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Immunity Challenge Results

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Shak-No opened up the challenge by rowing to a rather impressive lead. After they made it back to the beach with Wallen trailing by a bit, the Shak-No foursome of Ned, Cynthia, Diva X, and Olivia were slowed by Ned and Cynthia's inability to carry the platform with the pot holding the fire. This allowed Wallen's carrying group of Vincent, Kevin, Margaret and Karla to make a race of it.

In the end Wallen's group crossed the finish line a few steps ahead of Shak-No's, winning the Flint and Immunity for their tribe.

For the defeated Shak-No's, I suggest getting on your Survivor Screen names and start talking.

By Monday I expect everyone's final votes in.

Show will be posted between Monday Night and Wendsday during the day.

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