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League Member
Nov 20, 2003
Well kids, I think it's about time for this, so I'm gonna go all out. I really need your feedback on the current swing of things in Empire, and I would greatly appreciate it if you'd guys just help me out. =) I'm tryin' to make this place as cool as possible for all of you, and the only way to do that.. is with your help, my friends. =) So here goes...


1. What's your name?

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?

4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?

5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin




League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Niagara, ON, Canada
1. What's your name?
Jeff Bolichowski.

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?
Christian Sands and Covert Ops.

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?

4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?

5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?
Don't look at me.

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)
Yep. Good stuff.

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?
Week One.

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?
GIVE ME THE TITLE!!!!! Actually, to see some big feuds between guys who've never faced off before.

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?
Gimme a good ironman match.

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?
I love it. EPW's one of the strongest feds on FW right now because the roster is so diverse. Instead of just GXW and CSWA guys, we've got guys from all over the circuit and beyond.

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?
Only after I've written the ScooteR Gripe.

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)
Everyone should sign the petition at Black Dawn to proclaim Covert Ops the new champions. :D I kid, I kid. Tag-Team Turmoil!

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire? I'd love to work with Suicide and Maelstrom in particular, as I've never really encountered either of them before.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?
J-Mill made me do it.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?
Put on a purple thing and dance around.

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?
Me? :D I'm thinking Suicide or Beast.

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?
Adam Benjamin.

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?
Add the Pink Hotpants Title. Whoever holds it must wear pink hotpants to all their matches.

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin
Mr. Bolich. :) Actually, Dave and J-Mill are equally uber.


Jan 1, 2000
1. What's your name?

R. Ryan Strawsma

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?

Rocko and Caitlyn Daymon, and the Crimson Calling, Erik Black, Ivan Dalkichev, and Nathan Fear

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?

Two and a half.

4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?


5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?

Beast vs. Dan Ryan

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

For starters, can we not have the forums open into a new window when you click on the link from the main page? I always have to go someplace like roster, THEN the boards...

Other than that, everything is as clean and tight as virgin's honeypot. So it's cool.

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

I truly appreciate your fine work and effort on the poser. You captured the image of Rocko Daymon (as well as the demeanor) perfectly.

It's pretty rawkin'.

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

Format? Uhh...

Second one. I associate white with Empire Pro a little better. Still, this is a pretty vague question.

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

Nate Logan joining up would be pretty cool. Maybe a new belt or two. And if things grow well enough, a women's division.

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?

Gimmick matches. Cages, tables, ladders, chairs... what have you. Anything's possible.

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?


12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

Yes, I do. I read it every time it's posted.

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

One of those "tag in anyone" kind of matches... where anybody inside the ring may tag in anybody on the outside, even if they're on a different team. Doing so would bring about those cool situations where both members of the team are squaring off.

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?

Currently, I'm looking forward to working with Joe, handler of Maelstrom.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

MCW closed, and I was looking for a place for the Calling. Later decided that I should tag Rocko in as well.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

Communication? :)

Don't mean to rag on you guys, but Dave's e-mails from yesterday threw me off in a lot of ways. I was like, "What's goin' on? Is it Daymon and Maelstrom, or the bye?"

But by the looks of things you guys got it worked out, so it's all cool.

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?

Being involved, I'll just take my pick of who will come to the finals from the OTHER "division" of the tournament...

And though Beast is the man, I'm going to have to go with Troy Douglas.

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?

Benjamin. No dispute.

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

With the roster growing, you might want to tack on another. A hardcore belt or something wouldn't hurt.

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin

I don't know about coolness, but in a bra and panties match, I think it's safe to say that Miller would own Brunk any day of the week.


League Member
Jan 29, 2004
1. What's your name?

- James Nourse

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?

- Tyrone Walker (debuting soon)

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

- I like the site as is. Has well placed updates for both newly posted results and upcoming lineups and other site updates. I don't see any real need for a change except maybe make it so the link to the boards don't open a new window but that's pretty minor anyway.

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

- The posers look good. I'm not an expert or nothing, but they don't look like the mangled blobs I've made while messing with the program 8)

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

- Weren't they basically the same with different colored backgrounds? Either is fine as long as the appropriate text colors are used (brighter colors on black, darker on white, etc).

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

- I'd like to just have fun and let whatever may happen, happen.

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

- I read the first one, will read the next one. I like extra features like these because it adds to the expierence...or something like that.

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

- Depends on the number of teams really.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

- Chad pimped the place, I took a look and it kind of had the feel of this other fed I used to play. I had a lot of good times at the other fed and that made it worthwhile to me. Plus John seems to be a pretty nifty guy.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

- My only real pet peeve with any efed is the use of "ppvs" every month. Whatever you do, please limit Empire to very few every year so they matter and don't become just another show with a little more hype than the standard affair (Aggression in this case). Remember when the WWF used to only have Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, King of the Ring, Summer Slam and Survivor Series? Those shows rocked mostly because they had the feeling of being special since. Nowadays PPV's are just setups for the next RAW and Smackdown! and it sucks. (rant mode off)

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

- World, IC, Tag Team. Nope that's enough. World should be for the definite upper tier and the IC should be for everyone else.

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin

- John is way cooler, now give me a title boss! 8)

- Answered those that I had an answer for.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
1. What's your name?

Jeff Kane

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?

"Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?

3 stars

4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?


5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an
Empire card thus far?

I liked the BROWN/SANDS/marx

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

I like the site alot, just wondered if when on the regular site and I click to the rp board can i conect directly instead of opening up a new window?

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

I like mine it works

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

I liked number 2

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

I personally would simply like it to last

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?

once the federations titles are set, matches will simply happen

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?

I like it

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

Yeah I am a Morgan reader

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

elimiation leathal lottery... Have the teams draw numbers, one and two start, one team is eminated, team 3 comes in, so on till one team remains...

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?

I am looking forward to working with everyone

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

MCW closed, and this was the clear cut choice

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

Keep up the good work

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?


18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?

You know what I think this might be Karl Browns title....

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

Yeah three titles is perfect

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin

Well you have to look at this a Pitt boy vs. a Texas guy... I dislike Pitt being a Philly boy, so I am going to go with the Texan, only because Dave in not a Cowboy fan, otherwise Miller would get the Cool juice!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

1. What's your name?

Jarret Aubry

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?


3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?


4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?


5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?

I'm kinda partial (and biased :D ) to the Beast/Ryan swerve from week one, but I've really enjoyed everything so far.

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

I like the website. Very clean and easy to follow, while looking good at the same time.

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

The poser is great. Thanks a bunch!

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

Week One.

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

Just to have it grow and be the best fed it can be. It's off to a great start.

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?

It's kinda early for that, but once some big feuds are established and pay offs to be had, some non-standard gimmicky matches could be used. For now, straight competition is great.

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?

I'm into it and looking forward to where it goes. As a booker for A1E, I'm just loving it that I'm now in a fed where I can just promo and let everyone else do the work - LOL! But it's great - I get antsy waiting for results to see how I did. I haven't felt like that for a long time.

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

Definitely. Keep it coming.

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

A big ass tornado match with three for teams in it ;)

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?

That's the other great thing for me about being in Empire Pro. I'm very new to the FW circuit, and I'm facing everyone for the first time. I'd like to face everyone, but I have a feeling that me and Dan Ryan have some unfinished business.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

I was invited and asked respectfully as it was known in another fed.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

It's kinda early to critique, but if some patterns develop over the next few weeks that I think can be addressed, I'll certainly send in my input.

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?

If you would have asked me in week one, it would have been Dan Ryan. Now, I'm thinking maybe Maelstrom.

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?

Adam Benjamin

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

We have the right amount right now.

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin

Both you dudes are cooler than an ice cube.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
1. What's your name?

Karl Brown

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?

Karl "The Dragon" Brown, and Blitz (Max, Jecht and Leonard Johnson)

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?


4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?


5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?


6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

Fixing the tag-team bio's so they don't have Osiris in Blitz (on the height and weight sections). Other than that, no problems with the site

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

Nice, no problems

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

Week 2

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

This place to last and go from strength to strength

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?

Depends if the matches help the feuds and angles. Whatever's needed, really.

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?


12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?


13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

Given to Blitz? No? Then a four team elimination match.

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?

I don't mind working with anyone

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

PM Message from Miller, and it seemed like MCW was dieing

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

Keep doing what you're doing, you're doing great

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?

My money's on Maelstrom or Sands

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?

Benjamin, easily

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

For the current roster and the size, we have enough

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin

Which one of you's been in the freezer the longest?:p


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
1. What's your name?

Jonathan David Nathaniel Jehosephat Brunk

Ok, it's Jonathan David Brunk....whatever

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?

"The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?


4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?


5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?

The best is yet to come, but so far Brown/Sands/Marx.

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?

More porn.

I MEAN....

John perfecting his ability to do animated wrestler entrances in poser. :D

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)

It's as close as I've ever seen done for Dan Ryan. Other attempts have been atrocious.

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

I like those floormats that say "Welcome" with little flowers and birdies on 'em.

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?

Continued excellent roleplay and good competition.

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?

I like good old fashioned technical masterpieces.

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?

Good as gold

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

Absolutely. Great feature.

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)

Edited: I can't say ;)

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?

I'm looking forward to working with all of 'em. A good chunk of these people I've never worked with, so it's gonna be cool.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?

John Miller IMing me and saying "Hey Brunk, you and I need to open a fed!"....then me saying...."Um.....okay." Then John doing it.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?

Put Ryan Strawsma on staff so he doesn't have a coronary after every angle swerve we pull. He likes to be informed. ;)

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?

I can't really answer that one....

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?

And again...

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?

For our size, I think we're cool for now. Don't wanna extend it too much til we get established.

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin
:D :D

John is from Pittsburgh, and looks a little too much like Clay Aiken for my taste. Plus there's that whole hockey thing.

So yeah, I'm way cooler.

Plus I've gotten laid more recently.

Last edited:


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
1. What's your name?
Adam Shinder

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?
Troy Douglas

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?

4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?

5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?
Either Beast/Ryan or Brown/Marx/Sands

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?
Don't ask me.

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)
Troy's poser is perfect, it's pretty much exactly how I thought he would look.

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?
A real development of some great wrestler/wrestler angles.

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?
I'm one for a good ole' 2 out of 3 falls match.

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?
Reeeeeaaallly good.

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?
Yep. Like it a lot.

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)
4 Way Texas Tornado Elimination Match(Last man left wins the titles for his team)

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?
Suicide, Rob Sampson, Maelstrom, Sands, hell, everybody.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?
Liked the roster and the guys behind it. Plus, Troy was bored sitting around in my computer in only one fed.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?
Not yet. Awesome stuff so far.

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?
Sands, Beast, or Maelstrom

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?
Benji's got this one

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?
Nah. This is good for now.

20. Who's cooler... John Miller or Dave Brunk. Anyone that answers this question with the first choice automatically goes to the World Title Finals. hahaha... jus playin
Eh. You both win.


1. What's your name?
Drezzy MacLeod. Seriously. Everybody I've ever fedded with has known me as Drezzy, and here shall be no different! MWAHAHA!

2. What wrestlers do you handle in Empire?
"The Youngblood" Cliff Young, who is also my first-ever e-fed character (4 years old).

3. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week One?
Didn't really read it too in-depth, sorry.

4. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate Aggression: Week Two?
See question 3.

5. What has been your favorite matchup showcased on an Empire card thus far?
See questions 3 and 4.

6. What are some suggestions you have for the Empire site?
I dig the format. Easy to walk through, most of the links work. Maybe not the best frontpage layout, but the layout doesn't make the fed.

7. Have you seen the poser for your character, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? (if you are new, disregard this)
Consider this disregarded.

8. Which card format did you like better, week one or two?
See questions 3 and 4.

9. What would YOU like to see happen in 2004 for Empire?
A King Of The Deathmatch tournament.

10. Is there any types of matches you'd like to see more of?
More deathmatches!

11. How do you feel about the general direction we're going in with the fed right now?
As long as y'all don't do the generic "EVIL AUTHORITY FIGURE MUST KILL TOP FACE" stuff, it's all good.

12. Do you read the Morgan Recap?

13. How should the tag titles be contested? (this will most likely occur at Black Dawn)
In a Tag Gauntlet for the Gold, TNA-style. Battle Royale rules, and the final two participants are joined by their tag partners to engage in a straight-up tag match for the belts.

14. Are you looking forward to working with anyone in particular here in Empire?
I'm looking forward to working with everybody, honestly.

15. What made you choose Empire in the first place?
I liked the format of the site, and read a couple of the RPs. Seems like the kind of fed I need to be in, since the regular feds I'm in are affiliates of the now deceased AOWF webring, and they have their own style.

16. Any suggestions in general for the Empire staff?
Give Cliff the World title! Heehee.

17. Who's gonna win the Empire World Title?
Cliff, if I bust my ass and all opposition is "conveniently" missing...mwahaha...

18. Who's gonna win the Empire IC Title?
Somebody that doesn't win the World title.

19. Is the amount of titles we currently have right, or do you feel we should add another?
2 singles belts and a tag championship is ideal for any promotion, in my eyes, be it real or fantasy.

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