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Eye for an Eye: OPEN CHALLENGE

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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
How it works: Post a promo, get a match. Depending on the number of replies, I'll get creative with the booking. This is not only for roster members, but anyone interested in joining. Now's the time!

Deadline: Saturday, July 24, 11:59pm Eastern Time
Standard 48 hour stacking rules apply


League Member
Dec 14, 2007
Windsor, Ontario
CUE UP: "Especially in Michigan" by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

FADE IN: To the completely restored and refirbished apartment of Brock Alyas in downtown Detroit. The all white accent on the room with all black furniture and accesories feels like you'd be standing in Patrick Bateman's front living room. Don't drink the "wine"!!

CUT TO: BROCK ALYAS suited in a sleeveless Jordan t-shirt and UnderArmor shorts in the midst of a set of crunches.


There was either something very wrong or off about Brock... but he looked like a man refreshed, a man who ESENtv hadn't seen in two years... in fact a man that was so surprisingly dedicated to his physical condition that he almost looked unrecognizeable. Still the same mean game face, as the camera faded all exterior of the scene of Brock finishing each repetition, obviosly becoming more and more strenuous as he continued.

Eventually, after a substantial ammount Brock laid down for a quick second and grimaced in pain over an exercise he hadn't done without the help of anabolic steroids in years. He had obviously lost a substantial ammount of weight recently, but that in fact made the beast of a man in fact look healthier.

Brock sat up, picked himself up on the ground and took a huge sip from his thermal protein shake mixter...

Brock... protein.


Brock sat down at his dining room table in his large main living area, exhaled and looked like he wanted to pull his non-existent peach fuzz length hair out over the craving for how good he feels a cigarette would be.

Quit smoking too? Who is this guy?

Brock sorted through some allready read mail he'd received this morning and opened the flyer for the NLW Eye for an Eye Pay Per View. Despite being about at mid-card status in the NFW, Brock was very used to helping neighbour companies out because of his undeniable talent within the ring, ability to lead matches and well... because he could certainly use the money right now.

BROCK - "I got a call the other day regarding NLW's next big pay per view. I got word that they could use my services... in real words basically they'll pay me twice as much as anyone they have on payroll and scheduled to show up. I agreed. I simply warned them that they might want to schedule how ever many hospital beds as willbe needed, for any low-budget retard that's stupid enough to think he can last.

"Now I don't mean to come in, and talk like my career that's hardly been glorified is fufilled with year-long stretches of undefeat or act like a Hollywood has-been, but... Old Brock in NLW... let's use common sense here people... somebody is going to get hurt!

"I've been dying for the opportunity to get back in the ring and before anyone else even comments on it, yes... I am working to successfully rebuild not only my career but my life. I need a few stepping stones en route to where I was this year in 2008. Not that Rookie of the Mid Year of a league that reigns supreme over NLW, was by any means even an 'accomlishment' in my regards... but never the less an award that signifies just how dominant I can be in that squared circle... amongst a class of rather... noligible, rookies,

"Steve Knox...


"Heck, even Impulse can tell you about an exploder suplex that nearly ended his career! Doesn't that loser wrestle here?

"Anyways, these are just a few names and first-hand witnesses of severe neck pain and two handfuls of regret each for making the conscious career decision to step into the ring with me. Yet, all men that I feel would use the NLW as their preverbial doormat. If this list isn't sufficient enough to persuade you, you can look up the record books of all the, post-match with Alyas NOBODIES, that will vouch for you to think long and hard about it fellas. In fact, I believe Brett Kelly and Sean O'Keeke do a weekly inter-state inter-high school session stressing the importance of not trying wrestling at home or in fact being even any good... because Brock Alyas is front-running low-budget promotions, hence Eye for an Eye... and dropping even the randomest of jobbers on their fuckin necks!

"Which brings me to my point that my fans certainly most probably wonder... why are you even taking this event?

"Well, there's certainly as substantial ammount of money the agency over at Next Level has persuaded me to consider... my SIGNING bonus is probably worth more than what's left over from their yearly earnings after their expensive coke habits are taken care of.

"No more chemicals in my system. I've been sober for nearly three months now and I'll let my actions speak over my words, but I will personally guarentee that there is a certain type of adrenaline that now runs through my system that I'd never had before. Now, there's a natural energy that for once I feel like I've earned and not cheated. No anabolic could give me the euphoria sobriety has. No steroid could give me the power I now possess. No drug will alter my personality and cost me my career,

"The only person that has ever beat me...

"...is me.

"My loss column at NFW has certainly caught up to the 8-0 start I jumped off to... and I'm not a man of excuses or many words... but I will point to the obvious reasons surrounding why I fell off the map. I let myself become a recluse, a waste of life... I let my career slip away from my grasp just when I'd finally received the recognition I've worked for ten years in this business to receive.

"I've never been the type that deals with success well... being a low-budget kid from Detroit who never had **** could be the reason for that.

"...or maybe just the fact that my entire life I've had to listen to those above me berate and tell me what to do,

"Well that won't be the case here. NLW NEEDS me.


"Because if I don't show, who in their RIGHT mind would buy a ticket?"



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
CUTTO: An up close shot of a cardboard cutout of a jagged version of an NLW backdrop. Facing away from the camera in a wheelchair is Rory "Hendo" Henderson, as he lays still minus a slow and steady rock back and forth in his straight jacket.

HENDO: Eeny, Meenie, Myyyyneee Moooeee....Hendo's got a ticket...but Brock is a tool, and just don' know...

Ooohhhhh we shall see.....we shall see!!



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
CUTTO: Another up close shot of a cardboard cutout of a jagged version of an NLW backdrop. Facing away from the camera in a wheelchair is Rory "Hendo" Henderson, as he lays still, minus a slow and steady rock back and forth in his straight jacket.

RORY: NLW...needs Brock Alyas.

Really now??

NLW needs you like the Oakland Raiders need Lane Kiffin or JaMarcus Russell.

Let's be honest for a second Brock, you can't nearly match up to the hype of what NLW has to offer, ESPECIALLY after the showing you put on in NFW.

How do I know??

Netflix, what else??

I had a sitdown the other day and had myself an Iced Tea, some cold-cuts and a Caesar Salad the other day and I watched just how BADLY you took towards putting opponents into hospital beds.

It was pretty damn bad, Brock...no..it's actually WORSE, but nonetheless...

Any of us "low-budget retards" that are put on roster really don't care.

Myself?? I don't receive any wages, so what payment I receive is mainly redundant.

I'm in it for the SPORT.

To give pain and receive it, that's the name of the game, Brock.

And if you can take what you dish out, all the more poiwer to you, but if not...then you're in the wrong business, much less company.
As far as your gameplan of people getting hurt...think about it, son; that's pretty much Company Motto.

You apparently seek Awards and certificates that notify people that you reek of dominance but in retrospect Brock...you just reek.

Bad onions maybe, maybe too much dairy in your diet,or perhaps it was the Salsa you had in Mexico, last year...but again, it's redundant.

You drop names like Steve Knox and Legion like they're supposed to mean something to me, but the fact is...you drop one more name and even call him a derogatory name.

But yet...you're stuck in this match with the likes of me and whomever wants to join us and Impulse....or as you so eloquently called him...LOSER...is competing for the NLW World Open Weight Championship.

Yeah, Brock...you reek alright...you stink UTTERLY of Jealousy.

But that's okay, with me Brock, you can be jealous.

I've already got Nightmares as it is, knowing the fact that you're life-changing turn in life is nothing short of speeches like Mel Gibson lashes out with.

It doesn't change a thing for me, and to me...you're no better than anyone else.

In fact, while you spout off names of men that you've taken to test...you clearly forget the one that apparently broke your career for at least a substantial period of time that you were gone as of late....you know whom I speak of, I'm sure.

And tested you he did too, so please spare me the whole "only one person that beat me was me" schtick.

He beat you BADLY.

As for me...sure, I've had two outtings so far and neither went very well, however you can be rest assured that what happened against Mister Scheinberg was exactly what it was--Jewish Luck.

And I'm not talking about the kind you wish for when you play Dreidal in December either.

You seek the almighty dollar for your time in the ring and rightly you should...even in a "low-budget" company, like NLW.

But I promise you that it won't be that much in paid leave if you should take another leave of absence again.

Especially if it comes from the likes of ME.

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