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Hell to pay


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
<i>(Fade in on a poor-quality shot – probably shot from a cell phone – of a backstage parking lot area, presumably at Aggression 47. Copycat and Sean Edmunds stand are visible, and Copycat is particularly animated as the video captures him mid-sentence)</i>

<b>Copycat:</b> —ore obvious what’s going on here. You saw that travesty of a match I had out there! Three times, I had the TV Title won, and yet every time I pinned that waste of a paycheck to the mat, the referee just couldn’t seem to bring himself to count three, could he? Those counts couldn’t have been any frickin’ slower if they were in bullet time, for chrissakes. Hey, the writing was on the wall at that point, and I wasn’t about to give Pat Jones the satisfaction of waiting around until my shoulders were down so he could count three at the speed of frickin’ sound. And then he pulls the <i>same exact crap</i> on Cameron after he hit Westcott with the Reality Check!

<i>(Copycat gives an annoyed grunt)</i>

<b>Copycat:</b> OK. But honestly, I don’t blame Pat Jones. The man’s got a job, he’s got a family, the economy’s in rough shape, he has to do what he’s told. My problem is with what he’s being told to do, and I think it’s pretty clear what he was told to do. Hey, you were right there when Lindsay Troy came out and announced she’d wasted an absurd amount of money on those two jokers to come into EPW for the sole purpose of taking the Tag Team Titles away from Larry and Jared. Who <i>does</i> that? Who’s willing to take that kind of financial hit just to prove you’re in control? That’s what this is all about, control. Troy doesn’t want to acknowledge that with every day Anthology is in EPW, her power shrinks, and she’s doing whatever she can to keep it. Well I’m just about sick of it. EPW doesn’t need a commissioner who abuses her power to stack the deck against one group of people. If I see that same stuff pulled at Russian Roulette, there’s going to be hell to pay. You, of all people, know what I’m capable of. If she motivates me, you can be damn sure I’ll—

<i>(Copycat looks directly into the camera and his eyes widen a little</i>

<b>Copycat:</b> HEY! What the hell do you think you’re doing? I told you autograph time was—

<i>(The shot abruptly cuts out)</i>


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
(FADEIN: LAYNE WINTERS sitting at his locker, TV belt over his shoulder)

WINTERS: You gonna sit there whining like a f[BLEEP]kin' woman about slow counts, and power plays, and BULLSH[BLEEP]? Ignoring the fact that maybe I'M the one who should be pissed off 'cause some cheap wannabe movie star in tights decided to throw a match he KNEW he couldn't win? Or am I gonna have to be the one to man up, as usual?

So how 'bout me and you at Russian Roulette, Cat. And if the referee don't count fast enough for you, we can go ahead and make it a ladder match. Only one way to win, Copycat, so how 'bout it? Or are you content to f[BLEEP]king cry?



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
<i>(Fade in on a comparably poor-quality shot of a table, presumably somewhere within Copycat's undisclosed residence. After a second, Copycat -- who, it looks like, just set his digital camera to "record" and put it on the table -- comes around to the front of it and sits down)</i>

<b>Copycat:</b> So Layne Winters wants the Cat in a rematch at Russian Roulette? The boy must have done a hell of a job convincing himself that he would have had me at Aggression 47 if only I hadn't kept beating him within an inch of his life. Now, Winters may want to convince me that EPW management's obvious grudge against Anthology can't possibly carry over into a ladder match, but the Cat didn't come to be known as the Smartest Player in the Game by assuming the absence of a referee makes any damned difference. Hell, throw the rule book out the window, and it's carte blanche for Lindsay Troy to throw more money away on guys who want into EPW just to destroy Anthology.

<i>(He rolls his eyes)</i>

<b>Copycat:</b> But hey, if Layne Winters is that desperate to lose to the Cat, the Cat will have a tough time not obliging. Even though there'll be no surprises if someone should come out of the woodwork to cost me the match, heck, maybe I don't need the EPW Television Title. Maybe I just need to send a message that trying to stop the Cat -- and Anthology -- is a fool's errand. And since Layne Winters is so eager to volunteer to serve as that message ... well. I guess it's a ladder match.

<i>(Copycat reaches over to the camera and turns it off)</i>

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