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MAIN EVENT #1: Television Championship - Shane v Entertainment (c)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for the Television Championship match between STEVEN SHANE and MR. ENTERTAINMENT (c) at RAUCOUS should be done in this folder. Any RP posted outside of the folder will not count.

* This is a main event match. Results written in full form. Shane won the shot randomly after having his name drawn from the bunch (no .. really, he did. LOL)..

The RP deadline is 11:59pm PST on MONDAY, January 29th. Angles should be sent to secandido@san.rr.com ..


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
The camera opens up to show a beautiful showing of the city that they call San Juan, Puerto Rico. People stroll along as they enjoy the always fabulous, sunny weather that the Caribbean is known for. Walking amongst them, we see that none other than The Sensational One, Steven Shane is also enjoying the weather.

He is decked out in Aviator sunglasses, a black Jumpman tanktop with matching shoes, and a pair of khaki shorts that show off his amazingly defined calf muscles. Shane notices the camera noticing him and gives a smile as he continues his stroll.

Shane: Well, as some would say, it’s better to lose early and learn than to lose late and crumble into oblivion.

Sure, things didn’t go as I had planned when I stepped into the ring against good ol’ Peter, but then again, what ever goes EXACTLY as you planned it?

Fact of the matter is, I realized that NEW is no walk in the park.

The visions of tearing through this roster one by one that I originally had have already become as miniscule as sands in an hour glass.

However, that is not to say that I don’t plan on revamping myself and showing everyone just what kind of fight they have coming when they see Steven Shane’s name opposite theirs on the booking sheet.

And what better time to start than right now?

Shane gives a smile under his Aviators as he continues to stroll the streets.

Shane: As fate would have it, maybe that loss came at the best possible time in my short career here in NEW.

Because thanks to the gods above, I was lucky enough to have my name drawn out of a hat and given a shot at NEW gold in just my fourth appearance on NEW TV.

And now that I’ve been given the knowledge of the type of competition that lies before me here in NEW, I know that I more than have my hands full against someone like our own Television Champion, Mr. Entertainment.

I mean, come on, with a name like that, was this guy not born for the title that is currently around his waist?

Last week, Mr. E had quite the little spat with my good buddy Cameron Cruise and was able to walk out of there with yet another TV Title victory under his belt.

Guess I’m not the only one to beat Cammy Cruise anymore.

Shane finally makes his way to a large rock that is just off the path of the street. He reaches down and braces himself as he allows gravity to pull his rear end to the rock.

Shane: But, destiny aside, I plan on rewriting what ever delusional chapter that Mr. E might already had written for himself and the title that he was destined to hold.

Being a champion is more than entertainment, even if it is called the Television Title.

Titles are for those with the utmost talent and who have the will to take what they believe to be theirs.

And while the grandest prize of all is still far from Steven Shane’s grasps here in the NEW, gold is still the measuring stick to see who will attain that next level of championship rings.

And if taking the Television Title from the man whose moniker deserves it more than anyone is the way to make my way to the next level, then take his title I shall.

Steven Shane is no Cameron Cruise, Mr. E. Steven Shane is an entity far and beyond anything that Cameron Cruise could possibly throw at you.

And with this first chance to main event for New Era Wrestling, I’m going to showcase just that.

I will not only give you the match of your life, but I will also rip through you at all costs to lift that very title off of your waist.

Make no mistake of it, Mr. E. I have come to realize the potential that just about everyone in this federation has.

I learned it by fighting someone who is your lesser and walking away with a loss.

However, with defeat comes the greatest lesson. And I am one that is more than capable of learning from his mistakes.

And come RAUCOUS, you will find out that I am the master of taking lemons and making lemonade.

Or as you might better understand after RAUCOUS, taking opportunities and turning them into title runs.

And that my friend is something that you could call extremely… SENSATIONAL!

Shane gives a smile and props himself up and off the rock as he continues his stroll while the camera fades out.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN. Mr Entertainment is standing in front of a New ERA logo, dressed as always in white T-shirt and black leather jacket, though he looks a little pale. To his left is a TV screen, which, strangely, has an Empire Pro Wrestling logo on it. Beneath that is a VCR]

ME: Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve graced the tube. Truth be told, I got a little confused by some mysticism I saw whilst channel-hopping late night, tryin’ ta see what was goin’ on in other companies. An’ this little bit caught my interest.

[He leans over, pressing the “play” button on the VCR. Appearing on screen, Empire Pro Wrestling’s Intercontinental Champion, during his most recent promotional segment]

Karl: You know, I’m actually bored of facing you, Shane. Three matches in, and I’m already bored, because I’ve been able to predict every single thing you’ve said. You’ve done nothing to excite my interest in facing you again – because I already know what you’re going to say before you say it. Far from being Sensational, you’ve been very, very base and generic.

“Look at me, I’m the best.”
“I’m going to save this company all on my own.”
“I need to restore credibility to a title that’s been held for over a year”
“I’m great and haven’t tried in matches against that loser until now.”
“He beats no talent wannabes, but I’m different.”

Don’t ever wrestle for New ERA’s TV title if you can help it, Steven, because one of the people I’ve beaten in the past fourteen months would have a field day with the list I’ve just given.

[The tape stops, and Mr Entertainment stands with a confused look on his face]

ME: Man, I gotta talk to the Snoragon again, maybe he can give me some lottery numbers. Right there, he’s said everything we need ta know about my ‘opponent’ this week, AN’ he predicted that Shane would soon be squaring off for the ON TV title that I hold dear.

He thinks he’s gonna take the title from me? That’s like sayin’ Cameron Cruise is gonna NOT make a complete fool of himself. Complete and utter DE-LU-SION!

This is the whippin’ boy of Empire Pro. This is the guy who got his ass handed ta him by Peter F’n File, a guy who’s only out weirded by MWG!

But he says he’s a level far an’ away above Cameo – sorry, did I miss that meetin’? Did Marcus forget ta send me that memo? Because from everythin’ I’ve watched, beatin’ Cameo again would be more of a challenge!

Now, I’ll admit, Snoragon got it wrong on a couple points – you’ve been ‘sincere’ abou’ New ERA, an’ ya haven’t YET said that yer gonna save this company. Probably because this company is already on the up and up with each show; bigger ratings, bigger merchandise sales, bigger turnout for live events, an’ all thanks to ME.

Mister Entertainment.

The guy who deliberately STAYS at this level, despite holding wins over former World Champions!

Ya see, Sensatiblunder – callin’ yerself “Sensational” ain’t quite enough. Ya have ta go out there an’ do somethin’ called WINNING. CONVINCINGLY. Sure, a few wins here an’ there in the minor leagues may get ya noticed, but honestly – ya moaned an’ whined abou’ not bein’ able ta read! How can ANYONE take ya seriously after that, Sensatiloser?

But enough abou’ what you’ve done in the minors. This is the New ERA of Wrestling, where the best gather, and the weak are cannon-fodder. The jobbers of the modern game, turnin’ up, hittin’ a few moves, then collectin’ their pay when the final bell rings. Only here in New ERA, we’ve now got four people who are the jobbers, who can’t even last ten minutes against someone with STYLE and PIZAZZ!

Trevor Cane.

John “What’s My Name Again?” Doe.

Cameron “I Share My Name With A Porn Star! NOTICE ME!!” Cruise.

An’ Sensational “Where’s My Career? Oh Look, There It Is, Down the Toilet” Steven Shane.

‘Cause, Shane-o – bein’ a Messiah of New ERA isn’t gonna happen if ya can’t hang it with the big boys. Guys like Peter “I’m Almost as Weird as MWG” File, who had ya from the word GO! Guys like MWG, who would LITERALLY have ya at the word GO!, if not ten minutes before hand!

But I’ll make ya look good. Oh yeah, because that’s what I do. I make people look GOOD in the ring. Look how stellar I made Cameo look time after time after time. Or MWG, or GOP – or ta give names yer more familiar with, the Snoragon, Joey Meltus, an’ Proppet.

But at the end of the day, you, like Cameo, will be lookin’ up at the lights, seein’ how pretty they are before ya collect ya pay an’ go back to whatever backwater ya wanna call home this week. Because New ERA is about more than competition, it’s about ENTERTAINMENT.

An’ last I checked, that’s my job, not yours.

[FADE OUT, as we notice Mr Entertainment take a bottle of water from his back pocket, together with a pill]

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