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Frank Holiday

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League Member
Aug 19, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
Defiance Application Form
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When it's finished, the Defiance roster will vote on whether to accept you. Getting accepted to the fed requires a net total of +4. So if you have one 'no', you'd need 5 'yes' to balance it out.

Handler Information

Name: Ken Hildebrand
Email Address: positivelyken@gmail.com
Preferred Method of Handling: Angle
Best Way to Contact You: Forum PM, AIM, Email, Twitter
eWrestling Experience: More than I care to admit. Yikes.
How did you find Defiance? It found me. It was kismet.

Writing Sample

"Hey Billy."

"Yeah, Frank?"

"Give me your iPhone."

Billy took his eye off the road for a moment and glanced sideways. Frank's gaze was welded to the screen of his smartphone. "What for? You've got your own phone."

"Just give it to me," Frank insisted.

Sighing, Billy kept one hand on the wheel and reached his other into the inside pocket of his blazer, pulled out his iPhone and handed it off. Frank tossed it out the window. Billy lunged over Frank's lap after it, too late, and nearly sailed the Audi off the freeway.

"What the fuck, man!" he blurted over a symphony of squealing tires and angry car horns. They braced themselves as Billy fought to keep the car in one lane.

"The NSA was listening to you, Billy," Frank said.


"Through your phone. I just read about it. Apple sends your info right to the government."

Billy glared at him, knuckles white on the wheel. "Then why didn't you throw away your own fucking phone, Frank?"

"It's Korean," Frank said, pointing out the Samsung logo tamped on the back of the case. "They don't spy for the NSA."

Billy realized he was rigid as a statue, and had to force himself to breathe. "You ever think they might be spying for the Koreans instead?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Please, that's ridiculous," Frank said with a dismissive gesture.

"Oh, okay, good! So THAT's ridiculous! But you throwing my iPhone into L.A. traffic is NOT ridiculous! Thank you so much for making that distinction for me!"

Frank tried to show him the screen of his Android phone, but withdrew it when Billy made a move to swipe it out of his hand. "Hey man, don't take it out on me," Frank said. "Alex Jones is all over this story."

Billy imagined flooring the gas, cranking the wheel, punching through the guardrail into oncoming traffic and decisively ending this conversation. He didn't. He settled for yelling at Frank instead. "Is Alex Jones gonna buy me a new phone? Or are you? 'Cause somebody owes me a goddamn phone!"

"I did you a favor," Frank said calmly. "Infowars says stay off the grid. Then they can't get you."

"I hate you so much, Frank," Billy said.

"I love you too, dude."


Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: Frank Holiday
Height: 6’3"
Weight: 250 lbs.

Hailing From: Los Angeles, California

Alignment: Babyface

Gimmick: After a failed attempt to break into Hollywood as a stuntman for all your favorite action stars, Frank Holiday had to decide how to parlay an athletic physique and an abnormal willingness to put his body in danger into a paying gig. Voila, a career as a professional wrestler was born. While he’s managed to earn a decent living from it, a few too many concussions have turned his brain into Swiss cheese. Others have begun to fear he’s losing his grip on reality, but if you ask him, Frank will tell you his mind has never been sharper.

Wrestling Style: Frank Holiday likes to use power without a lot of technique. You’re not going to see anything fancy, but what he does will be hard-hitting and effective. Unafraid of danger, he will take reckless and potentially self-destructive risks if there’s a good chance they’ll pay off.

Three Weaknesses:
1) What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Of course, taking risks doesn’t always pay off. Frank may launch a kamikaze attack that crashes and burns in spectacular fashion, leaving him at a disadvantage.

2) Ooh, A Quarter: The same organic brain trauma that makes him such a delight at parties also makes him easily distractible. If for some reason his attention is drawn away from the match by the fans, his manager, the referee, outside interference, a quarter, Orion’s belt, or the price of oil, it can be difficult to get him back on track.

3) How’d You Do That: Frank is not a technical wrestler. While he knows the basics, he has little in the way of defense against a technically proficient opponent. Chain wrestling and unorthodox holds will stymie the big guy.

Three Strengths:
1) Bullseye: Remember those kamikaze attacks that sometimes don’t pay off? Well, they can also pay off in a big effin’ way -- and do massive damage to the poor sap who gets in the way.

2) Not Just For Show: All those muscles look great on the sun-soaked beach, but they also pack a ton of raw, physical power. Who needs technique when you have brute strength? Frank’s ability to overpower his opponent is his primary weapon in the ring, as well as his first line of defense when he’s being outwrestled.

3) Crazy Like A Fox: Opponents may see Frank Holiday as an easily manipulated head case. They would be making a fatal mistake. The same traits that make Frank reckless also make him wily and unpredictable. If an opponent is foolish enough to underestimate him, that’s when Frank may hit him with a very unpleasant surprise.


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) High angle bodyslam
2) Running lariat
3) Backbreaker
4) Fallaway slam
5) Legdrop
6) Running big boot
7) Abdominal stretch
8) Running knee into the corner
9) Superplex
10) Camel clutch

2-5 trademark moves:

1) Spear
2) Flying elbowdrop
3) Powerbomb
4) Uranage
5) Sitout front suplex

1 Finishing Move: Train Wreck - fireman’s carry front powerslam (Wade Barrett’s Wasteland)

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move: Train Wreck from the top rope

Manager Information

Name: Billy Pepper
Height: 5’8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Hailing From: Los Angeles, California

Frank’s best friend in high school, Billy Pepper followed his friend to Hollywood to represent him as his agent, with an eye toward branching out and building his profile as a talent agent. When Frank’s show biz journey hit a road block, so did Billy’s -- but he remained faithfully at his friend’s side when Frank made the leap to pro wrestling, and continues to represent him as his manager. Few know better than Billy the physical -- and especially psychological -- changes that Frank has gone through over the years, and he sees it as his responsibility to keep his friend out of trouble.


League Member
May 19, 2013
*Still voting anyway...*

We can has dragged the Kennay back into the game!

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