On-screen Characters
Ring Announcer - "Pepper" Pete Peppins
About: Now in his sixties, Pete was a superstar of yesteryear. His thick Texan drawl and love of the industry makes him one of the best announcers in the business. He once wrestled in a tag team with commentator "Playboy" Harry Balkin called the Big Sneezy, who sometimes reunite for good times' sakes.
Commentator - "Playboy" Harry Balkin
About: Former wrestler who never really cared for titles but more for the women, Harry is a colourful play-by-play babyface announcer. He often makes inappropriate sexual innuendo about his own sexual experiences of pop culture references which he tries to mask behind a hearty "WOOOOOOOOOO!" Harry has a personal vendetta with Magnus Destructo for breaking his nose at V for Victoralicious.
NOTES ON COMMENTARY TEAM: Harry Balkin is the regular announcer for tour shows and most of the bigger events. Where he is not in the driver's seat it will be Morton Murphy. On the larger events, Harry will be joined by any number of the roster members.
Commentator (Tour Shows) - "the Raging Fear" August Monday
About: August Monday is a retired wrestling legend who was known for being extraordinarily violent. When adding colour commentary, August delivers technical insight into moves along with personal opinion on character reference. His daughter, "Daddy's Little Demon" April Monday, is still and active wrestler and he is still over protective of her. He often makes references to his only grandchild, Adam Shepherd, and doesn't take kindly to mentions of him being a eunuch.
Backstage Interviewer - Sandra Dee
About: Sandra Dee has been Morton Murphy's personal assistant for years but has the look and brains to be on the programming. Think of a stunning, blond with voluptuous over-the-top curves with the brains of a wrestling equivalent Larry King. Is not susceptible to come ons.