Wrong Turn at Albuquerque
* Jonathan Marx RP for C14.
::Marx and Jacobs are sitting at a coffee shop in Princeton, a mountain of snow is slowly melting on the sidewalk outside::
JONATHAN MARX: So Brandon, quickly summarize everything cool that has happened since we last had a wrestling match...
BRANDON JACOBS: The Lego Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, we have a new Doctor, Breaking Bad, The Avengers, Wreck It Ralph, The Walking Dead, The 3DS, Thor, Downton Abbey, The 3DS XL, Frozen, The Wii U, Despicable Me 2, Archer, The New Nintendo 3DS XL, Pope Francis, How To Train Your Dragon 2, your agent had a new niece born in September, House of Cards, Big Hero 6...
JONTHAN MARX: I hate to cut you off Brandon, but we only have so much time. What are all the bad things that happened since we last had a wrestling match?
BRANDON JACOBS: Jon Stewart is leaving the Daily Show, your agent lost both his mother and grandmother, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Furgenson, Arab Spring, Ebola outbreak, but worst of all, both you and CHOAS are now considered legends, which makes us sound very, very old...
JONTHAN MARX: We may be starting to get up there, but I like to think of us men of the world who may have been around the block a couple of times, but we are still in the prime of our life and we are going to show these whipper snappers how it is done.
BRANDON JACOBS: CHOAS is quite an accomplished wrestler himself and this is our first match back.
JONATHAN MARX: It has been a long, cold winter for both New Jersey and myself but around when New Era announced it was back, the sun came out and the snow started to melt. Spring is around the corner and so begins the cycle of rebirth. I know my battle against CHAOS won't be easy, but is the beginning of a whole new world. Lets go exploring Brandon!