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Fight For your Freedom w/ the Freedom Fighter


Jan 1, 1970
(FADEIN: Marc Robinson lounging on his king-size bed, apparently watching something in front of him - but the viewer can't see what it is...)

ROBINSON: "I've been running my whole life from Republicans and extreme right-wing Christians, and if you live in this country - you know how often that is. Simply put, I'm not here to lose. There's a Muffin Man out there that needs my help. Now, supposedly all your fates belong to me...and while I don't really like having Commander-In-Chief powers, I'll do my best to be fair to y'all while looking out for my own interests."

(ROBINSON pretends to smoke, hey it helps!)

ROBINSON: "So that door is open all times of the day or night. You wanna shoot the sh*t about why the Eagles should die in the NFL, come on in. You wanna talk about politics, I'm your man. You girls wanna ride my ten inch penis, I'll be much obliged. Fact is, y'all think I'm a freak...and while not far off from the truth, remember...I'm just human like the rest of ya. You've got 72 hours to tell me why I shouldn't kick you off and why you're good for this show...otherwise..."

(He flicks away his fake joint...)

ROBINSON: "Who knows what I'll do?"



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
((RAYNE stands, peturbed.))

RAYNE: This contest has been fixed against myself because of my Mansonistic beliefs. My natural hair color is **BLONDE**, yet they insist on claiming that it is the color of dirt. Insipid.

However, I do dye my hair on a regular basis and know exactly which..chemicals....are needed..to be..mixed for a proper effect....many effects in fact. And I am willing to show anyone else the proper combinations. The more chemicals..the HIGHER..the possibilities.


Jan 1, 1970
(FADEIN: ROBINSON doing a headstand on his bed)

"I demand as head of household this week that if the chemicals do arrive, I inspect them FIRST...with Rayne...in my room...ALONE."


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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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