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It's a Date


League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY
:::::Wednesday, July 26, 1:30 A.M. The streets can only be seen by the dim lights shinning on it’s rugged surface. There are only a few people walking by this late at night, after the sun goes down and the freaks come out. There, among the twisted beings walking on the streets and through the alleys, a whisper come be heard. The homeless men pick there heads up from a deep sleep to hear the sound. Those freaks in the alley grow silent when the whisper grows closer. They can tell by those footsteps on the sidewalk and the sound of steel scraping against the brick buildings that he has come out. The whispering begins to fade as he walks on by, then finally, silence. The freaks in the alley continue to play and the homeless men continue to sleep. Back at one of CSWA’s buildings in New York, one light shines on the outside. At the top in her office, Kathleen sits behind her desk continuing to work, when the light goes out.:::::

Kathleen: Oh, come on! Damn it...

Jay Smash: So...

:::::The voice shocks Kathleen, till she realizes who it is standing at the window in the dark. Jay Smash sits and watches Kathleen look for the light switch, continuing to speak.:::::

Jay Smash: Did you get to the doctor?

Kathleen: How did you.... yes, yes I did. Turns out it was just a cold.

Jay Smash: So this tournament.....

Kathleen: Are you gonna do this often? I mean, sneak in like Batman and scare me like that? You should really stop walking these streets this late at night. A lot of scary people out there...

Jay Smash: You don’t think I’m one of those scary people?

Kathleen: No, you are a very violent human being. You are probably more afraid of them then they all think.

Jay Smash: So now you know me? Now you know all about Jay Smash.

Kathleen: I know that you joined wrestling because your father was a great wrestler who died in a car accident. I know that your mom died as well, and that has left a scar on you since childhood. I know that you were once married to a beautiful woman and you had a child. You were fighting for them at one point, and then they died as well. You lost everything, and you became suicidal. I know you attended meetings for those problems, and you even began to think you could become a God. Now, let’s keep all religion aside here, but Jay, you know for a fact that you cannot be a God. But if that is what keeps your opponents thinking they have no chance in winning, then go ahead and call yourself the God of No Hope.

Jay Smash: I see you’ve done your studying. I’ve done mine as well. While I was taking a look on the history of these guys in the tournament, I decided to take a look at your background as well. Kathleen Windham, any relation?

Kathleen: Not sure, I’ve seen him at Christmas parties for work. He seems to love getting women drunk then paying guys to be his friend in order to do his dirty work. I don’t drink, even though he has tried.

Jay Smash: Not a drinker huh? Damn, I was gonna take you out for a good time too. Well, what else can you tell me about this Unified Champion?


This roleplay is incomplete! I had to go to work, and I have no other place in roder to continue without sending it in, then editing the message from work, so please, no comments just yet... I'm sure they will start piling up from some, but lets hold it in like a fart at your girlfiend's parents dinner table and wait till I'm finished. Also, f you do fart at the dinner table, then take that as a way to seek help on getting manners.



League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY
*K, I couldn't edit for some reason, so I re posted the full rp*

:::::Wednesday, July 26, 1:30 A.M. The streets can only be seen by the dim lights shinning on it’s rugged surface. There are only a few people walking by this late at night, after the sun goes down and the freaks come out. There, among the twisted beings walking on the streets and through the alleys, a whisper come be heard. The homeless men pick there heads up from a deep sleep to hear the sound. Those freaks in the alley grow silent when the whisper grows closer. They can tell by those footsteps on the sidewalk and the sound of steel scraping against the brick buildings that he has come out. The whispering begins to fade as he walks on by, then finally, silence. The freaks in the alley continue to play and the homeless men continue to sleep. Back at one of CSWA’s buildings in New York, one light shines on the outside. At the top in her office, Kathleen sits behind her desk continuing to work, when the light goes out.:::::

Kathleen: Oh, come on! Damn it...

Jay Smash: So...

:::::The voice shocks Kathleen, till she realizes who it is standing at the window in the dark. Jay Smash sits and watches Kathleen look for the light switch, continuing to speak.:::::

Jay Smash: Did you get to the doctor?

Kathleen: How did you.... yes, yes I did. Turns out it was just a cold.

Jay Smash: So this tournament.....

Kathleen: Are you gonna do this often? I mean, sneak in like Batman and scare me like that? You should really stop walking these streets this late at night. A lot of scary people out there...

Jay Smash: You don’t think I’m one of those scary people?

Kathleen: No, you are a very violent human being. You are probably more afraid of them then they all think.

Jay Smash: So now you know me? Now you know all about Jay Smash.

Kathleen: I know that you joined wrestling because your father was a great wrestler who died in a car accident. I know that your mom died as well, and that has left a scar on you since childhood. I know that you were once married to a beautiful woman and you had a child. You were fighting for them at one point, and then they died as well. You lost everything, and you became suicidal. I know you attended meetings for those problems, and you even began to think you could become a God. Now, let’s keep all religion aside here, but Jay, you know for a fact that you cannot be a God. But if that is what keeps your opponents thinking they have no chance in winning, then go ahead and call yourself the God of No Hope.

Jay Smash: I see you’ve done your studying. I’ve done mine as well. While I was taking a look on the history of these guys in the tournament, I decided to take a look at your background as well. Kathleen Windham, any relation?

Kathleen: Not sure, I’ve seen him at Christmas parties for work. He seems to love getting women drunk then paying guys to be his friend in order to do his dirty work. I don’t drink, even though he has tried.

Jay Smash: Not a drinker huh? Damn, I was gonna take you out for a good time too. Well, what else can you tell me about this Unified Champion?

:::::2:15 A.M. Jay Smash and Kathleen are at an apartment with two glasses of milk in front of them and cold pizza on the table. Kathleen takes a sip of the milk while Jay Smash sits in the seat staring around at his surroundings. The room does not seem to suit him well, but he tries not to look uncomfortable. The lights are bright as they shine against the walls, painted with an eggshell white. The furniture looks bright and abstract, from the tables and chairs, to the curtains and cups. Smash keeps his arms crossed and his right leg bent on top of his left thigh, continuing the conversation from the office.:::::

Jay Smash: Well, you’re a cheap date.

Kathleen: Dates are overrated. I prefer some day old pizza and milk over some expensive Italian cuisine.

Jay Smash: Pizza works. I don’t carry cash anyway.

Kathleen: So what do you need to know about this tournament?

Jay Smash: Kathleen, I’ve been in many wrestling tournaments. Some have been a lot harder to get through than others. I’m expecting some competition with everything I’ve heard. CSWA TV can be pretty entertaining under the right circumstances. I mean, trying to scorch my own eyes out every time I see Troy Windham just cut in out of nowhere, take about 3 seconds to speak then disappear. It’s that kind of thing that makes an excellent Unified Champion apparently.

Kathleen: That can get very confusing I know, but please, fight through it. You’ll need your eyes in the ring,

Jay Smash: I’ve got other senses. Besides, if I have to see his face pop up on the screen one more time… Well, I’ll probably just turn the television off and listen to some loud music, but I swear, watching him is like watching one of those neighborhood car dealership commercials with the annoying fat lady popping up. Only, Troy isn’t a fat lady… Well, I don’t think he is anyway.

Kathleen: Hey certainly has your number though. But Troy has everyone trying to climb that mountain after his Unified Title.

Jay Smash: Yeah, then he tries to may some of them off to take another one down. What kind of champion offers cash to a superstar in order to get someone off his back? He thinks he can pay others off… If he really wants me or anyone else gone, he can do it himself.

Kathleen: Well, when you get in that ring, you can tell him that.

Jay Smash: And what will he say? Some cocky remark everyone expects. Something that may cause them to piss their pants laughing, but it his jokes will soon become comic relief from a superstar without a championship. That Unified title it a way to becoming the phenomenon I once was. He has so much to lose… And I can’t wait to see him crack when that title is taken off his shoulder. The Unified title, how many others have held it? I’m sure its history is overwhelming, but the future will prove that The Disease has spread onto the CSWA, and onto the Unified Championship. What they have in store for me, is anyone’s guess… Troy Windham has nowhere to run, and nobody to pay off to take me down… Just wait and see this “moron”, “dumb ass”, this “f*cking idiot” defeat Troy Windham for the title and win this Gold Rush Tournament. I’m begging Troy to speak up… What spectacular comments do you think he has to say to Jay Smash I wonder…

Kathleen: You really do change into a different person when you speak about wrestling… You sound very violent… I can see your career has done a lot to you. I’ve seen this before, in your father. I remember seeing him when I was younger. I’ve watched him wrestle. You are so much like him, though you’ve got a bit of a darker side… I’m sure your father would be proud of you for staying so strong.

Jay Smash: You… have no idea how much I don’t care about my father… You shouldn’t bring him up.

Kathleen: I’m sorry I…

Jay Smash: No… don’t….

:::::Jay Smash stands up and pushes the chair away, dropping the back of the chair down to the ground. Kathleen stands up trying to stop him from leaving, but Smash heads towards the door, turns the knob and opens the door wide open. Smash walks out of the apartment and walks away while Kathleen tries to call him back. Smash disappears down the stairs….:::::

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