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Hello CSWA.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Gateshead, England
It's Ian here, aka 'Pit Bull' Pete Hardy. Hope everyone is keeping well. Just letting you all know that I am coming back after a long time out of this game. Great to see so many of you still here, it will be great play the game with you all again. Pete however, he is in the retirement home at this moment of time. I might decide to bring him out of retirement but I want to try something new, almost. I have a character in mind, 'Mad Dog' Darrell Maddison. You have probably guessed that as Hardy and Maddison's nicknames are virtually the same thing, they have the same personality, gimmick. Yes, you'll be right. To tell the truth I could have easily brought Pete back, but I think Pete's stories became dead and I ran out of ideas for him. I did love roleplaying as Pete, so I think giving my character a new face and name but keep the same gimmick will make it easier for me.

That's it, like I said, I hope everyone is well. Take care and I look forward to hitting the RP boards soon.

If there are any staff reading this, I wasn't sure if I could just post Darrell's bio without your acceptance so I ask you first before I go ahead. Thanks all. Peace.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
ILaidler said:
It's Ian here, aka 'Pit Bull' Pete Hardy. Hope everyone is keeping well. Just letting you all know that I am coming back after a long time out of this game. Great to see so many of you still here, it will be great play the game with you all again. Pete however, he is in the retirement home at this moment of time. I might decide to bring him out of retirement but I want to try something new, almost. I have a character in mind, 'Mad Dog' Darrell Maddison. You have probably guessed that as Hardy and Maddison's nicknames are virtually the same thing, they have the same personality, gimmick. Yes, you'll be right. To tell the truth I could have easily brought Pete back, but I think Pete's stories became dead and I ran out of ideas for him. I did love roleplaying as Pete, so I think giving my character a new face and name but keep the same gimmick will make it easier for me.

That's it, like I said, I hope everyone is well. Take care and I look forward to hitting the RP boards soon.

If there are any staff reading this, I wasn't sure if I could just post Darrell's bio without your acceptance so I ask you first before I go ahead. Thanks all. Peace.


Hello and welcome to FWcentral and the CSWA man. I hope that you have fun and enjoy yourself here.

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