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League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Hello all, my name is Brittany and I'm the handler for Eden Morgan from UGWC. I started in this hobby in 2006 with my first character, Malise, not really understanding what I was getting into. I started in HSW, then when that closed up went on to PPW where I created Jezebel Saint. I then had a brief run in GIW with both the characters of Malise and Jezebel Saint. But life being what it is, I wasnt able to dedicate enough time to this insanity and so I stopped e-fedding. That was in 2009. I remained in touch with several of the people I had become friends with from my time in the feds, and one talked me into coming back in 2013. I wasn't sure I could even write anymore, so I decided to create a new character and really test myself. Enter Eden to UGWC. So not only is she a young character, she's also only been in the business for exactly 2 years now.

Looking through this list of everyone in Battlemania is pretty intimidating. Good luck to all of the participants, and can't wait to see what we all put forth!
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El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
Awesome, glad to have you here! So did you come across AJ Fairchild in GIW? I know he did a stint there at some point.

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