that's fine with me because it's about as constant as death and taxes.
But that's the good thing about it Doc, there's always gonna be a test for me to pass, an obstacle for me to hurdle or a testament for me to achieve something written in stone.
And that's part of what drives me, Doc, not the World Titles, not the money or the fame or anything like that to go with it.
The Challenge, Doc.
See, you claim to know the difference between you and me and that I haven't always been able to win "the big one", even though in some peoples's eyes that might be something like A1E's Pier Six Brawl or a high-risk weapon-like match against a hated rival.
But me, I think I've got you pegged differently.
While you might not see me as someone that can either get to or win "the big one", I AM okay with that, especially knowing that it's not too far off that I might be offered a second chance.
'Course then there's YOU.
Sure, you might show up at a venue to compete against some guy I could care even less about and sure, you'll put up the hard fought battle that anyone could respect, but won't...but in the off chance that you just...don't...got...enough to pull through...
(Cruise starts to cry sarcastically and then waves it off.)
You're gone like David Blaine after a botched "fake magic trick", only to show up three-to-six months later with the same schtick to use all over again.
I'm not trying to call you "old" Doc, but with a name like that and a routine that sophisticated...it's just too hard to give a damn anymore.
But regardless of how well I do in this tournament Doc, whether I fall short against you or I take the entire thing, there is one thing I'm sure of and that's that that I AM a force to reckon with in this industry, no matter how much you dispute it.
Whether it's proving myself day in and day out or shoving this industry right on it's ass by bringing forth "The Anthology", I'm always gonna be known to people as "The Champ".
Just ask Jared Wells, he'll tell ya.
But the fact is Doc, if you're such a "winner" and you claim to know (Cruise uses finger quotes and mocks his 2nd round opponent) "the life of a man...walking the endless path of misery...only happy when it rains", then to know one is to BE one.
And lord knows that you're the last person I want to relate to, so let's make this easy:
I don't like you and could care even less about what you say and I'm sure you're willing to say the same thing about me.
So pardon me if I say that we agree to disagree...but in all other courses of interest, I'll keep things even simpler as before:
If you think you're going to run me over like nothing happened then you're really shoving your foot in your mouth and that's unforgiveable.
But you go ahead and yammer on about this and that and keep quoting a singer that hasn't had a headlining act since the nineties to get your point across.
I'll be training to produce two things this week, Doc, one of 'em is a win and the other is to produce a REALITY CHECK...one that you just...won't like.