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Ladi Dadi, I Spell Bircardi


Jul 31, 2006
Once again back is the incomparable Simon Alex Theodore... 1970's ONLY SPELLING BEE WINNER.. Brilliance personified, the whitest guy with the biggest penis... yes, he is... Simon Alex Theodore...

Or as the CSWA would call him, S.A.T baby...

S.A.T. can be seen pencil and paper in hand going to work, "Hey! Kevin Watson, what's up, buddy? Hopefully by the time you see this the hangover has faded, and the sunglasses can finally be removed."

Simon holds up the piece of paper drawing a diagram as he does commentary, "This the letter V... Now at the lowest point on the letter V... If you draw a straight line it creates a tail... and that letter V, become letter the Y...And that straight line creates a tail...Who'da thunk it?"

"And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, damn I'm good," a cheesy smirk forms on the face of SAT, "But onto more important things, because Chapel Hill is right around the corner and I have to be in the greatest shape of my life, and that's why I've got an equalizer..."

SAT moves from the camera's view, "Hey, camera guy... I kinda need you to follow me..."

The camera follows SAT into a room, and arcard if you will, "Now you would think, I would be here watching match after boring match of Kevin Watson, but after my first big CSWA event check, I bought this here..."


Suddenly a female's voice is heard and by the condescending tone it could only be one, "Simon, I leave for a week, and your pulling these shenanigans, " Olivia Geekman fresh from a much needed vacation away from Simon and his ego, she drops her bags to the floor, "I thought you were picking me up from the airport, where were you?"

SAT tries to explain, "I've got a match in Chapel Hill next week, I have to get back into shape..."

"How playing Dance Dance Revolution, or maybe it's Brain Age... Sometimes I just don't get you, Simon..." Olivia scoffs, "You've got a huge oppurtunity this week after your failure,"

SAT interrupts.

"What failure? I'm a household name, baby... They don't even call me Simon, they call me SAT, brilliance personified. My skills is tight, you better recognize," Geekman rolls here eyes in obviously in disgust for the inflated head SAT has received since Gold Rush has aired.

"More fans than Home Depot, I'm bigger than Halo 3 right now... " Simon shoo's Olivia away from the camera's view, "This is MY time now, we'll talk later..." Olivia stomps out of the room and from the look on her face Simon better get really acquainted with Dance Dance Revolution for a while.

"Damn these hoes, always acting up... Might have to smack my ***** up Ike Turner style, word up," Even the camera guy seems confused as SAT gets on the gaming console and begins to play doing a rendition of the funky chicken as he tap dances over the footpads, "I would like to leave Watson with these partings words.."

SAT turns towards the camera as it zooms in, "YES U-R A MORON, see you in Chapel Hill, drunkee..."


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