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Going home...


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
It's been a long week. One of the longest weeks of my life...

Dan Ryan rode in the backmost seat of a stretch limosuine leading away from Fish Fund arena. He left right after the four way match for the United States title, having completed one objective and being presented with several more. Ryan reached up to his chin where several hours earlier Shane Southern had surprised him with a superkick that led to defeat for the first time this year. Oh well...

Won't be the last time.....

The intrusion had caught him off guard just a bit, but the plan stayed the same. They all want to focus on what happened at Fish Fund. That would be fine....just fine. Let them think it ended then and there...it had only just begun....

He knew that Kendall Codine would provide the first shock to the system of the CSWA. Especially to one..Sean Stevens. Smiling deep down....he had to admit that he liked a bit of what he saw in Stevens...understood how Ken could get so close to him. He had an edge....a certain quality about him. But he also had a weakness....


He had to admit she had guts. Most women...most men for that matter...would have crumpled in fear at his approach....but not her. But he saw the fear behind the scowl. She knew that if it was in his plan...she would be on her back next to her precious Sean Stevens. But it had never been his plan to harm her...only to use her to shake Stevens up a bit. It worked even better than he expected....Hornet did his distraction work for him...and he was left alone with Southern. Southern fell victim to the powerbomb....but then the unexpected happened....

I got cocky....got cocky and didn't wrap him up....

Southern kicked out....he kicked out and caught him unexpectedly on the jaw with that superkick. But it didn't matter. All that mattered was that Hornet, Stevens and Southern felt the beginnings of what was to come...and feel it they did. But....


Guns pulled a fast one. Apparently unwilling to go about dismantling CSWA in his own way, he ambushed the GXW faction and in one fell swoop....changed the direction of the plan. It would have to be...modified a bit. But the meat of the plan would go forward.

Sometimes...change can be good....

Sometimes....change is beneficial....

He looks out the window and up at the signs as he came closer to the city limits...closer to Houston....to home. He pressed a button nearby that called the driver.

"Take the Dairy-Ashford exit. I have a stop I need to make."

"Yes sir."

The limosuine lurched to the side as they approached the intersection just clear of the exit ramp...the car turned to the right and continued ahead as he continued to stare out into the morning sky. The familiar sights did wonders for his mood....until he saw the street sign...and his heart grew cold again. Feelings of anger....of sadness....even of fear....came welling to the surface. How would he handle the sight of it? He would find out before finishing the thought.

He turned his head and looked out the opposite window. There, as they were stopped at a red light...he saw it. At the based of the pole from which the traffic signals dangle overhead was a single white cross adorned with an angel and small bouquet of roses. The roses, long since faded....hung limp to one side.

He stared for a moment...then.....as the car moved forward again....called to the driver one more time.

"Hang a left up here. There's a little florist shop a couple blocks down. I need to get a couple dozen daisies."

"Daisies sir?"

"They're my daughter's favorite. It's her birthday."

He could see the driver smile in the rear view mirror.

"Yes sir."

He looked to his side as they approached the little shop. His belongings were still strewn across the seat....the GXW Unified Title on the floorboard next to a small duffle bag. He reached down and tapped it as they pulled in and parked length-ways in front of the florist. Fifteen minutes later he returned....two dozen daisies in a tight arrangement tucked under one arm. He walked to the passenger's side and opened the door.

"I'm gonna put these next to you up here alright? Go to this address."

A small piece of paper went from his hand to the driver's hand, and he closed the door behind him....taking his place once again in the back of the car.

Maybe this isn't such a good idea , he thought... as they took several turns in the back roads of West Houston. No....no, this is something I have....no....need...to do.

"Here goes nothing"

He took a deep breath and reached into his bag, pulling out dark sunglasses and putting them snugly over his eyes. He opened the door slowly and stood up, breathing in the morning air. Buttoning the front of his trenchcoat he went once again to the passenger's door up front and retrieved the flowers.

"What are we doing here sir?"

Without giving the driver a look..... "I'll be right back"

He closed the door behind him and walked straight out.....thirty some-odd yards until coming to a single point and stopping...his head fixed in one direction.

"I made it. I didn't know if I would be able to get here in time, but I made it. Remember last year? I wanted to buy you that horse we saw at the stables up in The Woodlands. You said you didn't need a horse. You wanted your daddy home. I told you I'd try, but you didn't understand. I can't say I blame you. It must have been tough for you...a father on the road all the time. I told you...I couldn't promise anything, but that the next time a birthday rolled around....I'd do my best to celebrate it with you in person. You told me.....

He could hold back the emotions any longer...they came flooding back....and he had to lift his glasses and wipe the tears away to keep from breaking down completely...

"You told me....if I couldn't make it, just send you some flowers. I made a promise, and here I am. I brought you the flowers just like you wanted. I only.....I only wish...that you could see them.

He stepped forward and leaned down, placing the flowers on a simple gravestone...."Danielle Katherine Ryan Born August 8th, 1997 Died January 13th, 2002"

"Happy birthday sweetie"


(SFX: Shrill, piercing alarm sound. FADEIN: Flashing "INTRUDER ALERT!" across the screen. CUTTO: Grainy black-and-white PI-CAM footage of GUNS standing in an airport terminal, shaking his head.)

GUNS: Now how the hell am I supposed to cut an ass-[BLEEEP] promo to a guy who's leaving flowers at the gravesite of a dead little girl? I've got a daughter, Dan, and I don't know what I would do if she ended up where yours apparently is, so I'm not gonna go there. My heart goes out to you, Dan. It really does.

But at Primetime, that goes out the window. Personal tragedy or not, you're in the wrong place at the wrong time against the wrong man, and bottom line - you're getting your ass kicked, and I'm not gonna feel the least bit guilty about it.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 01:56 PM (EDT)] SFX: shrill, piercing alarm sound, AKA GUNS voice. FADEIN: Flashing "ORIGINALITY ALERT!!!" across the screen.

Cut to Dan Ryan sitting on a leather sofa in his living room simply leaning back and looking into the camera, sunglasses in place.

Ryan: "Damn GUNS, I knew you liked to tag your ass along on other people's popularity but I had no idea you were into espionage as well. I must have gotten a little deeper into that fat head of yours than you like to let on if it provoked you into following my limo out of Sweetwater. And you know..while I was standing there at the cemetery I thought I heard some rustling in the bushes. They were only four and a half feet tall but I guess they hid you well. I guess it's just typical GUNS strategy though right? Thought you'd follow me around a bit to find out my next move so you could do it "bigger and better!!!" right? Face it GUNS, I am the leader and you are my bi...errr....follower. Whether you like it or not, you don't know how to keep yourself fresh and interesting anymore and it's high time you stopped following people around and jerking off in the bushes at cemeteries and got yourself a new career. I'll tell you what, when you see this...while you and your Professional buddies are sitting there trying not to be impressed by us, why don't you spend some extra time working on your career instead of prying into my personal life."

"In fact, I would think that for someone who claims to be doing an 'invasion' bigger and better...you sure as hell aren't very good at it. After all, haven't you been fighting the CSWA front office for oh...about seven f**king years now? And look how far you've come. Greensboro title. Well by God almighty I might as well just turn around and head the f**k home right now. GUNS has seven years experience with this sort of thing. Well, I've got some news for ya. It doesn't matter to me who you are, who you're with, what kinda flashy two bit graphics you've got sliding across the screen...how big your arms are, how tall you are, how short you are, how small the steroids have shrunken your testicles down to....all that matters is you are a living, breathing, barely walking dinosaur from the past. You know what happened to the dinosaurs don't ya GUNS? Just call me Mr. Asteroid."

"And just one more thing. Your daughter's a whore."



Nothing Personal

(SFX: Shrill piercing alarm sound, FADEIN: INTRUDER ALERT flashing across the screen! CUTTO: Grainy black-and-white PI-CAM footage of GUNS standing in a parking lot, laughing.)

GUNS: You know, Pi, I just figured out why these GXW nimrods have screwed up their little invasion gimmick so badly - their leader is BRAIN-DEAD. I mean, I don't claim to be the smartest man in wrestling. I've been duped a few times in my career - Winter's Warriors comes to mind - but over the years, I have learned at least one thing. (GUNS walks toward the camera and grabs it from PI, and pulls it in for an EXTREME close-up) THIS - is what we call a video camera, Dan. Funny thing - you turn it on, you point it at something, it tapes it, and then it gets put on television for everyone to see. (Hands the camera back to PI.)

Now, listen, I'm all for suspension of disbelief, I truly am. But let's not insult each other's intelligence. I'm willing to ignore the fact that you're a supposed GXW employee, and I'm not going to question why in the holy hell you would let a CSWA camera crew tag along with you while visiting your little daughter's gravesite. I've never understood what a camera crew is doing in Sean Stevens' apartment before and after he slips Poison Ivy the high hard one either, but it's not for me to judge. Far be it for me to disrupt the flawed internal logic of your promo pieces. I'm sure that the uncut version of the Stevens/Ivy tapes bring a whole new meaning to the term "Triple X" and are available at your local jack shack, but that's neither here nor there. The point is, Dan, I'm willing to play along and ACCEPT the fact that you're a big bad "invader" from another promotion and look the other way when you bring a CSWA camera crew along to your little girl's tombstone. Whatever works for you. But, after the fact, let's not pretend that they weren't there and that every man, woman, and child unfortunate enough to watch the CSWA didn't get to witness the oh so touching father-daughter reunion. Let's not pretend that I'm a depraved man hiding in the bushes of a cemetery when you're the dumbass who had it videotaped and distributed for prosperity. You don't want me prying into your personal life? Here's a hint, Dan. Next time, leave the [BLEEP]ing camera crew at home, sport.

Dan, my history with the CSWA dates back a long time. Seven years, maybe it has been that long. In that time, I shocked the world and beat Hornet in a retirement match. Sure, the CSWA didn't let the stipulations stick, but that doesn't change who won and who lost. In that time, I've worn the CSWA World Heavyweight title, only to have it STOLEN from me in my HOMETOWN. (Laughs.) Well, I played out the string a little while after that, but I finally packed up and went home and took about five years off, Dan. And, frankly, I never planned on coming back. But then, Eddy Love sold the CSWA's soul to the devil to help him beat Mike Randalls and I came back with one goal in mind - DESTROY the CSWA.

See, Dan, last time around I made the mistake in thinking that I could CHANGE the beast if I fought hard enough. If I beat Hornet, I could end the corruption. (Laughs.) Only made it worse. I'm not here to make changes, Dan. I'm not here to make improvements or enhancements and make the CSWA a better place. I'm here to tear it apart from the inside, and Eddie and Craig have come on in for the big win because they've seen the truth too. The CSWA doesn't DESERVE to live, Dan. It's that simple. It doesn't DESERVE to exist. It doesn't DESERVE to stand here and offer free publicity to a second-rate federation by putting on a third-rate invasion angle. You see, Dan, like it or not, you and your GXW crew - the moment you stepped into a CSWA ring, you became part of the problem. And the Intruders are the solution.

You want to make light of my accomplishments, Dan? I could walk into the GXW *TOMORROW* and win the World title without breaking a sweat. The Greensboro title isn't much, Dan. It doesn't mean a damn thing to me except that it means something to the CSWA, and whether they want to admit it or not, they'd rather see it on a joke like JJ DeVille than around my waist. I took the belt not because I wanted it, Dan. I took the belt just because I could. Eddie and Craig have the tag belts sewn up and the CSWA may as well retire them because there's not a tag team on the PLANET that can stack up to them. But we're not satisfied, Dan. Presidential title. United States title. Even the pathetic excuse for a "World" title. They're all gonna fall, Dan. It's just a matter of time.

One more thing, Dan. Ask Marcus Cameron what happens to people who mess with my family. I'd suggest you think long and hard before EVER mentioning my daughter again. I don't have anything against you personally, Dan. And believe me, boy - you don't WANT me to.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
RE: Nothing Personal

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-02 AT 01:54 PM (EDT)]Open to Dan Ryan lying back on a hammock in a sprawling front yard. Ryan looks asleep but at the sound of camera equipment coming to life his eyes open and he rubs at his eyes with one hand.

Ryan: "Guns Guns Guns, Gun Gun Gunny sack GUNS. I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for you for the simple fact that it has become COMPLETELY obvious that this sport has just totally passed you by. I'm also feeling a little sorry for you in the sense that anything in the realm of clear thinking has also completely passed you by. (Reaches out and knocks on the camera lens) Is anyone truly home in there? I let a CSWA camera crew tag along with me to visit my little girl's grave? I did no such thing. As for how you managed to gain the information you referred to in your first...promo, if that's what you want to call it.....I guess that's between you and the night watchman, eh? You want me to not insult your intelligence, GUNS? Tell me, where the f**k is the intelligence I'm supposed to be insulting, huh? You supposedly are this big veteran of the sport and the expert on how things work around here. So tell me, how is it that you can't understand the simple process of PROMOTING A F**KING MATCH? Do you think it's possible for you to step forward out of the days of rolling fu**ing dice in the back to decide who gets to put who over and start playing today's game? Is that possible for ya? I'll tell YOU what, sport. Maybe if you took five seconds away from verbally sucking your own d**k then you might get the oppurtunity to...you know, learn something. But then again maybe not. It's so easy for me right now as it is. Just stay the way you are."

"I see you went to the trouble of giving me your life story...a history of your..problems...with CSWA. Well I'm mighty glad you did, because I wanted to give you my detailed analysis of it. See, after reading all of your history I can only come to one very informed conclusion. FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, WOULD YOU SHUT THE F**K UP?? Damn, man. Every man, woman and child within the range of sound knows your whole damn history, chumpy. We all know about your battle to change this and that and your big 'shocking' victories over this person and that person, blah blah blah et cetera et cetera. Guess what? Wanna know how many people are impressed with you and your Intrusion? Four people. That's all. There are four people in the CSWA that give a rat's ass, and their names are Eddie Mayfield, Craig Miles, PI, and you Guns. That's it. That about sums the whole damn thing up. Everyone around here, CSWA fans and wrestlers included know exactly what your big plan is and you're not even fooling Jack the one-legged monkey boy page working over in accounting. You know why? Your pathetic, ill-timed...Intrusion...was nothing more than a cheap way to put you and your tired little teammates in the spotlight. You know it, I know it...everyone watching knows it. Don't believe me? Ask around, jackass. You just keep trucking along trying to destroy the whole world, old man. Keep on pushing right along trying to destroy the CSWA from the inside out. Know what? No one takes you seriously now and no one will take you seriously tomorrow. Wanna know why? As if I haven't given you enough reasons. You're just flat out...bottom line...plain...TIRED. Your words are tired, your angle is tired, and your pathetic rip-off gimmick is tired, BROTHER. So yeah, I'm making light of your accomplishments. I think you're a fu**ing joke. I think your group is a joke, and I think your back assward attempt at stealing my heat is a joke. You want to prove something to me, GUNS? You want to prove to everyone in this place that you're not just full of your own s**t? I've got a couple challenges for ya. First of all, this match in Orlando? No interference. No Intrusion...no GXW...just the GXW World Champion Dan Ryan versus CSWA Greensboro Champion GUNS. No interference, no disqualification, no rules. But like I said...I've got a COUPLE of challenges for ya, little big man..."

"Anytime at all that you can gather up the balls, you have an open invitation to walk your tired ass into GXW, show your ass up on Revolution..whether it be today or *TOMORROW* and we'll test your little theory out. Because quite frankly, you don't have the guts or the balls to come onto my turf and take me on inside that ring. You don't have the balls to go into a completely hostile company and take on the best they have to offer do you? Come on, GUNS. I dare you. I AM BEGGING YOU, GUNS. Make a liar out of me. Show me you're not the pathetic coward I know you are. You see, you've got me all wrong my friend. I don't give a rat s**t if the CSWA crumbles tomorrow or lasts forever. It's not about that...never has been. This is about me and Evan Aho. One day...one day we'll get down to business. In the meantime if everyone on the whole goddamn roster wants to get in my way, I'll plow right through them one by one until there's nothing left. I don't give a s**t about your cause, noble or otherwise. You're just in the way. You made the bed...now come to MY turf and f**king lie in it."

"Yeah, I won't hold my breath either..."

"But let's talk about family. My family, well...that's a situation that's over and done with. But one thing that came as an after effect is an unending focus to do whatever it takes to be the best damn wrestler I can be. As for your family, I'm gonna take your advice and think long and hard about mentioning your daughter again....






Alright I'm done. F**k you and f**k your daughter. You can both b**w me. How about that? Screw Marcus Cameron and screw you. You want us to get down and personal? I'm game. Let's go, big shot. Show me what you can do. Cuz trust me...if you think for one second that I've shown an iota of my talent so far.....you ain't seen nothin' yet...."



Old Fashioned

(SFX: Shrill, piercing alarm sound, FADEIN: "INTRUDER ALERT!!" flashing on the screen. CUTTO: Black-and-white camcorder footage of GUNS standing in a parking lot.)

GUNS: Wow, I think I touched a nerve. You want me to step out of the past, Dan, and play the game by today's rules? You want me to play along with a sport whose internal logic has deteriorated to the point where federation owners cheat on their wives with leggy personal assistants ON CAMERA but only act shocked when she walks into the f***ing room? You want me to play along with a sport whose internal logic has deteriorated to the point where wrestlers hatch evil schemes with a camera staring them right in the face but the target of their plot has NO IDEA what's going to happen to him? Sorry, Danny, I'm not a company man. I'm not gonna play along with that crap. You want to know how I knew you went to visit your daughter's gravesite? BECAUSE IT WAS ON F***ING TAPE! Like I said before, if you don't want me involved in your personal life, DON'T BRING A DAMN CAMERA CREW! You don't see my daughter's birthday parties on CSWA TV, do you, numb nuts? NO, because I don't let the damn camera in. I'm not going to step into this asinine fantasy world where wrestlers act out melodramatic scenes and are oblivious to the fact that there's a damn camera in the room. Call me old fashioned, Dan, call me a damn dinosaur if you want to, but don't insult anyone's intelligence by letting the world peek into your deepest personal moments and then be SHOCKED when I have the AUDACITY to mention that I saw it. I saw it, every fan of this promotion saw it, and if you have a problem with that - TOO BAD.

I didn't come here to star in a bad high school drama production, Dan. I don't GIVE A F**K if Sean Stevens is jealous because Hornet slipped Ivy the tongue at Fish Fund, and I damn sure don't give a f**k about their make-up sex afterwards. I don't give a f**k about Mark Windham's personal demons and the lack of affection he shows his little two-bit tramp Sunshine. I'm a WRESTLER, Dan, pure and simple. You guys want to act out Days of Our F***ing Lives, then you go right ahead, but don't get all hot and bothered when I call you on it. You want me to LEARN something, Dan? I'm not interested. I'm not interested in the reality TV crap that's polluted the wrestling airwaves. I'm here to kick ass, Dan, not to let the CSWA fans have an open window into my soul.

Now, as far as the match goes, I'm game for every stipulation you mentioned. No GXW? Great. No Intruders? I didn't need them to break your new boy Wicked Sight in half, and I damn sure don't need them to take care of you. No DQ? I can take anything you can dish out. No rules? Fine by me. Dan, you can't beat me in a wrestling match, and you DAMN sure can't beat me in a fight, so consider it signed.

(Laughs.) You know, it's funny - it seems there's one common denominator across the CSWA lately, whether it be Kevin Powers or you and your little GXW buddies. You're all hot and bothered because the Intruders "stole your heat." Shut up. We don't need to go trolling for heat - we don't need to GET over - we're ALREADY famous, son. It's that simple. You want to bitch and complain because your big splash was adding a punk kid whose ass I kicked an hour earlier, that's your business. You want to bitch and complain because you were dumb enough to hatch your master plan AFTER Shane Southern superkicked you into next week, that's your business. You want to bitch and complain because we INTRUDED on your little GXW coming out party and ran you all OUT of the ring and scurrying back to whatever VFW Hall you came from, that's your business. Dan, you want to pout because you got TRUMPED, it's not gonna hurt my feelings. You want to say you're not impressed? (Laughs.) You guys sure looked impressed when you were making a beeline for the exits after we beat the living crap out of you at Fish Fund. You think we're a joke? I don't remember you laughing when we cleared you out of OUR ring. It's REAL easy to talk tough when you're safe behind a camera, Dan. It's another thing to back it up. You guys had your chance at Fish Fund to step up, and you got run. Period. You want me to prove something to you, Dan? Here's a newsflash. I don't have to prove a DAMN thing to you because I'm already established. I'm already the man. I was out of this federation for FIVE DAMN YEARS and not a show went by without my name being tossed around. Here's a challenge for YOU, Dan. Leave the CSWA for five DAYS, nevertheless five YEARS, and see if anybody misses you when you're gone, or gives a rat's ass when you come back.

Another common denominator out there among the little kids in the group is that they all seem to want me to shut my mouth. (Laughs.) They all think that I talk too much. Do YOU think I talk too much? (PI moves the camera back and forth to simulate a "No".) EYE don't think I talk too much. But you know what - and this invitation is open to each and every man, woman, and little BITCH in that locker room. You don't like what I have to say? SHUT ME UP. It's that simple. You're tired of hearing my voice, Dan? SHUT ME UP. You don't want to hear the truth, Dan? That your beloved GXW is a second-rate promotion running a third-rate invasion angle? SHUT ME UP. That you and the boys you've brought with you couldn't last FIVE MINUTES against the All-Star Team that the Intruders have assembled? SHUT ME UP. You don't want me to mention your little trips to the graveyard? SHUT ME UP.

Now, as far as coming to the GXW is concerned, why in the world would I let your second-rate desperate federation make so much as a DIME off of my name? Me stepping foot in a GXW ring would be like Barry Bonds coming up to bat in the Durham Bulls Athletic Park - it would be the biggest thing to EVER happen to your promotion. It would put you guys on the map and give you EVERYTHING you've wanted out of this CSWA deal you've made. But you know what, Dan, I'll make a deal with you. You go to your bosses, you tell them to pick up the phone, hell, they can even call me COLLECT. Better yet, get them in front of a camera crew - hell, Dan, they can even be like you and pretend its not there and then be surprised when I respond - and get them on their hands and knees and BEG and GROVEL for the Intruders to be the stars in the GXW's sky. Get them to PLEAD for me to so much as walk through the door and give them INSTANT credibility as a major promotion. Get them to make me an offer I can't refuse, Dan. I don't have much confidence, though, since you guys couldn't even come up with a lousy $7.95 to buy the Greensboro title, so I'm pretty sure you're not going to be able to afford me. I may be willing to destroy the CSWA for free, but singlehandledly turning a promotion from hanger-on feeder promotion to major player doesn't come cheap. Oh, and Dan, if you don't like my answer to THAT challenge, then, well, you know the drill. SHUT ME UP.

You are right about one thing, Dan. I don't think you've shown one iota of talent so far, but then again I haven't actually watched you compete, so you're right - I haven't seen nothing yet. But, I'll get a first-hand up-close look in Orlando, now, won't I?


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
RE: Old Fashioned


Boys, boys, boys...

You know better than that, Schmiddy. Dave posted a 'storyline' roleplay -- no camera crew, no promo, no nothing. There's no way GUNS could have been aware of it.




RE: Old Fashioned

Maybe I am a dinosaur.

I didn't realize "storyline" RPs were supposed to be ignored.

What's the point of them then?

Just curious. Never done 'em, never been in a league where that was the case.

I think they're great works and demonstrate tremendous talent on the part of the people who write them, but if they're not for public consumption, then what's the point? If a character evolves in the forest and nobody is able to see it, does he really evolve?


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
RE: Old Fashioned

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 00:01 AM (EDT)] Cut to a shot of Dan Ryan sitting on a bench on Main Street in the hub of all Orlando, Florida tourism....The Magic Kingdom. As the camera cuts in we can see a huge smile on Ryan's face...

Ryan: "Well then, if we're all through listening to your 'back in my day we had to walk fifteen miles in the snow' speech then maybe we can get back to important matters, you think? I mean not that I didn't enjoy it because I really did. I mean, how can I not enjoy an opponent who digs his own grave for you? Have you ever seen that movie 'A Few Good Men"? Great flick. There's a particular scene at the climax of the film where Colonel Jessup, being played by Jack Nicholson is being cross-examined by Lieutenant Caffey, played by Tom Cruise. Now, we get to hear this verbal tete' a tete for a while as it becomes obvious that Caffey can't prove Jessup's involvement without a confession. Unfortunately for Jessup, he allows Caffey to get to him and basically goes into a rant expousing his warped view of how things ought to be and ends up laying his crime out in the open for all to see. You ever find parallels in the movies and in real life, GUNS? You see, from my point of view all that was missing from your little hotheaded rant about the good ol' days was you leaning forward and telling me I can't handle the truth. Why should I bother wasting my time debating you on your warped sense of self-importance when I can sit right back in my E-Z Boy and listen as you make a complete and utter tool of yourself to the public? You want me to shut you up? On the contrary, I really don't want you to shut up. Keep talking. I'm enjoying the show far too much."

"Now then, shall we talk about matters that actually have a place in this discussion? You seem to have trouble grasping a simple concept. See you keep saying things like 'I'm already established.'You got some evidence to back that up? And I don't wanna hear any more bulls**t about who you beat back in 1997. Get five people from anywhere...anywhere in the world. Hell, I'll even spot you three since you've got three lackeys latched onto your scrotum right now. Find me just two more people who are impressed by your little Intrusion angle, and I'll concede the point. You don't have to prove anything? Sorry, pally. You do. You may not like that fact, but you do. Do I have something to prove? Some may think so. The problem is, I don't care. I have but one goal only, and despite your weak attempt to carbon copy my plans...the goal moves on. You're nothing more than a pitstop along the way. See, you're used to people being in awe of you. You mentioned Eli Flair wanting your respect. But the flaw in your little plan is I just don't think that much of you. I'm really sorry about that. I'm sorry that you and your past don't mean jack s**t to me. And I'm even more sorry that you haven't managed to bring you and your little friends out of 1996 and into the present day. I mean come on, I saw PI doing a crotch chop for crying out loud. The largest arms in the world...a little lackey with a camera doing crotch chops...and the tag team champions....well doesn't that just remind you of somebody? A siren and little graphics for each BLACK AND WHITE promo, too. Well I just can't think who you could be ripping off. But you don't have to explain anything to me, right GUNS? You're...ESTABLISHED. You're...a LEGEND. No, I'm sorry. You're sad. You're a joke. You're over the hill. You're washed up...and your ass is mine. All true statements, and here in sunny Orlando..you'll see what it really means to know the truth."

"Now let's talk about GXW. I'm not too surprised that you pussed out of the challenge. I didn't expect you to actually show some sac and come to one of my rings and face me man to man. Come on, GUNS...do you think any of us actually thought for one damn second that you would actually back up your big damn mouth? Well since you ARE such an overwhelming p***y, I'll do you the favor this one time and we'll do it here in the CSWA...you know...where you're established. But anytime you feel the pressure from the stockholders in Third Row Inc. and feel you actually DO need to back up that big mouth of yours? The challenge will remain open. You're a big fan of wanting people to call you out to prove they're a man. It's your turn, hotshot. Come on down. But after Orlando, I'm done with you here. You want me? Come to my side of town. Here? You're not important anymore. Just a relic from the past trying to cling onto some self-worth. After Orlando...consider yourself...IGNORED...."

Ryan starts to get up and walk away, then pauses..

"Oh, before I forget. That beautiful daughter of yours? Give her an extra little peck on the cheek tonight...from her Uncle Danny." Wink


Hex Angel

RE: Old Fashioned

Schmiddy -

I get what you're saying - I'm almost as much of a dinosaur as you. Probably the best example of someone who blends the two together is Jamar Short - he'll write a "storyline" RP and feed it into Triple X cutting his official promo. That way we see everything.

I don't think Dave was done RPing with this one post - he's just a tad more verbose than that. <G> And honestly, I think if someone does nothing but storyline RPs for a match he has given his opponent nothing to respond to - so the opponent should automatically win.

There's always a time and a place for a storyline - and it should feed into/fit around the wrestling match. I learned this too late, but it's a good thing to think about.


And yes, it was a man- child. <G>


RE: Old Fashioned

Well, I certainly wasn't trying to be uncooperative or anything, I just truly wasn't familiar with the concept of the "storyline RP that the other characters don't know about.", so I was caught a little off guard when Dan Ryan accused GUNS of hiding in the bushes.

That style really wasn't in vogue when I was in the CSWA 5 years ago, and I've spent the rest of my FW experience in JN-style (FADEIN:) Hollywood script type RP leagues. Now I know, and like GI Joe says, knowing is half the battle.

Kindly disregard any comments GUNS made about Dan Ryan's dead daughter, and I'll kindly disregard any comments Ryan made about GUNS hiding in the cemetery bushes, and we'll all live happily ever after.


A Few Good Men

(SFX: Shrill piercing alarm, FADEIN: INTRUDER ALERT! flashing across the screen. CUTTO: Black and white PI-CAM footage of GUNS in a parking lot, and the picture magically colorizes a la the "Wizard of Oz")

GUNS: A Few Good Men - damn fine movie. I may actually go out and rent it tonight. Thanks, Danny. (Laughs.) You want to compare me to Colonel Jessup? You want to hear me say you can't handle the truth? Okay, Danny - you CAN'T handle the truth. You can't handle the truth that the Intruders stole the show at Fish Fund - you can't handle the truth that the Intruders ruined your little GXW coming out party - you can't handle the truth that the 15 minutes of fame for your insignificant second-rate federation are OVER. Did the Intruders steal your spotlight? YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT WE DID! (Laughs.) But, you see, Dan, unlike the movies, there's no judge advocate general, there's no military police, and there's no Kevin Bacon in a ridiculous buzzcut here to read me my rights. Unlike the movie, Danny, there's not a DAMN thing that you can do about it. I'm not going to the brig, I'm not losing my rank and pay, I'm not giving up becoming the head of the National Security Council. There's the difference between movies and real life, Dan. In the movies, you can write the ending you want, and the little underdog in-over-his-head plea-bargain machine attorney with 9 months experience can beat one of the highest ranking officers in the Marine Corps. Maybe in the movies, the little rag-tag collection of no-names from a second-rate federation can stack up against a certified All-Star team of heat machines and champions, but this isn't the movies, kid. You don't get to write the script. You don't get to decide how it ends. And deep down in places that you don't talk about at parties, Dan, you know that you don't measure up. Thanks, Danny, I love Sweetwater. (Chuckles.)

Now, Danny, you want to talk about ripoffs? (Laughs.) There's a whole lot of pot-kettle-black syndrome running rampant in this company these days, isn't there? You want to riff on the black T-shirts and the black-and-white camcorder footage? I can accept that. But, how about you take a look in the mirror the next time you hear this little number over the PA at a CSWA arena. (SFX: Robotic voice "G...X...W") The only thing you're missing is the cute little "4 Life" hand signal and the spray paint, but I'm sure that's coming soon to a theatre near you.

The simple truth is, Danny, that there's nothing original in this sport anymore. You think you're the first rinky-dink league to attempt an "invasion" angle? You think that concept is NEW, Dan? You think you guys are PIONEERS in this field? Hate to break it to you, Danny, it's been done, and a lot more effectively. On, the other hand, the use of the word "Extreme" in your federation's name, and I might add spelling it with an "X" for an ancillary bonus, is CLEARLY an original thought. Join the Revolution. (Chuckles.) But, don't take it personally. Like I said, there's nothing original in this sport anymore, from (cups hands around his mouth) OWWWWWW! Hornet, to Mark WINDHAM, to Eli FLAIR, to *TRIPLE* X and so on and so forth.

You want to call me a joke, Dan? That's fine, but you better become real comfortable with the fact that you and your GXW no-names are the punchline. Fish Fund was a warning shot. The message was simple. It doesn't matter what company's logo you wear on your chest, if you're in a CSWA ring, you're fair game. You can choose to heed the warning or not, and considering you don't seem to be very bright, I'm pretty sure you'll stick around and we'll have to go through the formality of me kicking your ass all over Orlando and tossing you out of the ring and into Mickey Mouse's lap.

Now, as far as your little challenge is concerned, I never refused it. I laid out my terms for acceptance. Surely, Dan, you've got the stroke to pull that off, don't you? You've got the stroke to make your bosses beg me to come there and pad their gate, after all, you ARE their champion. After all, you ARE their spokesman here trolling for free publicity. Put your money where your mouth is, Dan. Get a camera crew over to the GXW offices, get whoever's in charge on their hands and knees, make it worth my while, and I'll gladly punk you out in your own house. You certainly haven't done a damn thing in this one. Well, your big win over Carl Brigsby was one for the highlight reels, but other than that, you haven't done a damn thing. You ran away from a fight with Sean Stevens, for crying out loud, and you expect me to be intimidated by you? You may be a big star in Little League, Danny, but so far you haven't shown that you can hit the big league pitching that I'm ready to throw your way.

Dan, you want to ignore me after Orlando, that's just fine with me. But, you won't be able to ignore what I do to you at Primetime, when you get outclassed AGAIN. Why don't you ask your big free agent acquisition how it feels to be on my bad side, Danny? Why don't you ask your new lackey what it's like to BLACK OUT from the pain that I'm capable of inflicting? On second thought, Danny, don't ask him, because I don't want you pussing out of this fight like you did against Sean Stevens. I want you to show up, Dan, and take your beating like a man.

As far as my daughter goes, Dan, maybe I will give her an extra peck on the cheek before she goes to bed tonight. At least I know mine will wake up. (Grins.)


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
One Time too Many

fade- in:

[small]"Triple X" Sean Stevens - clad in a sleeveless 100% cotton t-shirt, and black wrestling tights, backdrop, camera rolling.[/small]

"GUNS, I've tried to stay out of this. You know, just like the rest of the CSWA should know how much I dislike Dan Ryan, the GXW, and whomever is affiliated with them.

"I've NEVER had any beef with you, as a matter of fact... I've never even mentioned your name. ...wish I could say the same about YOU... but, I can't.

"Word of advice, Arms... stop mentioning my name. That's my first and last warning."

fade- to- black


RE: One Time too Many

Sean, I don't have any beef with you other than the company whose rings you ply your trade in.

It's nothing personal, kid. I think you're a great talent who has a bright future in this sport. It's just not going to be in this company.

And, hell, anybody who can get under Hornet's skin like you can is okay in my book. Sure, Ivy's been around the block a few times, but if hitting the sheets with her can tick Bugbrain off a little bit, then more power to you.

But here's the thing, and there's no getting around this. As long as you work here, you're a target. I don't care whether you hate Hornet or Dan Ryan or anybody else - eventually, our paths will cross, and you'll go down just like the rest.

You're in no position to give a man like me warnings about ANYTHING. So, do yourself a favor, Sean, and wait your turn like a good little soldier. The line of people who want to get bitchslapped by the Strongest Arms in the World forms to the left.



Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
RE: One Time too Many

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-02 AT 11:28 AM (EDT)]No GUNS, here's the thing... I know your whole motive for being here, you don't have to remind me... I'm sure it hasn't changed any from the last two hundred times you've said it. I hear you talk about it every time you step foot in front of a camera, and witness it with my own eyes, whenever I look at the Greensboro Championship. You'd have to be an idiot not to notice it. ...but, that's fine. More power to you and your efforts.

If you want to make a statement by destroying a piece of leather and tin... then, go right ahead. I'm not gonna stop you... I'm not gonna stand up for the Greensboro Championship, when nobody else will, and try and take it from you... not because I fear you, but because, I... Don't... Want... It.

But, rest assured knowing, if and when you DO decide to get serious... If and when you DO decide... oh, I don't know... to stop talking about tearing the CSWA down brick by brick and actually start doing it... if you need a diehard CSWA competitor to make an example out of? ...I volunteer.

Until then, keep my name out of your mouth. Like I said... I don't know you, and you don't know me, therefore I have nothing to say to you, or about you, and I feel as though I deserve the same respect.

Before you make this into something it doesn't need to be, and take it somewhere it doesn't need to go... Just stop it. Don't say my name anymore, GUNS. Don't bring up my relationship with Ivy, or anything else. Because if you do, you'll be bumping into me faster than expected, and trust me... that's something you don't want, or need, right now.

Build yourself up more, GUNS. The past is just that... the past. What you and Hornet did to each other in ninety- six means nothing to me. All I've seen since you've returned is a tough talking Texan who lost to Eli Flair and beat up Wicked Sight.

I've beat up Wicked Sight, too.

And, as for you bitchslapping me? First of all, Arms... I'm not a bitch. Second... by the time you actually get your big arm near my face, I'd have ducked it, and slapped the sh#t out of you five- or- six times.

Don't play with me, GUNS... because I will humble you. If you think I'm playing? ...joking? ...Talking for my health? ...Try me.



RE: One Time too Many

Funny, Sean, the only bitch I see around here is the one Hornet swapped spit with at Fish Fund.

Sean, Mike Randalls stuck a damn stake through my knee and HE doesn't scare me, so don't expect your little words of wisdom to disrupt my sleeping patterns anytime soon.

We don't have to talk about it now, Sean. We'll get the chance to settle it someday. Whether it's sooner or later, well, that's up to you. You say you don't want the Greensboro title, and I don't blame you. It's the lowest rung on the totem pole around here. As a title, it doesn't mean a damn thing. As a symbol, though, it represents the beginning of the end. You say you don't want it as if it would matter if you did. Want it or not, you can't take it away from me, and you know it.

The thing people around here need to start realizing is that the past does mean something. You know the past means something everytime you see Hornet and your piece of ass in the same room together. The past is what shapes the future, Sean. The sins of the past are revisited on the future. There IS no future without the past.

You want to step up to the plate and defend the honor of the CSWA? Roll the dice and take your chances, boy. But it don't matter whether it's Dan Ryan, or Wicked Sight, or Kevin Powers, or Triple X. You get uppity with me, son, and I'll turn the lights out for you. It's THAT simple.


Hex Angel

RE: One Time too Many

(FADEIN: Poison Ivy sitting at the desk in her home office, watching GUNS' latest comments and speaking into her webcam)

IVY: "Mr. Bill, I thought you'd be a little more original."

"If all you've got on Sean is his relationship with me, or how Hornet grabbed me in the ring at FISH FUND in a blatantly obvious attempt to piss Sean off and take his concentration away from the US Title.... then why are you even talking?"

"Or is name- dropping all you've got left?"


RE: One Time too Many

Gotta be honest, honey, considering Bugbrain's attempt to distract Loverboy from winning the US title worked, it seems like a sore nerve worth striking for the time being until he and I can get better acquainted inside the squared circle.

Maybe when Sean learns to stop thinking with his little head inside that ring, I'll take him a little more seriously.

Until then, sweetheart, he'll keep on hearing the same song from me and anybody else he decides to tick off.

If he doesn't like it, he can try to do something about it instead of letting his skirt talk for him.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: A Few Good Men - The GXW

MP: GUNS... spray paint and four fingers? I've got ONE finger for you, you shrunken testical, steroid induced, flunky loving bonehead... I know, I know, the fans hate me now, and that's their own damn fault, but I'm not above running down the most hated fossil in this industry...

That robot voice, that GXW... rest assured, that wasn't us. For all I know, GUNS... it was YOU.

We're not the first group of people headed into enemy territory... that was done thousands and thousands of years ago... and again and again, even during the Civil War when Momma GUNS gave birth to a smart-assed kid and told him to fight Big Brother GUNS over in the North.

Let me whisper you a secret, and I know... you've seen it all over the decades... and decades... and decades... I mean for Christ's sake, who comes back from having a stake rammed through his knee? Especially when fixing it meant losing the one percent charisma and ability you had? You're an ICON, while we're at throwing around washed up terms...

The secret is, GUNny, your overrated heat machine doesn't stand a chance of tearing down the CSWA. But we... the GXW... will certainly pull out our manhood and let loose on the company that you think you're going to topple.

That's something... something I can PROMISE.

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