"And if I had a penny for every time someone came into a big match saying they were focused... well, you get the picture."
The scene is in the end zone of Giants Stadium, site of the EPW/NEW SuperShow, WrestleStock. Standing front and center in the long shadow of the goal posts is one Jericoholic Anonymous, wearing jeans, sneakers, his special occasion Midnight Green and White Philadelphia Eagles lucha mask and, the topper, his vintage throwback #46 Herman Edwards Eagles jersey. Lollipop stands in the background to the left, wearing her high school cheerleader outfit... Go Capistrano Valley High Cougars!
JA: You know, I've heard all the clichés in the world. Hell, I've probably spouted off ninety-nine percent of them in my life and about ninety-five percent of those in my pro wrestling career on a camera like this. It's the American life. You watch a bunkload of television, and bam, you spout off catchphrases and hackneyed idioms like Al Sharpton spews anti-Semitic comments to his "congregation" in Harlem. Nothing to be ashamed of really, we all do it. Just like everyone who's ever stepped in this stadium probably makes a crack about Jimmy Hoffa being buried here... hell, I'm lucky that no one else is here or else I might be joining him down there. But I can't take any opportunity to rub this moment in the face of all those snooty Giants fans, especially as a lifelong fan of the...
JA turns around to his fiancée as she goes into a cheer
Lolli: E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!
JA looks in admiration for a moment before turning back to face the crowd.
JA: I love when she does that. Especially wearing... that. She's gonna... well, that's not for you guys to know. But getting back on track, it's that moment I most associate with this place. I know you have to be a different breed of person, in this case, an Eagles fan, to make that connection, but it's refreshing, it's... different. It's the same as tuning into a radio station and hearing "Tangerine" instead of the same ol' "Stairway" or "Kashmir." It's seeing Baron Davis and the Dubs make it to the second round of the Enn-Bee-Aye playoffs instead of the same ol' Mavs and Ivan Drago Nowitzki. Sure, you still do appreciate the classics. I mean, I don't turn the station when "Kashmir" comes on, and I sure as hell do enjoy watching the Mavs play basketball, if only to watch the vein in Mark Cuban's forehead bulge every time they call a foul.
It's the same thing when it comes to wrestling promotional pieces too. I mean, everyone loves to hear the catchphrases. I mark everytime the Codemaster addresses his brothers, sisters and bizarre mutant hybrids. Even the business standards, like giving one-hundred-ten percent or putting it all on the line. You expect to hear those, but you want to hear something different every once in awhile. You want to see Roderick McRatrick roll out The Wax, or Torment not to drop the Eff-bomb every once in awhile, or hell, you may even want Joey Melton to serenade the World Champion with Chicago. That's what memories are made of. Of course you mix 'em in with the same ol', and you get a nice stew. I mean, you can't just make a stew with all center-cut prime sirloin. You do need some vegetables. However, when you don't throw in that tasty cut, then that's when things get stupid. That's when you start to question the ability of the cook. That's when you really start to wonder if your head's really in the game, or whether you're just sailing through on another stop on the Diaper Dandy Express, Trip.
That's right, Sean, I compared you to a cook. I'm sure that'll take up about a half-hour of your next diatribe... that is, if you even bother to show up to the soundstage this time. I do have to say, you have a cute kid. I'm sure he's a joy to have around, especially when he's up at 3 Aye-Em, crying for Mommy and her funbags. I'm also pretty sure that the bullsh*t you laid down, although not thick, was so stinky that he could even smell it from a mile away. I mean, sure, you may think it's cool to find out secondhand from your woman whom you're facing, but to me, well... I don't think so, Sean. I think it's a sign that you don't have what it takes to win this match.
Now, how does one make that leap? I'm glad you asked. It's all in the clichés, Trip. I mean, what do you do or say that makes you stand out, that shows you're in it to win it? You tell the audience that you're focused. You know what? No sh*t, Sherlock. I don't think you make it this far and not be focused doing it, unless you just have the dumbest luck in the world, but Trip, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I'm willing to believe that you're pretty good at what you do, but that you just spent a little too much time at the Andrew Gilkison School of Wrestling Promos. That would be fine if you said anything more, but really, you haven't given me a whole lot to work with. I mean, let's look here.
You think it's cool that you got me, right, you... your son. Yeah, you love your son. You're doing this for your son. On the surface, that's a noble goal there, Trip. I mean, it's always great to have someone motivate you. I mean, look at me, I've made it this far because, not only am I on my game and focused like you rolls his eyes, but I've been proving with every win this tournament to Dan Ryan that he made a great investment the day he got me to sign an Empire Pro contract on the bottom line. From the sounds of it with you though... well, you aren't motivated to win for your kid there... you're just motivated to come out of this match not hurt for your kid there. I mean, I saw the way you kinda just went back to playing with him when your Pooh Bear... ugh, how syrupy can you get?
Lolli: Like, you call me Honeybuns every night 'n stuff.
JA: Damn it, you're supposed to be helping my cause.
Lolli: Hey... shut up.
JA clears his throat.
JA: Anyway... you just kept coddling him, that sort of silent assent that p*ssywhipped guys learn to emote after years of being with the same woman, that same silent assent telling me that you're only really looking to come out of this match injury-free. That tells me more than any word you'd normally say in one of your self-aggrandizingly bloated pieces. That tells me that you're either so arrogant that you're coming out of this match the winner that the only goal you have is not getting hurt, and believe me, knowing you and your giant ego, that's a definite possibility, or it's telling me you don't have what it takes to put it all on the line. Sure, you may say that you have the talent to back it up, or that there's no way there's fear in you, or that I'm totally wrong and you were just ignoring Ivy and that your son is your inspiration, but really, I know that any argument I anticipate will have this element that I believe is true in it.
I mean, why do you think I don't have any kids yet? Why do you think I'm not having any kids 'til after I retire? It's because I don't want to have them see their father get totally f*cked up in the ring. I know it's true, because that's what held my father back. He never gave it his all because he had five boys sitting at home who'd pretty much be lost if he ended up like Droz or even Owen Hart. Even though you won't admit it, Sean, I know that's what you're thinking too. Besides, it's way cooler to tell your kids about your cool stories than it is for them to see it. I mean, embellishing things is half the fun. You should know that. I mean, saying that I could only beat you by a roll up on your worst day. You're pretty damn good at the tall tale thing already. I don't know why you and Ivester just didn't double-bag it until your body was one-hundred percent beaten to hell instead of just seventy-five percent like it is now. Or maybe you could have gotten a vasectomy and you two crazy kids could have gone the Jolie route, only, if you ever, EVVERRRR name any kid of yours Pax Thien or some other Klingon type thing, I will personally smack the sh*t out of you.
But you see, because you have your kid holding you back, there's no way you can come into this match at full-tilt. For you to have the performance that your bloated mind thinks, you'd have to spin a yarn on par with the Iliad. You may have something to hold you back, and that something has subconsciously prevented you from doing anything memorable on camera. Sure, coddling your baby is new and different for these parts, but it's far from something everyone's going to talk about though. Me... well, I may be borrowing from your ego a bit if I say people will talk about this spot for years to come. They may, they may not, but hell Trip, I at least said something. And I plan on doing anything to win in the cage.
I know, I know, that's a pretty clichéd thing to say, but after getting that vibe from you Sean, I'm not sure it's something that can go unsaid. While you're more worried about being around when Shannon Joseph graduates college, and believe me, I don't blame you, you can't see that's a goal that's in direct opposition with the one you say you have. I mean, by some stroke of luck, you step out of the unforgiving structure that is the cage, and you're both a winner and a healthy man, but the odds of that happening in this match, on this stage... if you think that I'm going to allow myself to be shown up in front of the man that hired me and took a chance on me, the fans of both Ee-Pee-Dubya AND Enn-Ee-Dubya and in front of both locker rooms to boot, well, then you're more delusional than anyone could ever take you to be.
Me though... well, back to what I was saying before, this may not be the thing you most remember me for in this event. Hell, I guarantee you won't remember me standing in the end zone of an empty Giants Stadium. What I can guarantee you though is that when you think of this place, you're not going to think of the Jets, the Giants, Jimmy Hoffa or even the Miracle at the Meadowlands. You're going to think about Jericoholic Anonymous, putting his body on the line, winning King of the Cage in front of the largest crowd in this place's history.
Trip, you're going to remember me.
JA puts his hands on his hips as Lollipop starts to cheer and wave her pom poms in the background. The setting sun drenches the scene deep orange as it slowly fades to the EPW/NEW WrestleStock logo.