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Hybrid Title Application


League Member
Jul 6, 2007
Las Vegas
Okay, here we go...


Name: Thad
Email Address: evil_uncle_thad@hotmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger:


Wrestler Name: Billy Lovemuscle

Height: 6’ 6”

Weight: 255 lbs

Hailing From: Parts Unknown

Handedness: ambidextrous

Disposition: Tweener, with face tendencies

Gimmick: Easy-going, laid-back cowboy

Ring Attire: cowboy boots, jeans, button-up shirt or black tee

Looks: long brown hair under his cowboy hat. Sunglasses and scruff are always on his face.

Ring Entrance: usually he plays to the crowd, unless there’s a ‘grudge’ match and then he’ll focus on his opponent

Theme Music: “El Distorto De Melodica” by Everclear

Tactics/Style: a technical brawler who's not afraid to utilize some high-risk moves when called for

5 Specialty Moves: Spinning heel kick to the side of the head. Arm bar into a side Russian leg sweep. Release German suplex. Irish whip into the turnbuckle followed by a running splash. Pump-handle slam.

Finisher & Set-Up Moves: Set-up: Slingshot suplex. Finisher: Off the top rope, knees into the chest of his opponent.

Strengths: Experience, conditioning, his wait-and-see approach

Weaknessess: Not incredibly strong, a loner, sometimes pre-occupied

In 100 words or less, please give a biographical profile of your character:

Billy Lovemuscle tends to show up out of the blue and leave just as quickly. He was actually kicked out of CWL before they got off the ground for repeatedly missing his matches. A stint in PIW had him feuding/teaming with M.U.D., and he also had a great rivalry with the Midnight Cowboy in PIW. When PIW folded, Lovemuscle seemed to disappear as well…


RP sample: I think there’s still some of my stuff on the fWo site under Grendel or Luke Starkey

Matchwriting sample: I don’t write matches very well…

Past Federations: PIW, CWL

Current Federations: None


League Member
Jul 6, 2007
Las Vegas

What kind are we taking today?

And got any whiskey to wash them down with?

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