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EPW World Tag Team Championships - Animezing Dragons! (cc)


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
* Black Dawn - March 18, 2004 - The Crimson Calling won a 4-way tag-team table elimination match by putting Max of Blitz through a table with a Crimson Crasher

* Aggression - May 1, 2004 - The titles were declared vacant when the Crimson Calling walked out on the company

* Unleashed - May 31, 2004 - The Cameron Cruise Project d. Blitz and Golem & X-Ecutioner in an elimination tag match when Max submitted to Melton's figure-four leg lock

* Wrestleverse I - October 1, 2004 - Christian Sands & Lindsay Troy d. The Cameron Cruise Project by pinfall when Sands hit the frog splash on Cruise after Troy and Melton left ringside

* Russian Roulette - March 12, 2005 - Blitz won a Tag-Team Turmoil match after pinning Cameron Cruise to win the titles

* Unleashed 2006 - July 15, 2006 - The Highland Park Social Club defeated Blitz & Leonard Johnson under triad rules when Slambo the Clown pinned Leonard Johnson after a Joy Buzzer

* Wrestleverse II - January 24, 2007 - The Cameron Cruise Project (2) defeated The Highland Park Social Club when Joey Melton pinned Chip Friendly following a Cameron Cruise Reality Check on a chair.

* Aggression 30 - April 13, 2007 - Blitz (2) were awarded the belts when Joey Melton failed to show up for his title defense.

* Aggression 31 - May 17, 2007 - The belts were returned to The Cameron Cruise Project by Dan Ryan, who nullified Beast's decision to hand the belts to Blitz without a fight.

* Wrestlestock, Night Two - July 17, 2007 - The Proletariat d. The Cameron Cruise Project when C.E. Augustus pinned Cameron Cruise after the K-14.

* Aggression 35 - March 6, 2008 - The Forsaken (Felix Red & The First) d. The Proletariat when both Felix and The First hit 'Art of Despair' on C.P. Nero and The First covered him for the pin.

* Aggression 43 - April 14, 2009 - The Anthology (Jared Wells & Larry Tact) d. Forsaken (Felix Red & First) after interference from Anthology member Cameron Cruise

* Black Dawn 2010 - June 8, 2010 - The Heirs of Wrestling d. The Anthology by pinfall after interference by Cameron Cruise

* Aggression 57 - April 4, 2011 - Steven Shane & Stalker d. The Heirs of Wrestling in a King of the Cage Triple Threat match when Steven Shane pinned Impulse after a Shining Wizard

* Wrestleverse IV - August 3, 2011 - Animezing Dragons! d. Steven Shane & Stalker when Otaku pinned Stalker after a vertical suplex/shooting star press combination

* Aggression 62 - November 19, 2011 - Eddie "The Fire" Burns and The First defeated Animezing Dragons when Burns pinned Karl Brown after a fireball to the face and The Burn Out

* Russian Roulette 2012 - February 2, 2012 - Animezing Dragons! (2) d. Eddie "The Fire" Burns and Layne Winters (sub. for The First) when Otaku pinned Burns after a double team combo of a Karl Brown exploder suplex and Otaku shooting star press

* Aggression 71 - January 10, 2013 - Teddy Alexander & Sam Turner, Jr d. Animezing Dragons! in the King of the Cage: Tag Team Edition Semifinals when Sam Turner, Jr pinned Otaku after a Teddy Alexander Fallaway Package Piledriver

* Aggression 72 - February 27, 2013 - Dirk Dickwood Presents d. Teddy Alexander & Sam Turner, Jr. in the King of the Cage: Tag Team Edition Finals when Hank and Cecilworth Farthington placed Sam Turner, Jr. in a combination Camel Clutch/Boston Crab, forcing him to submit

* Unleashed 2013 - May 10, 2013 - Animezing Dragons! (3) d. Dirk Dickwood Presents when Karl Brown pinned Cecil Farthington after a Dragon's Bite

* Wrestleverse V - April 10, 2014 - Aaron Jones & Eli Flair d. Animezing Dragons when Aaron Jones pinned Karl Brown after a Sudden Impact/Top Rope cross body combo.

Title suspended due to hiatus.
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