(the screen fades in on the same old GLCW backdrop we all have come to know and love and in front of is the man in black, “NO FALSE GIMMICKS” blazoned across his chest, a bandana and shades across his head, the shades promptly are removed as the cameras come forth, and we stare straight into the eyes of Jean Rabesque)
Rabesque: Ever stop to wonder, Mael, if Krusher really enjoys doing this to us? Is there any other explanation? We have the match of the year coming up SOON at Riptide, yet at the next show, the very next show, he has going together. Of course, I understand the philosophy.... put two combustible parts in there together and see if they ignite. But there’s one thing I’ve always respected about you Mael, is that regardless of personal feelings, the two of us have always tried to watch each other’s backs inside the ring, and I know that this time will be no different.
I did have to chuckle at the marquee a bit however. The first aspect of humor of course was the fact that I’m in the main event, and our so-called “God of the Universe” Michael Manson is one again toiling in the midcard. But after that, I got to thinking about how much it could cost them to have to change all of those. Because soon, the marquee may very well read “Great Lakes Champion Jean Rabesque and Maelstrom.” You think that Krusher might have just left that empty to allow for some leeway, but he went ahead with it anyway. Interesting if you ask me.
But enough about Mael, because I know what to expect from him, right now Stevie Morgan has my attention. Now Stevie, I understand what your gimmick is, and I know you’re trying to play the old-school bad guy, making up things such as Maelstrom hooked your tights when he didn’t, and you really didn’t need Manson’s or Anarky’s help. Yeah, I got that. You do it okay Stevie, because the clueless bad guy should be at all times that....clueless, but Stevie, sometimes you just reek of ignorance. Now I’m not sure if you’re blatantly referencing a title the GLCW doesn’t have or not, but regardless of it, I brought a little present for you.
(Rabesque holds up a belt completely made of duct table, with a piece of masking tape across it bearing GLCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE in black marker)
Since you seem enthralled with a belt that doesn’t exist, I decided to make it for you Stevie, so you can stop complaining about it. I’m not really sure how much it’s worth, and I’m sure if you carried it around then everyone would laugh at you, but this would at least get you to SHUT UP about it for once and for all. And as far as your challenge with Maelstrom goes Stevie (chuckles), you seem pretty confident that you can beat Maelstrom, and challenge HIM for a title shot. Interesting.... because as I mentioned earlier, I wouldn’t be too confident that it even would be Maelstrom that you’re going to be challenging for the title.
So that about covered your first little spot, on the second, we got you trying to be some roided out superhero in an attempt to stir up a little controversy about Maelstrom. Now, anyone with a half a brain can see Maelstrom has worked his rear end off to look the way he did. But still, you want to make that excuse, go ahead. But what I want to know Stevie is what excuse are you going to make when I make you tap? Did I have some kind of illegal advantage when I exhibited my superior wrestling ability? Is that what made it all happen? Look at me Stevie, no roids here, just a wrestling masterpiece.
And once and for all Stevie, PAY ATTENTION! I’m not from France, I just have a French name. I’ve lived in the United States for 17 years now. I just don’t feel the need to exude some kind of bogus nickname like “STUPENDOUS.” Hell, Stevie, why not don a cape, call yourself STUPENDOUS MAN and carry around and talk to a stuffed tiger all day. Now, THAT would be entertainment.
So little else of Morgan is really worth mentioning, but Ash, I do have a few words for you. We gave some fans a treat the last time this show aired, but you just couldn’t finish the job. And after that, I went to the main event at Ringlords I, and you went right back to the middle of the card where you belonged. But here you are Ash, you again have a shot to do what nobody said you could do. Can you pin the best damn wrestler on the mat in the world today? Can you do what no GLCW star has been able to do, and beat me clean in the middle of the ring? I’m waiting to hear from you after your nice annihilation of that PUNK Suicide at Ringlords. So let’s here it Ash, what can I expect? You think you can finish what you left off?
(Rabesque chuckles to himself)
I highly, HIGHLY doubt it. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque.
(fade out)