(FADEIN: A local RADIO STATION in GREENSBURO, North Carolina. A fast taking DJ is currently on the air, a red blinking light shining over his shoulder. He speaks into a large microphone with a wind screen while sitting behind a large control panel. A large ESEN banner is over his other shoulder. He wears a brown tweed jacket and an ESEN t-shirt.)
DJ: I hope you all enjoyed L-M-F-A-O, but today on the Afternoon Annoyance, I’ve got a very special guest. You may know him as the voice of the Grand Inquisitor on the Venture Bros. Maybe you know him as the cameraman from Pawnee Today on Parks and Recs. You probably know him as professional wrestler High Flyer. Today, Jack Harmen, a man of many faces is in our studio. Jack. How you doing today?
(Jack Harmen sits on the other side of the control panel wearing a headset. He has his feet kicked up on the desk and is wearing his “Superfly Express” NFW t-shirt with khaki pants. Harmen smiles and nods.)
JACK HARMEN: I’m doing great. Yourself?
(Back to our DJ, who shifts through numerous notes written on loose stacks of paper.)
DJ: Better than most. Jack’s here today to promote the return of the CSWA. Blue Moon, but he’s also got quite a few other projects in the works. The one that’s been getting the most attention is the Sweet Sixteen of the Ultratitle tournament. Now, this trophy is something that’s been in the annuals of professional wrestling for what, seventeen years now?
JACK HARMEN: Longer. I’d wager 20 if I were a betting man.
(Our DJ buries his head in his notes.)
DJ: Created by the CSWA, the Ultratitle is the pinnacle of professional wrestling. The last winner in 2007 was Nova, your current tag team partner in the New Frontier Wrestling circuit. And while you’ve been able to outlast one hundred and twelve of professional wrestlings best and brightest, you’re not even halfway through this thing.
JACK HARMEN: It’s a marathon, not a race.
(The DJ lifts his head and leans back in his chair.)
DJ: But before we get into that, Jack, let’s get into some basics. For those of our listeners who may not know who you are, care to give us all a quick Primer?
(Harmen smiles and clears his throat.)
JACK HARMEN: Sure. I’m a twenty year professional wrestler who’s traveled all around the globe. Headlined shows in Mexico and Japan. Made my name in the IWO and FWO here in the states. Not many people know I own the library rights to IWO these days.
DJ: Impressive.
JACK HARMEN: Won seven World Championships across seven different promotions. Been on the F-Dub circuit the past few years in EPW and NFW. Been doing a lot of voice work and bit parts in movies and TV. Had scenes cut from the Wrestler, Funny People and the Avengers. So if I get my face on camera in Hollywood, it looks like I’m more likely to be cut on the editing room floor than any other actor. I feel like I’m Johnny Drama sometimes.
DJ: The Avengers huh?
JACK HARMEN: Yeah. Been a Whedon fan for decades. Extra’d on Dollhouse just because. Asked for a bit role. I was in the diner scene that got cut. It’s why that girl at the end is talking about Captain America like she knows him really well. I expect to see myself on the DVD in the deleted scene or HEADS WILL ROLL!
(Harmen laughs.)
DJ: Plus I hear you’re in talks to finalize a deal for the “Team Viagra Variety Hour, actual run time twenty two minutes,” a reality show with sketch comedy elements?
JACK HARMEN: Well I’ve been filming my Gym, the Odessa Dungeon, on a twenty four / seven loop. We’ve followed me teaching these younger wrestling pupils during my stint in the Ultratitle tournament. We cut together some footage and got some great feedback. So, fingers crossed.
DJ: Nice. Nice. No guarantees in Hollywood OR wrestling these days, am I right?
JACK HARMEN: I CAN guarantee I’ll be ready and focused for my Sweet Sixteen opponent in the Ultratitle, young second generation wrestler and Infinite Superstar Pat Gordon Jr.
DJ: Now I’ve been doing this for a while on ESEN and the Gordon name is something I’ve heard whispered in the history of Fwrestling. This is the same wrestling family?
JACK HARMEN: It is. And while Gordon hasn’t had much success in Infinite so far, he’s really surprised people here in this Ultratitle tournament getting as far as he has.
DJ: I did look, had interns research predictions made by some of the experts of our circuit here at ESEN. Not many people had the youngest going over Suicide. Even still, most people predicting this tournament had whoever won Suicide/Gordon losing to NFW superstar and former champion Joe the Plumber in round two.
JACK HARMEN: Followers of the Ultratitle know what happened with the unstoppable Joe. Most of the leading experts had the bottom eight of their bracket 4 predictions cracked by Joe failing in the first round.
DJ: Opened the way to the newest superstar in Gordon, haven’t they?
JACK HARMEN: I wouldn’t say newest superstar. He certainly has as much of a chance of winning this as Cameron Cruise, Eli Flair or Castor V. Strife, without a doubt. But Gordon’s going to have his toughest challenges from here on out, and I don’t know if a man with thirteen matches under his belt has the experience and tenacity to overcome some of these veterans we’ve got left in this tournament. Myself included.
DJ: You have more years in your career than your opponent has had matches.
JACK HARMEN: Some of those years I’d be on the road 300 days, wrestling 200, 250 times in a year. Not to discount the guy, but anything Pat Gordon Jr. throws at me will be something I’ve seen at least a dozen times.
DJ: Can’t discredit anyone who’s made it this far…
JACK HARMEN: Oh God no. Guy thought I was too! I never meant it like that. But c’mon. I’ve been in this business as long as Troy Windham. All I need to see is one opening, one mistake, and POW. My charging boot called the Locomotive will run him over and give me the victory needed to move me on to Sagawa and Deacon.
DJ: Some may think you’re underestimating Gordon. Perhaps you’ve let the fact everyone’s picked you as the favorite in this match go to your head?
JACK HARMEN: The way I see it, I just gotta wait out until Gordon makes his first mistake. Whether it happens five minutes in or sixty, eventually, Gordon’s gonna flub. When I was his age, I made more mistakes in a single match than I have now in the past month. And as I’ve gained experience and worked in this business, I’ve had to go sixty minutes without making a single mistake. Hell, I’ve gone ninety minutes at times. I’m looking at the Shivaree in nbW and May Mayhem in IWO in particular. Both those matches I had to go over sixty and defeat thirty two or forty other individuals to be proclaimed the winner. Not to mention FWO’s Meltdown, where I beat Doctor Curiosity early in the show, then had to outlast 38 other superstars in a battle royal, before squaring off in an epic one on one contest with Rana Venenosa to gain a shot at the FWO Championship. Here? I only have to outlast ONE guy. One match in a night? I’m fairly confidant in my ability to do just that.
DJ: So, let’s get into Blue—
JACK HARMEN: I just wanna say one last thing to Gordon.
(A slight pause as we hear Jack inhale.)
JACK HARMEN: Pat Gordon Jr. The second generation star. You’ve already put your family name back on the map. I see great things ahead of you in Infinite and wherever you go. If you ever wanna attend one of my seminars consider it gratis. But, my friendly disposition here on this radio show will not be the Lunatic you see in the ring when we square off. When it’s you and me in the Sweet Sixteen, I have every intention of tearing your head clear off your body with my charging Locomotive. And as you stare up at the lights, knowing you’ll have to wait another year or two until you’re next Ultratitle opportunity, I’ll reach down, give you my hand, and pick you back up.
(Harmen chuckles.)
JACK HARMEN: And FYI. If you can find Keith Scott Zimmerman, it would be probably be wise to look him up. That guy has my number like no other.
DJ: Giving tips out to your competition?
JACK HARMEN: Hey. I want a challenge. I want Gordon to push me to my limit. Cause I know whoever wins Sagawa/Deacon is going to do just that, and I want to be prepared. I want Gordon to test me, and I want Gordon to put everything he can into defeating the time traveling, snow selling, friendly neighborhood Lunatic.
DJ: We’ve got to pay some bills Jack, but remember, CSWA returns here on ESEN with Blue Moon in the next few days!
JACK HARMEN: The CSWA debut of Team VIAGRA. Also, there’s New Frontier Wrestling preparing the next Reloaded for air. And PRIME is returning, as I square off against my NFW tag partner Nova in Revolution 248’s main event. And remember to check out the Odessa Dungeon for all your wrestling training needs?
DJ: You got all your plugs in?
JACK HARMEN: Hey! I’m a busy man.
DJ: That you are. We’ll be right back with CSWA superstar and Ultratitle competitor Jack Harmen, as we discuss the resurrected Championship Wrestling Association and their upcoming show, Blue Moon.
(The DJ runs some commercials as the red blinking “On Air” light turns off. The DJ leans in and smiles to Harmen.)
DJ: I think it’s going pretty well, don’t you?
JACK HARMEN: 'Cept you couldn’t get Gordon on the show so I could ***** slap him.
DJ: Jack.
JACK HARMEN: It’s called heat! Look it up.
(The DJ smiles.)
DJ: I’ll have an intern do just that.
(As the two continue to converse over the commercial break, the camera pulls out on a dolly and fades to black.)