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Sep 13, 2004
You guys are really getting my juices flowing again. I may think about coming back but I need to know a few things. Is EPW an hybrid fed or all rp? I have an angle mindset and haven't really competitively roleplayed or wrote matches in years. I just need to know the timeframe on rps, segments and matches. When are shows supposed to be aired. I don't have a bunch of time but I wouldn't mind thinking about a return if it is possible for me.


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
You guys are really getting my juices flowing again. I may think about coming back but I need to know a few things. Is EPW an hybrid fed or all rp? I have an angle mindset and haven't really competitively roleplayed or wrote matches in years. I just need to know the timeframe on rps, segments and matches. When are shows supposed to be aired. I don't have a bunch of time but I wouldn't mind thinking about a return if it is possible for me.


EPW is an RP fed, but that doesn't mean that you don't get to enjoy the angle side of it. Jonathan, or David, or... *finger quotations* Dave(go with it, it helps him feel young) is pretty cool with letting you do your thing as long as it (a.) makes sense, (b.) makes sense, and (c.) doesn't tarnish the value of the EPW title(if you happen to ever handle the champion, and for some strange reason, you get the urge to try and make a comedy character legitimate). I forgot how it was worded, but he pretty much said: "no" in a very polite way, but was open to hearing Paul and I out.

Then, Paul explained where we were, and like the big(I don't mean that literally) teddy bear that he is, gave in and let us do our thing, and in my mind, it turned out great.

As I've said before, we're all adults now, with full time jobs, and children, so it's a little difficult for one man to sit in front of his computer and type up a whole card. How quickly the cards come out is based on us. I wasn't able to help this last card because I was on vacation and didn't want to write a match from my phone, but I like to throw my name in the hat every chance I get just to speed things up.

All in all, I came back to this amazing hobby to get Trip one more run as a world champion. That happened and I'm still writing. Why? Because EPW is the sh*t.

Ask around.

They'll vouch for us.

You should come back. It's a great fed, that I think you'd love.



Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Pretty much what Jay said. :)

Also, in regard to your time commitments - keep in mind that I too am married, have three kids and two jobs. SO - my entire e-fedding life is structured around that fact, and our pace is reflective of it.

My goal is to make the shows worth it and to keep a steady pace of some sort even if we have little month long breaks now and a gain.

I'm very happy with the fact that everyone seems to be having a good time, so it seems to be working out well and is a very friendly fed to those of us who have gotten older, started families, etc.


Sep 13, 2004
Pretty much what Jay said. :)

Also, in regard to your time commitments - keep in mind that I too am married, have three kids and two jobs. SO - my entire e-fedding life is structured around that fact, and our pace is reflective of it.

My goal is to make the shows worth it and to keep a steady pace of some sort even if we have little month long breaks now and a gain.

I'm very happy with the fact that everyone seems to be having a good time, so it seems to be working out well and is a very friendly fed to those of us who have gotten older, started families, etc.

Well that's good to know. I will let you know if I decide to come back. I would have to think a storyline first anyway.:p

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