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EPW IDOL Signups/Info


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Alright, so here's the deal with EPW Idol...

It's a competition between brand new characters, whereby you all submit character bios based on the application I've included below. Basically, we want you to think of a character idea that you always had, but never got around to doing, or something that excites you. This isn't a TWW sort of thing where we're only looking for the most over the top, wacky gimmicks. We want you to give us something you think is cool. If that happens to be something wacky, so be it, but we welcome all types of characters.

Mike Stanton (The Great Eye) and I will be running the competition. Please PM us if you have any questions.

The way it works:

-The show will be broken down into segments to be run seperately from the EPW cards. The finals, however, will be run on as a segment on whatever EPW card is up at the time. For the first segment, we'll be doing an American Idol-esque elimination round where Doc and Mylde narrow the field to fit a more classic competition format. Doc and Mylde's comments will be based on the bios you post under this thread. The contest will be kinda like those shoot interview Mick Foley did with Jim Ross back in the day. It's a shoot, but it's not. The "contestants" are average guys looking to sell a gimmick, and Doc and Mylde are there to help them out. It's an IN-RP shoot, basically.

-All subsequent shows will be voter based! For example, we'll post a poll that everyone can vote on, with a short deadline, where maybe the two least vote getters will be eliminated on the show. I can't say how many will be eliminated per show since I don't know how many will sign up, but we'll let you know after the first segment is run.

-Votes will be based on a "Question of the week" thread we'll post between segments. Questions will be along the lines of "What makes you the next EPW Idol?" etc. All you need to do is respond in a minimum two paragraphs IN CHARACTER. These threads will also contain the polls, for your convenience.

-The winner will be awarded the brand new EPW Atlantic Title, approved OORP by Dave Brunk himself, to be defended therafter! Seriously, this is no joke. You will be the EPW Atlantic Champion should you win this contest. It's kind of like a "People's Champion" type belt.

-So easy, a caveman could do it! Seriously guys, this requires such little effort on your part, it's should be illegal to make FW this easy. All you have to do is fill out one of our super short bio apps, and write two paragraphs a week to answer our "Question of the Week." Segments will be written by Mike and I. The President of the United States would have plenty of time to do this, that's how easy this contest is.


EPW Idol Bio

Wrestler Name:
Looks/Ring Attire:
Gimmick/Bio (Two Paragraphs Minimum):
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Evil James

League Member
Feb 17, 2008
San Diego, California
Wrestler Name: Rick Malloy
Height: 5'11
Weight: 205 lbs.
Hometown: Erewhon
Theme: The Natalie Portman Rap by Natalie Portman on SNL
Looks/Ring Attire: Wears a suit and looks like Joaquin Phoenix complete with beard and sunglasses
Gimmick/Bio (Two Paragraphs Minimum):
Rick Malloy has been traveling around doing indy shows since 2008 and is slowly going insane yet he doesn't realize it. Every day for him is a blur and a continuation of the day before. He has lost his humanity to the point where the only human interactions he has are check-in at hotels/motels, sex with various women, and interacting at the shows he works.

One day, Rick got a beat in his head. A big beat and he started rapping. He also has wild dreams that make no sense. Coincedentally, his raps make no sense either because he's slowly losing his mind due to lack of human interaction and extensive time on the road. Rick can rap, but can he sing? Nobody knows. But he is one damn fine technical wrestler.
Style: Technical
Setup: Short-arm clothesline
Finisher:<O:p Armageddon 2012 (Cobra Clutch Slam)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
El Segundo

Sorry about the spanish or if anything is missing. I copied and pasted from the old FMLL web site. LOL. I think all the information is there though.



Nombre: El Segundo

Estatura: 5'11"

Peso: 221 lbs.

Lugar de Nacimiento: Unknown

Tema de Entrada: "We Like to Party" by the Vengaboys

Descripción: Shrouded by a silver mask marked with the Roman numeral 'II', El Segundo is a semi-insane luchador who, at one time, prided himself upon and was OBSESSED with being second best. As long as he gave it a good college try, winning was never important. However, after years of coming up just short of the glory, El Segundo blew a gasket, and reemerged as a (not so) bad-ass rudo out for blood!

Not much is known about who he really is or where he came from, though it's been rumored he once made a living as a carnival ride operator somewhere in the Southwestern U.S. He is known throughout the Mexican indy circuit for his Shatner-esque manner of speech.

Estilo: Rudo (Heel.. and wrestles the traditional rudo style.)

Equipo de Técnicas:
German Suplex
Inverted Atomic Drop
Double Arm DDT
Hanging Vertical Suplex
Quebradora (Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker)
Missile Dropkick
Plancha (Splash/Cross Body Block)
Flying Elbow
Mortal (Moonsault)
Fául (The INFAMOUS Low Blow!)

Llave: Bofetada Plateada (literally the Silver Smack: a Diamond Cutter.)
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