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EUWC Contest

Sean Taylor

League Member
Sep 3, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
Ok folks with the WWE doing an interactive PPV next Tuesday, I thought I would run a little contest. Here's how it works. Predict the Taboo Tuesday PPV from top to bottom. Winner will be the person with the most points.

Points earned how?
1 point for predicting the winner of each match
1 point for predicting the stip/outfit/opponent

For those who have been living under a rock for the past three weeks, here the rundown of the card

World Title Match
Triple H (c) vs Shawn Michaels/Chris Benoit/Edge

Intercontinental Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs Shelton Benjamin/Batista/Hurricane/Rodney Mack/William Regal/Val Venis/Christian/Steven Richards/Rhyno/Maven/Tyson Tomko/Chuck Palumbo/Tajiri/Jonathan Coachman/Rosey

Tag Team Title Match
La Resistance (c) vs Benoit & HBK/HBK & Edge/Edge & Benoit

Fulfill Your Fantasy Match Battle Royal- Women's Championship
Trish Stratus (c) vs Gail Kim vs Molly vs Stacy vs Victoria vs Jazz vs Nidia
Divas will be dressed as French Maids/Schoolgirls/Nurses

Randy Orton vs Ric Flair
Stips are Submission Match/Cage Match/Falls Count Anywhere

Weapon of Choice Match *cue Chistopher Walken*
Kane vs Gene Snitsky
Stips are Lead Pipe/Steel Chair/Steel Chain

Eugene vs Eric Bischoff
Stips are Loser Must Wear A Dress/Loser Must Be The Winner's Butler/Loser Must Get Shaved Bald

Christy vs Carmella
Stips are Aerobics Challenge/Lingere Pillow Fight/Evening Gown Match

You have until midnight after next week's Raw to be considered. A tie will be broken by who posts first. If any additional matches are announced obviously you can post additional predictions after that.

Danny Collins

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
World Title Match
Triple H (c) vs Edge
(Hard one to call, I know that most poeple would vote for HBK, IF WWE was to do it for real, but I cannot see it happening, I think Edge will get the shot, and Vince will screw us, once more....)

Intercontinental Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs William Regal
(This one is the hardest to guess because of the ammount of possibilitys, I think WWE will maybe make this one a REAL interactive match, as opposed to the main event. Regal should get it, he and Jericho willl put on a great match.)

Tag Team Title Match
La Resistance (c) vs Benoit & HBK
(Obviously this one is just a runner up prize for the two guys who don't make it to the main event, so with Edge being there, HBK and Benoit will take on La Resistance.)

Fulfill Your Fantasy Match Battle Royal- Women's Championship
Trish Stratus (c) vs Gail Kim vs Molly vs Stacy vs Victoria vs Jazz vs Nidia
Divas will be dressed as Schoolgirls
(Its on with the schoolgirls outfits, just thinking about Stacy in a little skirt makes me... OOPS, sorry.... Oh yeah, I bet Stacy gets the win in this one and takes the title, extra points maybe Derek? Just a suggestion...)

Randy Orton vs Ric Flair
Stips are Cage Match
(Falls count anywhere? Submission? Bland and bland..... Cage match? YES PLEASE! Wait, what? A Ric Flair cage match? oh good God please let me be right! This will steal the show if its in a cage.)

Weapon of Choice Match *cue Chistopher Walken* <-(Nice joke)
Kane vs Gene Snitsky
Stips are Steel Chair
(Easy one, you are limited to what you can do with a chain and a pipe, fans will choose old faithful in the steel chair, and Kane will own Snitsky, but I'm not sure where the angles going. Snitsky is possibly the stupidest wrestler in history though.)

Eugene vs Eric Bischoff
Stips are Loser Must Get Shaved Bald
Another easy one, who wants to see Bischoff in a dress, or being a butler? Not me, I wanna see someone get there head shaved bald, damn, I love it when they do it, just seeing someone like Bischoff bald would be worth watching the ppv for.)

Christy vs Carmella
Stips are Lingere Pillow Fight
(Not so easy, but also very carppy at the same time. This will suck and then blow, beofre just becoming an embarassment. I think it will be the pillow fight simply because we get to see them in lingere, its obvious really....)

Well, there you go, I acctually think Taboo Tuesday will be quite good, as soon as the Chrsty and Carmella match has finnished thats is, I will be watching it live next Tuesday and will be hoping to God they don't make us watch Rhyno v.s Y2J, I'll get depressed.


League Member
Aug 30, 2004
Napanee, Ontario
Taboo Tuesday Predictions

Divas Battle Royale - I am guessing school-girl outfits. Dunno why, really don't care! I predict a Stacy victory here.

Christy vs Carmella - Hopefully this one will be the Evening Gown Match and I am guessing Christy takes the win. I hope so since she actually seems to have some in-ring talent.

Eugene vs Eric Bischoff - Here comes the shocker. The loser will be shaved bald and Eric Bischoff will win. I can't see Eric being shaved bald, but Eugene I could. look for interference from Coach and possibly someone else to start a feud with Eugene.

Kane vs Gene Snitsky - I am guessing that this will be a Chain match, and I look forward to seeing Snitsky win and possibly push this feud further. I actually think Snitsky could be a great heel and a win at Taboo Tuesday will help with that, and push Kane to the face side.

Randy Orton vs Ric Flair - I am guessing Cage match, and I see Orton winning and Flair blading!

Chris Jericho vs Batista - I would rather see Jericho vs Shelton Benjamin but I think we will see Batista hee and if it is Batista, we will have a new Intercontinental Champion.

La Resistance vs Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit - Michaels and Benoit win. Maybe by DQ or count out.

Triple H vs Edge - Edge will put up a good fight but Trips will leave with the belt prolonging the Edge - HHH feud to Survivor Series.


League Member
Sep 18, 2004
Samuel Roundtree

OK...Taboo Tuesday.

Let's start with the matches no one gives a rats ass about.

Divas Battle Royal -- I'd go with the nurses here. Just to be different I"m going to pick Nidia in a slight surprise.

Christy vs. Carmella -- Evening Gown Match, Christy wins...I figure Carmella will be brought in as a mouthpiece for someone full time.(I mean someone other than Vince.)

Now the actual matches...

Kane vs. Gene Snitsky...so far this feud has seemed kind of one-sided. Snitsky has been getting in most of the meaningful offense. So I figure Kane to win a lead pipe match.

Eugene vs Bischoff, I actually think Eazy E will lose this match and hair, but something tells me that Eugene won't get back to the locker room in one piece.

Orton vs Flair, I think to be different this might end up being a submission match. I think Orton will win no matter what. I have to say submission match and Randy makes Flair tap to the figure four.

Jericho vs Coachman. That's right I said Jonathan Coachman. Fans will want to see Coachman get his ass kicked. I figure Jericho's got Coach in the walls, Garrison Cade comes to the ring interferes and Coach gets the roll up for the title win.

Tag-title, the booking of this match doesn't make sense. Trips will know who he's facing before the match starts, while I thought he wasn't going to know until the music hit. I'm going to say it'll be Benoit/Edge. I don't see the fans putting either one of them into the main event over HBK. Edge/Benoit wins for no particular reason.

World Title, HHH vs HBK, HHH wins, 3 PPV title switches in a row doesn't make sense to me. I'd actually say HHH over whoever gets "voted" in.

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