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Luster fo' President.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA
FADEIn: Some Presidental Music is playing as the ad begins. Luster fo' President flashes on the screen. Luster is at his table at home and wants to talk to the peeps.

Luster: Luster gots a dream. A dream to be president of Luster Wrestling. That is what we'll call it when he is elected. Luster had other dreams but those came true. Make this dream come true. Luster promises that every employee of the WFW will have their own lady and will have their gold chain to carry to the around. The ladies love the gold chains. Luster gots it goin' on..

Luster: S**t, Luster gots ladies here now that are polishing my gold right now. (A bump from underneath the table was heard.) So do the right thing and on voting day, vote for the Funkyist MothaF**ka, Luster.

Luster: God Bless and Cock Speed.

FADEOUT: Fade to Black.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-03 AT 12:53 PM (EST)]FADEIN: That same Presidential sounding music. Luster greets the people entering a building. Luster is the Special Guest at the Grand Opening of The Pimp Palace in Atlanta. The Pimp Palace is great for exotic entertainment.

(Luster enter the building to say a few things before the Grand Opening Ceremony.)

Luster: Luster be here today to open the Pimp Palace. Luster gots his money and after this speech he gots to get it on. Anyways, this is a great day for the Pimp Palace Tradition. This MothaF**ka gots it goin' on. Ladies be touchin' themselves and feelin' the beats of the music and scent of coconut oil. This place is great, mandingos.

Luster: On to more important stuff, Luster be runnin' fo President of the WFW. He gots to win. Luster will endorse more of these organizations built on family values. The Pimp Palace is an upstanding business. This place is family owned and operated and Luster lkes that. Elect me as President of the WFW and Luster will use his pull to open more and more of these upstanding and family oriented businesses. Plus, Luster will give ladies and gold away at the next Grand Opening Ceremony after Luster is elected.

(Luster urns and looks at the door and then turns back to the camera.)

Luster: Now lets see some pussy.

FADEOUT: Fade to black.

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