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EWZine Web Cast : Pilot Episode


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
Alright, forgive how crude the quality is. I didn't take time to actually go in and use my movie making program to edit it, but here is the first of hopefully many video shows. Our next going up Monday December 8th.
What I need from you guys is ideas. What do you want to see? Also, you can add to the shows by sending videos to me and thye can be included in future episodes.
I will also be working on a sytem to take "live" phone call so we can have real interaction.
This is just a basic idea for the show, the actual show will have questions and answers, news, rumors, and actual e-wrestling related information.
God this is embarassing, but at least it's embarassing in the name of e-wrestling.
Help make future episodes! Send in questions for our Q&A section, participate in the EWZine raffle, which the winner will be drawn during the web cast! (This week we have a bunch of new xbox, ps2, and xbox 360 games we are giving away) Or send in news about YOUR fed to get exposure "on air"!

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