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Feedback: Wrestling! 2005 OIT


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA
Hey all,

There are a couple things I'm assuming in posting this that may not be great to assume. These are:

1. That most people have seen or heard of the tournament signups and pages over at http://www.wr2005.com

2. That most have read the Tournament announcement and checked out the forums for the tourney over at another site linked from those pages but I won't put the URL here.

If these two points don't apply to you, please feel free to check them out before replying to this. My point is to elicit feedback on the tourney process because I'm looking for around 30 participants to sign up in the next three weeks, and I've gotten 10. We're on track, but I'd feel better getting the quota filled ahead of time.

Last time we ran this the quota filled in two weeks.. obviously we're behind that mark.

So the question I have to anyone willing to answer is if there's anything about the way the tourney is set up that's likely to turn people off from it?

Times do change, and I'm often behind them. My goal is to run a solid tourney, pull a roster together from it and provide a decent fed. If anyone's willing to offer feedback that may better our efforts, I'd appreciate it.


To admins: I'm assuming a feedback thread is ok in this forum. I don't consider this an ad as there's been an ad on the adverts board for over a week with a lot of views.. it shouldn't be as if people are seeing or hearing of this for the first time


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
I guess I'll go on record as saying even after I read the site twice, I have no idea how that will work, and that will keep me from signing up.


League Member
Oct 10, 2004
That dumpster in that one alley
What exactly about it do you not understand? It'll work, if that's what your query is. See NASCAR. NASCAR works, does it not? This will, too.

Copied & pasted straight from my ewnweb post:

To answer Aidan's question: Obviously, since you know I have signed up (this is Richie, just in case you didn't know), nothing in the tourney turns me off at all. Contrary to your belief, I like the way the tourney is set up as it's original and a great way to conduct a tournament. It also gives everyone an advantage as well. For example, say Handler A doesn't do too well on rounds 1, and 2 but does exceptionally well on 3, 4, and 5, he still has a fair shot in the tournament.

However, I cannot account for everyone's opinion, so maybe my opinion doesn't exactly help your case.

Anyway, sign up for the tourney people! It's going to be great.


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA
SteveA said:
I guess I'll go on record as saying even after I read the site twice, I have no idea how that will work, and that will keep me from signing up.

Hi Steve,

Welcome to the club. We have no idea how it will work and that's why we're running it in the first place. If we knew who was going to win and how they were going to win... ;)

Seriously here's the deal man:
1. There will be a series of trials that make up the tourney.
2. Any aspect of handling or playing inside a fed is fair game

3. The purpose of the tourney is obviously to find a winner but also to flesh out who will be offered spots in the fed.

4. All of the trials will work towards the common goal of finalizing stories for the Wresolution 2005 PPV that sets the stage for the fed as well as developing the characters who will be a part of the fed.

5. All trials will have point totals which will be earned by the players in the tourney. Points may be spent to influence the events of the tourney and position a character in a better spot or to screw others over.

6. This is a thinking person's tourney. It requires strategy.

7. There are people judging who have been invited to the fed from past rosters and trusted friends.

8. On trials.. all of them are predetermined and categorized. No one knows in what order they will be drawn but the order of the categories is predetermined. Reason for this is the trials build on each other but we don't know the details of the trials ahead of time.

9. The number of trials was not known at the time of original post. In order to meet the needs of the tourney the number of trials was randomly determined last week. This is not public knowledge and will add to the feel of paranoia during the tourney so people will be positioning to win in every trial.

There will be no less than 4 trials.. no more than 12. This is a change from the original number methinks and when we reach the end, people will know it's the end as it will be the Rookie Rumble match.

So to say that we know how it's going to run at this point, aside from the framework is ridiculous. There's a reason why you don't know.. We don't either.

That's what makes it fun.



Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
read the site a few times myself. please do me a favor and give me an example or three of some hypothetical "trials".

i mean the concept sounds intriguing, but ... i think i'm missing something, somewhere.

also, i read that "We run things different in Wrestling!" ... would that be ... basically the same as the tournament (which i'm not all that clear on, still), or ...? speaking for myself, i hadn't heard of 'Wrestling!' 'til i saw the forum pop up on this page. so ...

... illuminate a brother :)


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA
Hi Blackshire -

I'm going to reiterate what I can of what's been posted elsewhere to try and answer your questions:

1. The point system is in use for the tourney AND it's what we use to keep things fair and game-like in the fed. So if you're in the tourney, you're being prepared for the fed. There are no "trials" in day to day fed activity. Trials are only in use for the tourney.

2. I have posted an example of one of the trials on the Ask the staff forum check that out. I think it's the second post from the top.

3. If I give two or three examples of trials then I am giving out potential trials ahead of the tournament. As part of the tourney is based on none of the players or judges knowing what's coming next I'm pretty close-lipped about giving examples. Sorry to be like that but the concept of not being fully informed was one of the things the previous tournament participants liked most.

One thing I will say. If you like being in total control of everything that may or may not happen to your character in a fed environment, Wrestling! may not be for you. There are a load of variables that can effect characters, including the actions of other players and their characters built into the system.

So as stated it's very much a thinking person's game meshed into the writing and storytelling and it's in many ways a pure form of interactive storytelling.

My two cents.

Pat Dwyer

League Member
Oct 22, 2004
I think the tournaments a great idea, I signed up myself, hopefully everyone gets excepted, I can't wait to see how it's going to be conducted. Really once it starts up I'll be ready to go with this stint of me not writing much lately! It's going to be good I can already tell that from the people involved in running it.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
beeeotch said:
What exactly about it do you not understand? It'll work, if that's what your query is. See NASCAR. NASCAR works, does it not? This will, too.

Copied & pasted straight from my ewnweb post:

To answer Aidan's question: Obviously, since you know I have signed up (this is Richie, just in case you didn't know), nothing in the tourney turns me off at all. Contrary to your belief, I like the way the tourney is set up as it's original and a great way to conduct a tournament. It also gives everyone an advantage as well. For example, say Handler A doesn't do too well on rounds 1, and 2 but does exceptionally well on 3, 4, and 5, he still has a fair shot in the tournament.

However, I cannot account for everyone's opinion, so maybe my opinion doesn't exactly help your case.

Anyway, sign up for the tourney people! It's going to be great.

Not everyone knows how NASCAR is run ... like me for example... since you know .. we don't watch NASCAR where I live.


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA

That's why we have a Q&A forum in the Wrestling! area. :) Check it out if you have time. We're still looking for people to sign up though we have enough to start the tourney now if we needed to.



League Member
Oct 10, 2004
That dumpster in that one alley
TheOriginalSE said:
Not everyone knows how NASCAR is run ... like me for example... since you know .. we don't watch NASCAR where I live.

That wasn't my point. My point was, it was obviously stated that the tournament will be ran similar to NASCAR's point system. He was implying that the tournament simply would not work. However, contrary to his implication, NASCAR -- the point system of which is being used -- works, does it not? Therefore the tournament will work. That's all I was trying to say.

However, I practically explained how the NASCAR point system worked in my post alone. I don't watch NASCAR either, but I picked up how the point system worked immediately after reading the information provided on the site as well as the Q&As. Learn to READ, people. Stop being lazy and find the information for yourself, especially when it's provided with a convenient click or two until you arrive to your solution(s).


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Learn to read and find out the information for themselves? Excuse me? Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't the original post in this thread ask the question of if anyone had questions to how this would be run?

If someone answers it asking Al to explain and he's willing to without getting an attitude, then so be it. No one appointed you as the patron saint of looking s**t up for themselves anyway.

Take your uppity attitude somewhere else and mind your own *******ed business if you don't like it.

Al does fine explaining his game on his own without you sticking your nose in and insulting people when no one's talking to you anyway.


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA
Whoo, them's fighting words..

Both Dave and Beeyotch have some good points. On one hand I do want to make things accessible and help people find answers. On the other I want to make sure that we're getting the kind of people that like to delve and play games that require strategy because that's what I'm running.

If anyone's looking for information on how the fed's going to be run I just dumped a load of more questions and answers on the Wrestling! forums.

I do agree though that we don't need people taking uppity tones with anyone. We need to lay back and be real with each other, just taking everything in stride.

Peace guys.. the tourney is right around the corner. BTW Dave, we'd love to have ya.



League Member
Oct 10, 2004
That dumpster in that one alley
DBrunkGXW said:
Learn to read and find out the information for themselves? Excuse me? Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't the original post in this thread ask the question of if anyone had questions to how this would be run?

If someone answers it asking Al to explain and he's willing to without getting an attitude, then so be it. No one appointed you as the patron saint of looking s**t up for themselves anyway.

Take your uppity attitude somewhere else and mind your own *******ed business if you don't like it.

Al does fine explaining his game on his own without you sticking your nose in and insulting people when no one's talking to you anyway.

Allow me to turn my tone down a bit.


Okay. Now, I never directly stated (nor intentionally implied) that you should not ask questions. By all means, ask questions. However, what gets to me is, when Al has worked hard to compile information on his website for people to publicly access, and then someone asks an already answered question (located conveniently on the website or the Q&A threads, as I previously stated, which is approximately two clicks away), it frustrates me. The answers are there. Go find them. They're not hard. But, if you have an unanswered question, then by all means ask.

I'm sure Al doesn't/wouldn't like answering questions that are already answered, over and over again.

That's the point I was trying to get through. I never bashed anyone for asking questions, I was displaying my frustration for people asking already answered questions. Probably something I shouldn't have done, but that's the past now.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
And I was expressing my frustration with someone jumping in and answering for him in a condescending tone.

Quite honestly, this thread was the original "Does anyone have questions?" thread on this fed. Since then, Al did a hell of a job putting together a comprehensive question and answer FAQ-style section in his forums. However, I don't think it's that odd to think that if you started with questions here you might continue a line of questioning here. Besides, I believe the original "not understanding" comment coming from Steve Aylward was that he read over the site (before Al's section was put together I'm guessing) and still didn't really get the concept. An outsider jumping and asking "what don't you understand? it's like Nascar and that works" neither answers the question or does anything other than imply "I get it. Why don't you?" Not that person's place, period. Then to include in your "I shouldn't have replied that way" apology, another sentence reiterating the exact same thing all over again makes it a pretty useless apology.

To Al's credit, he replied with patience in every instance I've seen and despite more than likely handling similar questions over and over, handled it all with complete class. The last thing he needs is someone jumping in and being a d**k about it.

I'd also like to say that while a concept like this isn't something I have time for between roleplaying three feds and running another, it's really really cool to see something new and different on these forums. The community will greatly benefit from it.

Having said all that, I'm sorry for hijacking the thread, bro. But I stand by what I said. Good luck with your fed.

- Dave


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA
Hey Dave and the person behind the name Beeyotch.

Here's my thing, I started this thread as a way to get the fact that the fed was coming noticed. I hadn't had a Q&A properly set up yet, but I was confused as to why the tourney hadn't gotten as much notice as the first time I ran it a few years ago. I needed to make it more accessible, so I decided to open this thread. (As well as one or two others elsewhere)

There are two things that I realize
1. People need to have things advertised and proven to be credible before they "jump in"

2. People want to have thier friends involved when they commit to something that may take up a lot of their free time.

The nature of the tourney with all of its secrecy isn't for a lot of people. The secrecy is in place because I want to ensure that the tourney is completely fair. That being said, I've figured out how much I can say, and how much I shouldn't over the last few weeks and a nice Q&A section is up. As a result, we have enough people to start the tourney if I had to right now and I'm hoping for between 4 and 9 more.

I appreciate the compliments from Dave and the motivation of Beeyotch. If every person had the drive that Beeyotch had about this tourney from the beginning I'd have 100 people signed up by now. If I had a few more people like Dave in the project, I'm sure I'd have a great time running this place as it's nice to have people around that appreciate the effort and put in what they get back.

If your time frees up Dave, the offer is open.
Beeyotch, I look forward to seeing what your motivation delivers in the tourney.

Best of luck to all and I guess, long live FDub (not to be confused with GDub)



League Member
Oct 10, 2004
That dumpster in that one alley
DBrunkGXW said:
And I was expressing my frustration with someone jumping in and answering for him in a condescending tone.

Quite honestly, this thread was the original "Does anyone have questions?" thread on this fed. Since then, Al did a hell of a job putting together a comprehensive question and answer FAQ-style section in his forums. However, I don't think it's that odd to think that if you started with questions here you might continue a line of questioning here. Besides, I believe the original "not understanding" comment coming from Steve Aylward was that he read over the site (before Al's section was put together I'm guessing) and still didn't really get the concept. An outsider jumping and asking "what don't you understand? it's like Nascar and that works" neither answers the question or does anything other than imply "I get it. Why don't you?" Not that person's place, period. Then to include in your "I shouldn't have replied that way" apology, another sentence reiterating the exact same thing all over again makes it a pretty useless apology.

To Al's credit, he replied with patience in every instance I've seen and despite more than likely handling similar questions over and over, handled it all with complete class. The last thing he needs is someone jumping in and being a d**k about it.

I'd also like to say that while a concept like this isn't something I have time for between roleplaying three feds and running another, it's really really cool to see something new and different on these forums. The community will greatly benefit from it.

Having said all that, I'm sorry for hijacking the thread, bro. But I stand by what I said. Good luck with your fed.

- Dave

Whoa, buddy, calm down already. I never attacked you, so what gives you the right to do so to me? I even tuned my tone down a bit, and yet you still attack me. Calm down.

You and I are getting two different things from Steven's response. From what you're getting, you believe he doesn't understand how the system works, as in, he has no understanding of the NASCAR concept whatsoever. From what I get, I believe he doesn't understand how the system will work, as in, how will the NASCAR concept work with this fed. Two, almost identical statements, yet with two, very different meanings. So when I did say (and actually, I asked), "What don't you understand? It's like NASCAR. NASCAR works, does it not?" I was not jumping in or anything, I was simply trying to clarify what it was exactly he was talking about as he was very vague and confusing.

And I never jumped in anywhere and acted like a dick in anyway. I was merely explaining my point as TheOriginalSE was trying to bring up the same point you're dragging out, about the whole NASCAR thing. I wasn't implying, "I get the concept, you should, too!" I was saying it was already explained, just check the site.

Anyway, I'm done with this now. I've explained my points and proved I wasn't trying to assert any superiority here in any fashion whatsoever. I was merely telling people that the best source of information is on the site, followed by the set of forums provided for Wrestling!

Also, good job on everything thus far Al. I'm looking forward to this tournament, so I'm going to make sure it's a blast for me as well as many others as possible.


League Member
Feb 19, 2004
North Shore, MA
Hey Ritchie,

Let's all hug ok? The reason why forums and email suck is because no one can get anyone's body language straight and misunderstandings occur. You'll do a lot better if you avoid power statements that sound like you're blaming someone. I read it as being a bit belligerent, but nothing worth *****ing about at the time.

Anyhoo on with the tourney talk and thanks for the passion.



League Member
Oct 10, 2004
That dumpster in that one alley
Al! said:
Hey Ritchie,

Let's all hug ok? The reason why forums and email suck is because no one can get anyone's body language straight and misunderstandings occur. You'll do a lot better if you avoid power statements that sound like you're blaming someone. I read it as being a bit belligerent, but nothing worth *****ing about at the time.

Anyhoo on with the tourney talk and thanks for the passion.


*stabs you for misspelling Richie* :p

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