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Immunity Results

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Wallen sat out Margaret and Karla

Wallen had Kevin as their archer, Mary was Shak-No's archer.

The blow-dart phase of the challenge featured little in the way of accuracy but Ned managed a good shot to win 2 arrows for Shak-No.

In the spear throwing, Olivia's toss barely outdid that of Jason giving Shak-No 4 arrows to Wallen's 2.

Kevin's 2nd arrow hit the 4th ring from the center, putting the pressure on Mary, who on her last try, hit the 3rd ring, winning Shak-No their first immunity.

Wallen goes to counsel for the first time. I need everyone from Wallen to lemme know what the deal is, who you're voting for and all that rot.

Show up (Hopefully) early next week.

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