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Feedback: Fly Me to the Moon


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007
Really cool to see a nice early show. We live in exciting times in the eWrestling world. Although I'm pretty sure the real truth is Voss time travels to make himself look good.

Some general comments as I was reading through the show:

- As I said to Voss earlier, I really like the feel of IGC, it sort of mirrors the embracing of technology that a few of the indies have being doing recently to get there names out there with the podcast video shows. I fully expect there to be an IGC iPPV at some point too.

- Good commentary is somethings a tricky thing to pull of but I think that up and down the card, the commentary had an excellent flow and really do a great service the highlight both the matches and why certain spots happened. I'm not sure if you're planning to do it Chikara style with some of the touring roster who have matches early in the evening take up commentary for later matches or not but I think again, that might be something worth embracing.

- Can't complain about the match set-ups either, the in-studio stuff done did its job.

- I'm really excited to move on in this little IGCC shindig, I'm not exactly known for writing serious words in them RP things but I was really happy with the angle and approach I took to this and it's cool that it paid off. I would certainly say it was a hard earned victory because there was certainly an extremely good effort from Ernie and things could have been completely different for Seth if Sean had found the time to show up. Really this match was anyone's for the taking in my opinion and I'm surprised yet happy I managed to squeak by.

- That said, I'm going to be a slightly negative nelly about one thing. I'm in two minds about making this point because I can see exactly what Voss was trying to do and in a way it's fitting that Atken is still completely crushed even in victory especially given the nature of Jack Harris but...

Yeah, I'm not really a fan of the post match stuff from our match, just feels a bit like it took the steam out of mine and Ernie's efforts. I know Seth is an extremely talented writer but to me, that ending kinda read as "yeah, if Sean showed up, you guys would've been hella crushed". Took the wind from the sails a little bit.

Again Seth deserves to get his character shown as dominant but I think he had already done that match wise. Maybe I've been listening to too much Wrestling Observer shows recently but as I read the tag team post match all I could hear was Bryan Alvarez yelling "Why the hell should anyone care about Phil Atken progressing? He's already been made to look like a geek. He's a geek and if he wins the belt, he's a geek with a belt. Why would the fans care about that?"

I really don't like being that guy with that sort of thing, hate it in fact. I dunno, as I said, two minds but I'm going to be honest, that was my gut read on that one.

- On to more brighter and happier times. Really cool to see Sabre progress, I really like the gimmick of a masked gentleman about town. I thought Dragon Jones put in a great effort and I can imagine that none of these contests were easy for Voss to judge. I'm looking forward to a contest again Sabre down the line (this is how these qualifying doodles work right???), I think that'll be a fun one.

- Match itself again read really well. Good back and forth between the two, really giving a chance to show the drive that the IGC is instilling in people to prove themselves and represent their promotions. Always good to get some heel cheatery, even better when it backfires. As I said before, good contest with a hard earned victory for Sabre. Looking forward to seeing what else Sabre provides us with.

- I almost don't want to win the title with the threat of having Hornet sneak up upon poor Phil at a moments notice. Again, RP wise, this match had a great showing.

- The match again I think represented the efforts that Pete and Chad had put in, a really strong back and forth contest with a good ole fashioned babyface-style pump up for the victory. ta Seti should really know you never charge to attack a fist pumping face, that's them in hyper mode. You should run, run as far as you can before you get ensnared in their super powered strength. That young 'un may be making a name for himself in IWF but he must learn of the deadly wrestling traps!

Overall, I was hyped about IGC going in and I'm still hyped about it going out. I just really feel the whole thing nails the tone it's going for and that does a lot to help the fed along.
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Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Awesome to see this up so quickly! Muchos kudos for that.

To echo Colin's remarks, I love the embracing of technology IGC is going for. The little things, like the graphics for the iTunes podcasts and the wrestler micros are just so awesome.

pain GRILLE cracks me up. And even though he threw in occasional heel jab, I'm glad he wasn't so over-the-top circa Michael Cole a year ago.

The two-fall tag match was well-written and entertaining. The only thing I might have changed (as a complete noob who has never actually written out a match like that): if Harris was going to monster out and crush everyone post-match, maybe have Ito eat the pin (especially since he didn't show) instead of Harris after Harris was finisher'd. But again, it was an entertaining match that I enjoyed.

Sabre vs. Dragon Jones was fun too. Is Sabre going to continue to be billed as from RO!W, since it is officially no longer happening? Looking at my own character, I feel like Leyenda de Ocho could have fun battles with either dude, so it's cool that they had good showings.

Maybe it's because I'm in IWF and Vizier ta Seti has been on a huge win streak over there, but I was a little surprised to see him tap out! After reading both guys' RPs, I thought the match itself matched up well - it was very closely fought and played on the hall-of-famer vs. up-and-comer angle well.

It would be great to get a little bit more out of the touring roster, even if it's small segments. Just to get a little more IGC flavor that I'm growing to enjoy.


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Maybe that sabre should be considered a non-aligned entity.

As for my thoughts:

Tag Match: I understood the rules even if BookFace didn't. The Phil win surprised me, guess the toss out of the ring didn't hurt as much as it sounded.

Sabre vs. Jones:

Well that was lucky. Jones really made me work for it in the RPs, and I'm surprised Sabre won. I see a re-match in our future...

Main Event:

I also am surprised to see IWF's top guy tap. But a very good match with some nice RPing from both guys. Participation is the brother of cooperation, after all.


El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
I do agree with Colin. I felt like we got buried after the match, not just him but both of us, and as a promotion also. I think that's the way the announcers put it over. The way they sold it "Jack Harris tore INFINITE Wrestling a new one!" and "Jack Harris has made a mockery of this team" didn't really feel as much as he did something completely reprehensible as it did that we, you know, just got PWNed.

I think if the announcers had sold it differently then the angle would have worked out a LOT better.

But I do want to congratulate Colin on a very well earned win.

I'm happy to have INFINITE beat ACW and I like that there was an effort to progress an angle forward. And ACW should not think they're getting off the hook for Jack Harris's actions. ;)


El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
Colin, let this be your motivation to try as hard as you can to bring home the IGC at the UltraTitle final. I've got your back if Harris tries any more of his space invaders antics!


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007
I put a mattress down there for him to land on. That wasn't mentioned in the match. ;)

It's actually one of Atken's riders. There must always be mattresses at ringside to protect his beautiful moneymaker of a derriere.


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
So first -- I had a ball roleplaying in this one. Since I don't get to be in ULTRATITLE, this was a great chance for me to dust off Hornet in roleplay mode. Obviously getting a chance to do that against Pete (since we didn't get to in the PWC Tournament months ago) was special, and he made me work to try and make sure that Hornet tried to integrate his understand of the Vizier character, his background, etc. I hope it was worth reading.

I thought the card was really well done. The PBP back-and-forth was fun and the characters were clear. I was also surprised at two tap-outs on one card, but submission isn't exactly the same these days as it may have been even 2-3 years ago. I didn't have a huge concern about the post-match resurgence from Harris -- but that may have been my "fedhead"/community owner hat on that understood that Voss had to make sure the receipt was quick given the nature of things and that there might not be another chance.

I thought the mechanism of the tag match (the double fall) was a great one and really played out well. Gave a great flavor to the match, starting out as cross-promotional, then featuring INFINITE, then going back to the cross-promotional stuff in the aftermath. Sabre/Jones was also well done -- gave me a chance to get to know both characters in rp and then see a fun match.


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
First and foremost, I just want to thank you guys for taking the time to read what I did here and I'm really pleased to see that you enjoyed the card (or at least some elements of it :p )

I thought I would take five to address some of the feedback...
Really cool to see a nice early show. We live in exciting times in the eWrestling world. Although I'm pretty sure the real truth is Voss time travels to make himself look good.
Of course I don't. My Deloria... Mitsubishi Magna could never do that!

I'm not sure if you're planning to do it Chikara style with some of the touring roster who have matches early in the evening take up commentary for later matches or not but I think again, that might be something worth embracing.
This is definitely the plan and was something that I really enjoyed about CHIKARA Pro. It is safe to say I'm taking inspiration from CHIKARA with the Intergalactic Championship and I'm sure you'll see some other promotions that I embrace and take influence from in some of the other stuff coming soon.

- That said, I'm going to be a slightly negative nelly about one thing. I'm in two minds about making this point because I can see exactly what Voss was trying to do and in a way it's fitting that Atken is still completely crushed even in victory especially given the nature of Jack Harris but...

Yeah, I'm not really a fan of the post match stuff from our match, just feels a bit like it took the steam out of mine and Ernie's efforts. I know Seth is an extremely talented writer but to me, that ending kinda read as "yeah, if Sean showed up, you guys would've been hella crushed". Took the wind from the sails a little bit.

Again Seth deserves to get his character shown as dominant but I think he had already done that match wise. Maybe I've been listening to too much Wrestling Observer shows recently but as I read the tag team post match all I could hear was Bryan Alvarez yelling "Why the hell should anyone care about Phil Atken progressing? He's already been made to look like a geek. He's a geek and if he wins the belt, he's a geek with a belt. Why would the fans care about that?"

I really don't like being that guy with that sort of thing, hate it in fact. I dunno, as I said, two minds but I'm going to be honest, that was my gut read on that one.
I do agree with Colin. I felt like we got buried after the match, not just him but both of us, and as a promotion also. I think that's the way the announcers put it over. The way they sold it "Jack Harris tore INFINITE Wrestling a new one!" and "Jack Harris has made a mockery of this team" didn't really feel as much as he did something completely reprehensible as it did that we, you know, just got PWNed.

I think if the announcers had sold it differently then the angle would have worked out a LOT better.
Looking back at it, after seeing the comments you guys have around this I see where you're coming from and understand the feeling it gives you. And for that I apologise and I want it clear that this was not my intention at all. Harris' behaviour post-match was in no way reflective of the end result nor my judging of the RPs which were a part of this contest. Poor execution on my behalf? Probably. It was more along the lines of this...
I didn't have a huge concern about the post-match resurgence from Harris -- but that may have been my "fedhead"/community owner hat on that understood that Voss had to make sure the receipt was quick given the nature of things and that there might not be another chance.
Thanks for wording that for me, Chad.
I'm looking forward to a contest again Sabre down the line (this is how these qualifying doodles work right???), I think that'll be a fun one.
Atken and Sabre are the first two qualifiers to go through to the ULTRATITLE finale to compete against two other qualifiers (from Organised Chaos).
Sabre vs. Dragon Jones was fun too. Is Sabre going to continue to be billed as from RO!W, since it is officially no longer happening?
I don't know. I guess not.
Maybe it's because I'm in IWF and Vizier ta Seti has been on a huge win streak over there, but I was a little surprised to see him tap out!
I also am surprised to see IWF's top guy tap.
I was also surprised at two tap-outs on one card, but submission isn't exactly the same these days as it may have been even 2-3 years ago.
I was actually talking to Brunk about this last week, and we're both pretty much shared the same thought on this. Triple H taps. *shrug* I understand that Vizier is the top draw at IWF and completely respect Pete and the work he does with his characters (let it be known I fucking hated judging Chad and Pete's battle) but for me, personally, to have Hornet roll ta Seti over with the Scorpion Deathlock wasn't a slap in the face to ta Seti.

Just sayin'.

My thoughts and opinions?
You guys who turned up with your RP boots on really gave me a fantastic first show to judge. I seriously had some difficulties picking winners from some of these and hope to work with the guys who were unable to advance through at some time in the future. I really enjoyed all the RPs.

I enjoyed writing the show. I was particularly inspired throughout the whole process from the lead up iTunes or GTFO's to the hype piece which Chad and Pete helped out with to the results being released. I hope you all enjoyed that process for these as I plan to continue them as I move forward with other IGCC events.

I have a load more stuff planned for the future in this space and hope that everyone got something from this and are interested in particpating or reading in the future. Just know this... there is more excitement to come.

Thanks to everyone who was a part of this.


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Of course with IWF going hiatus, Ta Seti is just another jobless mook like my guys anyway. So there you go.


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
It's definitely true that Triple H taps. I think it's clear that even though Ta Seti is/was IWF's top guy, it wasn't as if he was in the Undertaker air of "this guy never taps ever in his 20+ year career".

And, surprises don't mean bad :)

Once again, nice job on the show. Excited for the next one!

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