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Eye for an Eye: LUMBERJACK MATCH - 'Dangerous' Duke Mackey v. Arcángel IV

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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Eye for an Eye: LUMBERJACK MATCH - 'Dangerous' Duke Mackey v. Arcángel IV

Stipulation: If Angel wins, he and Carlos Canyeta will be let back into the Manhattan Center. If Mackey wins, they stay away for good. Three NLW wrestlers will stand at each corner of the apron to keep both men in the ring, and to prevent outside interference. Lumberjacks will be announced at match time.

I'd say there's a deadline, but it's just me versus myself. :cool:
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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Re: Eye for an Eye: LUMBERJACK MATCH - 'Dangerous' Duke Mackey v. Arcángel IV

(FADEIN: NYC, late-night, the sidewalk in front of famed stripclub SCORES. Loud bass thumping can be heard from the inside, and a few patrons are hanging outside smoking cigarettes until...


The club doors FLY OPEN and rowdy customer gets tossed violently into the street by NLW's own 'DANGEROUS' DUKE MACKEY!)

MACKEY: And STAY OUT! (turns to other bouncer) Ya see that? I told ya, gotta watch out for these guys...comin' into the club wearin' paper thin sweat pants, no underwear, junk all lubed up with petroleum jelly. Next thing ya know, they're payin' for lap dances and gettin' that sh*t all ova the strippers!

ROWDY CUSTOMER: Hey man! I didn't see no rules against coming in wearing my shooting pants!

MACKEY: Wha'd I tell ya, HUH? Wha'd I tell ya? Step onto this sidewalk again muthaf*cka, I'll beat you into the ground. (looks at the camera) Ya know what that is? That's an UNWANTED GUEST. That's the type of guy who, when everybody else is havin' a good time and enjoyin' themselves, HE'S gotta come in an f*ck it all up. Sound familiar, Canyeta? That's what you are: an unwanted guest. Nobody invited you, nobody's askin' for you, but there you are...WEEK after WEEK...f*ckin' up a good time on Friday Night Vulgar.

So lemme tell ya who EYE am. I'M holdin' the guest list. I'm the guy at the door, sayin' who's OK, who's NOT, bustin' heads and crackin' f*ckin' skulls when necessary. Last time, you came up on me two on one, and ya JAP'd me. That's right YA JAP'D ME! But I got a chance, live on pay-per-view, to make things right and stop the two of you from EVER gettin' into the building, ever again! Unfortunately, I won't get to slap you around like I'd like to, but BELIEVE ME...your buddy Arcangel's gonna get the beating you deserve on top of the one he's already getting.

Four sides of the ring, all surrounded by NLW guys and neither of ya got a friend in the damn company. How do ya like that? I'm hoping you DO show up, Canyeta, so one of the other guys can get a piece of you brutha, and BELIEVE ME, they ALL want a piece of you right now!

Man, RA musta read my mind when he named this show, 'cause when we meet up in Hartford I'm gonna getcha back for what ya did to me last week. It's gonna be OLD TESTAMENT in that ring! EYE...FOR AN EYE! And God help you if I can take two...

(CUEUP: "Keep Away" by Godsmack)

(WIPE-RIGHT: Kurosawa/Lucas style wipe to a black screen with the NLW logo above an EYE FOR AN EYE advertisement)

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