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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(Backstage at Aggression 62, the camera finds Dan Ryan sitting at his desk in his office. He looks up at the sound of a door opening and reacts with thinly veiled annoyance)

Ryan: You know, I’d kind of hoped I was done dealing with you.

(The camera backs away to show Aaron Jones approaching Ryan’s desk. Jones looks exhausted – like he hasn’t slept in days)

Jones: Mr. Ryan, I know you and I haven’t exactly seen eye to eye lately, but I need something from you. Please. It’s very important.

Ryan: Make it quick. I only have so much time.

Jones: I’ll make it as simple as possible. Copycat vs. Larry Tact. Russian Roulette. You need to make it happen.

Ryan: I can’t say I really have an objection to that, but I need to make it happen? Why do I need to make it happen?

Jones: I just need you to do something. This betrayal by Larry Tact – I don’t know what it’s done to him. He hasn’t said anything, formulated any strategy to further his plan, since Wrestleverse IV. That Larry Tact, someone he respected more than almost anybody else in this business, would take sides against him – it’s obviously done something to his mind. You saw Aggression 61. Rich Mahogany? He loses to Rich Mahogany? He wasn’t even trying.

Ryan: What makes you think a match with Larry Tact will change anything?

(Jones is silent for a second)

Jones: I don’t know that it will. But a match would be something. Something that might snap him out of whatever state he’s in. I can’t be certain it will help, but it can’t make things any worse. This match needs to happen.

(Ryan stares at Jones for a second or two)

Ryan: I’ll take it under advisement. Now get out of here. I’m busy.

Jones: Make the match, Mr. Ryan. You won’t regret it. But if this thing with Larry Tact causes him to stray from his goal, this business will suffer for it – and we’ll all be left with nothing but regret.

(Jones backs out of Ryan’s office as Ryan stares after him. Ryan looks back down at his desk as the clip ends)

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